Templar still way weaker than Dawnlight, even after the "bug"?

We can spam Hammer of Light so much now and it’s really fun, but I still do like 50% more DPS as Herald in pretty much any situation? Cmon bruh, how can the gap between them STILL be this big even after the change, it’s shocking how bad the balancing is and I really wanna play Templar…

…buddy, pal, friend. i hate to tell you this but herald and templar are about 1% apart. if your seeing that much of a difference then your doing something extremely wrong rotationally


I don’t pve, but I’m not sure if posting hero tree balance discussion in arena forum is appropriate

It’s definitely not even close in pvp, no rets are playing templar lol

there’s more content in this game than m+, believe it or not “buddy”

You might want to specify this thread relates to PVP in your thread title, then.

As it stands, most sources seem to indicate that Templar is outperforming Herald in all PVE content, albeit not by much.


Nice, I’m happy for you guys

Wish I could play Templar too

Since the bug fixes it’s been my understanding herald now exceeds templar in AoE while templar has a very slight edge in single target. Uncertain about who wins in light cleave.

Hard to even test it with the templar bugs right now.

Wow so since I made this thread, Hammer of Light has been reverted to it’s original form where you can only use it once. That’s crazy. Even with this “bug” it still wasn’t even close to Herald, yet they still want to remove this “bug”??? Legit crazy

This bug basically makes you ignore core ret abilities and wake and makes 3/4th of the hero tree pointless. Y’all need to ask to ret buffs instead is shill for these types of bugs

If the two hero trees are already pretty close in pve, then templar would need a ridiculous amount of pvp exclusive buffs to be even close to a viable pvp choice.

But personally, I would prefer it if they reworked hammerfall/ higher calling and made the skill usable for 12 seconds. It was honestly just way more fun that way, especially when you got lucky with Divine Purpose. You’re like 1 of 2 people I’ve seen who don’t seem to think it was more fun, but majority want it to stay.

The whole point of the hero talents is to make your spec different and exciting to press. Now we get 1 extra global for a slightly buffed Final Verdict after wake. ITS SO BORING. MAKE IT MULTIPLE USE.


The two specs are nearly identical in dps sims…

I am, and it does perfectly fine. Herald doesn’t have the burst that Templar has.

Sorry but you’re just wrong, literally nobody is playing templar it’s bad (in pvp)

It sounds to me like you’re just not very good at pvp lol

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Templar needs the Empyreal Hammer drops to prefer players over pets in PvP, factoring in for breakable CC ofc.

Templar is balanced around the big hit and then extending shake the heavens for as long as possible. It really sucks that the “skill” portion of it just doesn’t compete in PvP when facing zoo specs.

I looked you up and you don’t even queue rated pvp… right…

Seems like a forum troll trying to keep ret bad for whatever reason

That’s an easy answer. I’ve never played this game longer than a week. This is the longest I’ve stuck around for an expansion because for once its actually fun.

I don’t need to play rated to pick up on things. I tried herald and immediately went back to Templar. Templar is fine. The amount of whining you are doing tells me a lot.

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herald is 100% going to be the meta in rated PVP because it’s much easier to deal consistent pressure, everything melts. but templar is more fun

LOL then why are you on the forums trying to tell everyone how the game should be balanced :joy:

I’m sorry but you’ve never even properly done pvp, you just do 1 week of BG’s every 2 years and you think you’re an expert on pvp balance?


Because I have a functioning brain and I can read tooltips and read sims? Herald will probably be meta, but Templar isn’t this trash heap you’re making it out to be just because you can’t spam HoL in pvp. I’ll happily be running Templar in RBG’s and do just fine.