Temporary Sharding

Of course. Grouping 1-10 is not necessary, nor particularly desirable. Some people are making the starting zones out to be some “OMG I MUST MAKE FRIENDS WITH EVERYONE RIGHT NAO!” social mecca… Laughable.

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Hyperbolic much?

1-10 and beyond.

Even some of those who claim that they only want sharding in the starting areas and will be here complaining if sharding is used anywhere else have slipped up and admitted that they want sharding used anytime they feel there are too many obstacles (other players) around them.


When i said solo i suppose i should have clarifed it a bit further to include all alone with no other players present

Gotcha. Yeah, I don’t want deserted zones. I just don’t want to have to try to fight hundreds of people for stuff in the tiny starting areas on launch night.

Beyond that, I don’t really think it will be necessary after things start to settle down and spread out (both with questing zones and RL schedules.)

I know you particularly dont but some posters have and were vigorously defending their position. Not sure where they went, havent seen them for a month or so

If it’s a temporary problem that will fix itself, why bother going to the extra effort of implementing an unwanted solution?

It will fix itself through players deciding whether they’re willing to deal with the temporary inconvenience.

Those who are will play and give Blizzard a much better idea of how many servers they will actually need.

Those who aren’t willing will wait until a few weeks after the launch rush then start playing. That reduces the server load just as effectively.

If lag, queues and competition for mobs are going to deter people from playing, those aren’t people who are going to stick with Classic regardless. Why cater to people who won’t continue playing?


If you’re talking about fairness then it’s not exactly fair to Blizzard to ask them to let the servers burn and make the people behind the scenes frantically work to sort out all of the numerous problems that a borked chaotic launch with no crowd control will bring, when Blizzard already has a solution.

Also if the game is unplayable then some people will get annoyed or frustrated and give up, it could cost them money. Like how they had to give every player a week of free game time at WoD launch because it was unplayable the entire launch weekend.

There is no paywall aside from a single month’s sub to access this launch, it could be the busiest one we’ve ever seen and I just think it’s incredibly selfish to expect Blizzard to sit back and watch their game become unplayable and have to eat all of the inevitable complaints and anger when they have the power to solve it.

You should be out of the starting zone in a day or two and then you can pretend sharding never existed, such a big sacrifice right.


Sometimes I don’t even know why Ion is involved in Classic, then I remember they are using the best devs on mobile games, no wonder they leave the less competent for Classic.

After all that has happened since ActiBlizzcon, people still blindly believe anything they throw at them.

Speak for yourself, once you hit peak server load hours, Mannoroth was lagging out and crashing for the next couple weeks. The Instances weren’t a very effective refuge either.


Sharding wont help the first few hours, BfA proved this to be right, and sharding specific zones is rather pointless especially for Horde when we get to Barrens and it’s not divided into shards for the first couple of weeks.

IMO and fear, if Blizzard does go with a sharding route, it will have to be all the way to at least lvl 40 zones if they want to do it right. I also fear they will just have 100% sharding for the first couple of weeks to drive up hype for the race to server firsts.

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