Hammer of Light bug?

So many bogus claims going around on these forums from people who didn’t even play the bugged version, were not mechanically good enough to make it work, or have some ulterior pve related agenda to stop templar becoming stronger.

“It felt sluggish” - Then you weren’t playing it correctly. Wake > HoL > divine toll > HoL > judgment > blade > HoL > (and if you get a DP proc in there, add 1 more HoL). 7 or 8 globals = 3 or 4 HoL’s. It was very straightforward to do the same rotation every time.

“It felt spammy and was ignoring our other rotation” - Was it sluggish or was its spammy??? Which one was it??? 5 holy power spender is WAY less spam than 3 holy power FV spam which means it actually opened up your rotation more to other abilities than FV did. I wish people would stop spreading this lie.

“The damage of bugged HoL was way too high, Hero Specs are only supposed to be 15-20% of your damage” - I can’t speak on pve because I don’t pve, but in pvp the bugged HoL was still LESS DAMAGE than Herald in terms of damage per globals/holy power spent on your Hero Ability. The output of 2-3 dawlights per wake of ashes (wish costs no extra HP or globals) still outpaced the output of 3-4 HoL’s per wake of ashes (wish costs more holy power and more globals). Keep in mind this is in PvP scenarios only. I would know because I guarantee I did more skirmies in the last 2 weeks then anyone on these forums. I did hundreds as both Herald and Templar, I’m playing at 2.4k skill level, and I always got out-dpsed by mediocre rets if I was playing bugged HoL and they were playing herald. Herald is just WAY easier and WAY better. Most PvP rets still chose to play Herald over bugged Templar because it was still better.

“The animations/ sound felt bad” - Speak for your self, most of us think this skill felt amazing, getting off 5 HoL’s per minute felt strong and rewarding, like our holy power spender actually did something for once. Rather than spam 30 Wet Noodle Verdicts per minute, throwing 5 HoL’s per minute into the mix changed up our rotation and actually gave us an engaging/ dynamic mechanic to work around that felt FUN and rewarding as hell.

Anyway clearly we’re not going to win this battle and I’ll have to play Herald the entire xpac. I didn’t like Templar before the bug and I don’t like it now - it feels boring and weak. The bugged version was fun while it lasted.