Temporary Sharding

Keep pretending classic was ever going to be a time machine :slight_smile:

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what did he do to battle it being created?

posted in support of the wall of no post.

Ion literally made a comparison that someone playing in 2005 could fall asleep, wake up now, and shouldn’t be able to tell the difference. A time machine is precisely what Blizzard wants Classic to be.


You keep doing you and trying to sabotage classic since you lost your battle to prevent it from being made in the first place, though.


he posted the wall once in response to someone asking for Blizzards current stance

Lol, what battle? What did he do that was ‘battling’ against it being made?

And the inaccurate troll once again rears his head.



This is what you call being overly dramatic. There’s some people here that think they fought a battle by playing on private servers and signing a petition. They also think the one post they have of Ziryus copy pasting some “Wall of No” was him fighting some long, arduous battle or war against Classic.

Imagine what would happen to some of these people if they spent an hour in a gym, rofl. “I’m dying, omg I’m dying that was the hardest battle I’ve ever fought! Even harder than that time I signed an online petition!”


You mean you trying to claim he ‘battled’ against Classic being made with zero proof?

Sorry but I have to educate you again, disagreeing with someone does not make you a troll, having a different opinion does not make you a troll.

Also learn to let it go,lol.


There is no argument. I will accept sharding when someone explains how playing a MMO makes sense when you can’t see 75% of the people your playing with… It’s no longer an MMO experience. Pure trash.


Multiple servers.

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Multiple servers means what???

He’s trying to employ an absurd strawman that separate servers is the same as sharding.

Obviously you can’t have every single player playing the game all together on one server, at the same time. There has to be some kind of limitation. And that limitation is the server. It works. History has proven that that size works just fine.

Sharding is just taking a healthy server and cutting it up into a bunch of smaller versions to appease people who don’t want the massively multiplayer experience. You’re correct in that as a concept it is completely anti-mmo.


Z doesn’t want this game to begin with so his nonsense arguments mean nothing anyways.


Sharding is ANTI-MMO.


Thank you so very much for your clear explanation. I understand what’s going on now. I also understand now why Blizzard’s leadership devs, like Ion, have to dodge questions about things like sharding and the impact on the community. They understand the implications.
I don’t think those guys had any control over the decision to use that technology. They just have to deal with it and make it work.

I suspect the big budget cuts of Activision, frankly.

Edit: I’ll add that since most of WoW’s realms are now dead PvP servers and the bulk of the population is concentrated on a handful of high and medium pop servers, what Blizzard could have done is offered free transfers to the realm of your choice, closed all servers with a certain cutoff pop below X, and made that handful of populated servers into megaservers that run solid and stable. I understand there would have been a short term outcry from players who had to transfer, but it would have passed and it would have been much better for the long-term health of the game, IMO.

It’s still a MMO experience, it’s just not a very good one.

If you want to be technical about things, you already see less than 5% of those currently online playing because they’re split up on different realms. The player base being divided up is not the problem.

The problem is that community can’t form when you very rarely get to see the same players on a repeat basis. It takes away from the roleplaying aspects of the game, of feeling like your character is part of a world that has an ongoing community you interact with regularly and repeatedly.

Imagine waking up in the morning and walking out the door to go to work, seeing those who live in your neighborhood. You come home from work at the end of the day and the people who are living in your neighborhood are not the same people, they’ve all changed. You go to sleep, wake up the next morning and head to work seeing yet another new set of neighbors with no recognizable faces. This continues on and on. Maybe you occasionally get lucky and see a face you saw 3-4 months ago but it doesn’t matter since you know they won’t be there when you return.

Are you really going to care about those people when you realize you’re never going to see them again? Probably not. You’ll just ignore them because it’s not worth your time trying to get to know them since they won’t be back.

That’s what sharding does to a MMO. You stop caring about other players because you’ll never see them again.

It’s not a problem I’ve run into in FFXIV because there is no sharding. If I send out a relay to the hunt community for a S rank spawn, one of the daily A rank trains or one of the other group events we coordinate, everyone who gets the relay and wants to be part will be there because there is no sharding to send them to the wrong place. Sure, it gets laggy sometimes when we end up with 150+ people in the same place. We cope. No one gets left out.

People know each other at least by name because it’s the same people showing up week after week. We joke and tease each other. We share Sum terrible puns (not that’s not a typo, it’s a terrible pun). We do other content together. We help each other out getting things we want/need for our characters.

It’s a friendly, welcoming environment that can’t develop when sharding constantly dumps players into a group of random strangers never to be seen again.

We’ve had too much experience with Blizzard in recent years to trust them when they say sharding will only be in the starting areas for a couple of weeks or “if needed”. That’s their way of saying “it’s here to stay - deal”. We aren’t going to completely trust them at this point even if they say “we changed our minds, no sharding at all” but we might at least be willing to give them the benefit of the doubt in case they keep their word for a change.

People aren’t asking for Classic because they care about Blizzard or trust the company. People are asking for Classic because they care about a game experience WoW no longer offers but they don’t want to have to go to the private servers to get it.

We’ll have to see what develops as we get closer to Classic launch. Hopefully they’ll have a Q&A where we can ask specific questions about our concerns and they will give us clear specific answers that are accurate in spirit to addressing those concerns instead of misleading players with answers that are half truths because the devs leave out the information they know players aren’t going to like.



Cloud technology can definitely run it if they want it to.

Hell, Netflix was running the majority of their business in Amazon servers for a good time.

Only difference is… my opinion is based in fact.

The problem is that community can’t form when you very rarely get to see the same players on a repeat basis.

Are you really going to care about those people when you realize you’re never going to see them again?

This reads more against cross-realm zones than sharding, to be frank. Let’s not mix the two up when raising the torches and pitchforks.