Temporarilly remove the instance limit in TBC

If you play 10 hours in 1 sitting, you’re a fringe case and the only changes you can expect regarding your playstyle is for Blizzard to make changes that encourage you to log out for your own health. Its been that way ever since idiots literally killed themselves via gaming marathon, and its not going to change back. Your cause is a lost one.

Just be glad Blizz didn’t go as far as some of the Asian companies back in the day and put actual hard limits on how much you could play. I used to hit those on Aion and get booted.

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That makes me a ‘‘Snowflake’’ because I was negatively affected by a half butt change that didn’t really even do what it was intended to do? Weird. Guess I should just pull myself up by my boot straps and level another 60? right? lmao.

I’m no casual. I play 40+ hours/week for stretches and have logged my share of 12+ hour days.

Level how you want. I’m just suggesting that some people might have a little more fun if they did some quests and experienced the RPG part of this MMORPG instead of just mindlessly killing the same mobs over and over again until max level. And if the game has some “guard rails” in place to encourage people to do just that, it’s not worst idea in the world.

In fact, I think steering the rats down a more enjoyable path is a hallmark of good game design. Players can often be their own worst enemies and ruin their own game experience due to compulsivity.

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People want to farm dungeons for rep. We’re all going to have to do it. Some of us would rather do it efficiently.

What stops you from playing an alt character after the first 6 hours? Or is your intent to play only one character in TBC (or have your alts boosted?)

Seriously, who only has 1 L60 at this point, and is also affected by the 30/day/character limit?

Less of a fringe case than you think. I played for 48 hours at a time on classic launch for the first week sleeping for about 12 in between sessions. And even if it’s fringe why must I be forced to be casual.

The 30 instances per day limit is realm-wide, across all characters. So you can do max 30 total a day on all characters.

Lol if you’re a try hard you’re racing to 70 trying to get attuned. Get that prebis and start running kara as fast as we can. There’s no time to stop and level alts lol.

Huh, well TMYK. I even tried to double check on Google.

Still doesn’t help when TBC just launches, but there you have it. Maybe it’ll help later. Almost certainly a backlash from people who got locked from raiding on their main.

For one, Blizzard won’t stop you from no-lifing. Only discourage it, at this time. So you won’t be forced to be casual.

Secondly, because most companies feel like their product should not kill addicts, since the Bad PR from killing people is worse than minor annoyance of a small group of customers, a few standard deviations outside the mean, when they can’t kill themselves.

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The sentiment that anything 30 or less instances a day on the same character = casual is pretty brain cell melting.

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I’m in good health. Also, it’s not up to blizz to determine my health. I pay them to play the game and that’s it. I don’t see bad pr if someone dies playing a game. Just a moron who didn’t know their limits. And I’m not addicted to wow.

People like that won’t bother with pre-bis aside from the pieces they pick up on the way to 70 as they’re already naxx geared. They’re going to go in, stomp kara and HKM then maybe farm abit before attempting magtheridon and Gruul.

Lol people will be playing different classes. I won’t be a rogue in tbc.

It’s also not up to a comically microfraction of the playerbase to dictate to blizzard what the game should be. You pay for access, nothing more, and they are not beholden to your wants and desires.


The heart of the issue, right there.

Hurry up and wait (oh, and boost, farm mats, farm gold, gogogo push faster faster parse…raid fast gogogogogo…repeat…“launch wotlk now!!”)


Good thing you have 4 months to prep your main switch then.

They should learn from Classic and not allow Burning Crusade servers to be so damn populated.

Put a damn cap.

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