Temporary Sharding

Ahhh, now I see you confusion.

You seem to think sharding is intended to make that launch overpopulation competition easier. That’s possible with sharding but that’s very dependent on how sharding is tuned.

Sharding 20 people together per shard for launch is much more on par with BfA levels. Your fears would be real.

Sharding 100 (insert your magic number here) for the Classic launch and that horrid instant gratification is non existent.

Sharding’s purpose is server stability. Keep the populations closer to max capable and all your fears are moot.

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sharding doesnt even bother me. id rather have large realms with it, than dead realms without it. i will be on a pve server though as long as we get crbgs.

i guess im just tired of wpvp, but i understand sharding isnt ideal for that


Please provide a Blizzard quote stating that sharding is strictly for server stability to back up your claim.

The only Blizzard statement of which I am aware is the one in which Ion referred to increased competition in the starting areas. He NEVER mentioned server stability in that statement, though.


I dont care if they dont use sharding. Im playing either way.

The difference is Blizzard has said they may use sharding in the starter zones. Im going to play even if they do.

Your best bet is to vote with your wallet and refuse to play if they do it, But Ill be there regardless enjoying myself. What you do is on you.

Maybe they’ll be sharding, maybe there wont, either way, this is a minor issue to me and Ill be playing rather than pouting. Im simply explaining your options to you; because you cant really decide for Blizzard unfortunately.

Very spot on.

I remember when bc came out there were hundreds of blood elves and no lag.
A never ending flow of them in the same starting zone.
No lag in hellfire day 1 on medium/high pvp server as well.

Well sharding is not ideal for pvp servers or roleplay, I can understand pve server people not wanting an authentic experience because they are there for only 1 part of the game.

I’d rather not have to wait 3 weeks for sharding to disappear because I want to be on a fresh server, and I don’t see why they would punish people who want an authentic server experience by catering to those who can wait 3 weeks to get the experience they want.

Blizzard doesn’t have to do SOMETHING to alleviate the masses. Less mobs + more people = more demand to level.

Yes they do. They have even stated such during Blizzcon/Q&A. Classic is going to be a launch the size of which has yet to be seen. Between people coming back for Classic and those currently playing BfA that are going to check out Classic, launch numbers are going to be substantial.

Will the numbers stay that high? I doubt it. And the population will soon be spread out between those leveling at different rates, RL schedules taking hold and people logging in at different times, etc…

Blizzard has stated that they don’t want a launch that makes people get frustrated enough to stop playing, they want people playing Classic.

They don’t need a launch experience that is like the launches of “fresh” private servers.

Something needs to be done for the initial launch rush. IMO, that something should be sharding.

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Blizzard have said they need a server solution, so how old can it be. I didnt bring it up, they did. If no server issue exists then Blizzard wouldnt have mentioned it as a possible launch option.

So, please stop. You are embarassing yourself.

Unfortunately there are enough players like yourself supporting bad decision after bad decision and they are oblivious to how bad they make the game.


They must not have been paying attention to northdale then. And before you launch into “well that was only one server”, that is irrelevant as total player numbers are not what matters but rather how many are on one server at the same time.

Then they should accept the proposal to have “pre-grand-opening” servers for a nominal fee so that should people choose to be on a non-sharding solid population server they can have that choice. Catering only to the instant gratification crowd alone is not a good idea, and it is the type of mindset that killed the game over time.

And yet that solution need not be sharding.
Please stop your embarrassing yourself.

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Sharding is the most efficient and easy way to deal with a temporary problem. You really have no idea do you.


Says who? What s your source? Oh right. You don’t provide sources. Just like you don’t answer questions.

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Of all the suggestions I have seen regarding possible solutions for dealing with what those with that instant (figure of speech, not literally “instant” gratification, convenience oriented mindset consider a “problem” (namely all those other players in an MMO that they see only as obstacles in their way or random a-holes), sharding is the most antithetical to vanilla.


When someone views other players in an mmorpg as a problem, what possible resolution can come from such an attitude?


When someone is blind enough to think HUNDREDS of people in the same TINY area all trying to do the same things ISN’T a problem, what possible resolution can come from such an attitude?

The key difference is one person is wanting to discuss viable alternatives and the other refuses to consider any other option because ultimately in their opinion players are obstacles and they would rather level 1-10 solo if the opportunity presents itself.


If it’s guaranteed, it’ll only be for the starting zones an for a week or so, then I’d have no problem with sharding.

Do I think it’ll only be temporary? Hahahahaha. When people are high enough level, we should all bad together and do a “load test” for them. All gather in one spot and everyone aoe each other down.

It wont go away.
People seem to think people will spread out and they forget leveling is pretty linear until 30+.
Blizzard has yet to define a starting area (is it valley of trials or all of durotar) or whats their plans are when all the trolls, orcs, tauren and some undead move into the barrens. Sure the area is big but the quests are limited as are the resources.


Sharding will kill community and the experience of sharing ONE WORLD in the World in Warcraft.

I don’t want any sharding. I just want my old game and community back - warts and all.