Templar still way weaker than Dawnlight, even after the "bug"?

I am consistently doing like 50% more dps in pvp as Herald. The difference is massive. I have like 1000x your pvp experience (in terms of hours played). Maybe when played at a low skill level they feel similar, but the fact that everyone on the ladder will be going Herald speaks for itself.

I don’t care about your sims, they are not relevant to pvp

Templar’s pve damage translates very poorly in pvp scenarios

are you reading sims with versatility damage reduction factored into it? variance on HoL non crit on full verse geared players is like 650-800k depending on crusade stacks. meanwhile my last game had dawnlight spike up to 258k normal tick

maybe they weren’t fully versed, next one topped at 164k, but yeah everything just melts with herald

50% is an exaggeration… I’ve been running it for the last hour and it doesn’t have the same killing power as templar. I’m doing slightly more overall damage, but I’m getting way less killing blows.

Herald obviously has the advantage in long term fights to pressure heals and pump out more damage over time, but it doesn’t have burst and its extremely noticeable.

if you run empyrean legacy + inquisitors ire + morning star + crusade + burn to ashes + Templar strikes + final reck, it definitely is bursty you just roll in and do normal PVP rotation and melt everything to death

herald could melt steel beams tbh especially compared to templar, HoL needs SOMETHING

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Now templar is so boring again, with the bug it was fun and was not op, it feeld good, now is just a no pick for me. rets Hero talents are just meh again.

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Basically this. Sorry to gatekeep but you don’t play this game very much. Doing a 1 million damage 5 holy power ability once every 30 seconds is not big burst. That’s less than 20% of a healthbar. Herald pumps out tons of damage constantly. Yes the damage gap really is as big as 50% when you play at an optimal level.

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I’m doing way more than 1 mil hits with hammer. I dunno why yall are hitting so low.

you’re probably hitting people without full verse gear on in a BG

the majority likes broken things that make it okay to ignore the entire spec. people love easy strong things without realizing the actual impact of those things. if it up to the majority then every spec will be one button rotationally and every would do everything utility wise and be immortal, bosses would also die within a few globals

so ya, im not gonna blindly go with the majority on this one. especially when the majority clealry dont know how ret works

again, if you play well which im guessing you dont. this bug literally makes wake of ashes impossible to use cause its always hol,. it makes 3/4ths of the hero tree abosolutely pointless, it makes our main aoe and st spenders pointless. yall just want to be hand held and do maximum damage with minimal effort

idc about pvp or its effects, if templar needs pvp buffs then by all means it should be buffed. it should be stuck with a bug that bricks the spec cause you cant play arena without being stupid broken

if it felt good to you then play another spec honestly. if you like things that makes you ignore the entire kit then why are you here

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I think a middle ground might be nice tbh like 2 HoLs useable within 6 sec, and only 1 free one with the 60 stacks of light’s deliverance.

I don’t even think templar is bad with the reversion but it just feels like herald gaps it in PVP. templar still feels decent in pvp though.

sure thats fine, but it would require the rework or nerf of multiple hero talents in templar and it ends up being waay to much effort than its worth.

besides it wouldnt satisfy these people. they literally only want to spam hol and ignore our other spenders, ignore wake of ashes, and ignore 3/4th of the oer tree

Funny you say this because I completely agree. I made another thread trying to argue that Wither shouldn’t be instant cast because it makes Destro no longer feel like Destro, but nobody would agree with me and everyone just loves their shiny OP new toy without realizing the long-term game implications (plenty of examples of this in the past and it always ends up getting removed, e.g blood fear, burst of speed etc.)

However, HoL definitely does not fit this description. The bugged version was not overpowered. It was still weaker than Herald in pvp. It does 15% of a healthbar but costs 5 holy power, there was nothing broken about it whatsoever. It’s not like when it was bugged all the rets were running around abusing it… THEY WERE STILL PLAYING HERALD LOL!!! There is nothing rotation breaking about spamming a 5 holy power HoL, because if you’re not doing that then you’re just going to spam 3 holy power FV anyway which leaves you even less globals for other abilities.

This is so wrong and clearly you don’t even play templar. You CANNOT use HoL unless Wake of Ashes is ON COOLDOWN.

I think you’re a pve only player who likes herald and was annoyed that the bugged version of HoL was stronger in pve than herald? I’m 90% sure at this point that this is your only motivation.


not gonna read all that

sorry that happened to you or happy it did

Ok cya thanks for your input

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Yeah honestly I was using Templar through the whole 3 days and it felt spammy and was ignoring the core of our rotation, so I get that it had to be reverted but man the damage is so pitiful in pvp mayb it does perform better when you have healers present and adequate dps to pair with it but it’s survivability is lacking and it still has no synergy between the shield it provides and our talented shield so very lackluster in pvp right now.

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we should asks for buffs, not shill a bug tho. thats the general point. if people want the damage that hol spam bring then thats valid. ret is in a poor place for all content rn, so heres hoping they buff the spec

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This /10char

I haven’t PvP in years (though I should get back into it) but looking at it from this perspective, I had no idea. Very insightful.

Don’t pay attention to the trolls with no constructive insight.