Templar: Let's Get It Right (Player Perspective)

That’s up to Blizzard to make the choices truly feel like one rather than giving the illusion of one. When you have to pick something in order for it to perform it’s no longer a choice, is it? I’d be happy to see some meaningful choices, but I don’t think it’s required when you’ve made the choice to be Templar because it’s mechanically and thematically already working.

Really??? Fine, try this…

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haaa yes, politics, full of lies. I prefer being honest and direct in my communications. I don’t talk with the other top paladins because they most often just agree and don’t provide any other perspective.

zealous vindictaion vs for whom the bell toll, this creates a choice where the paladin must choose if they need AoE vs single target damage more. This allows the user to actively choose what they need more given the content they are doing. The choice also keeps pvp players on their toes on what kind of templar they are facing.

endless wrath vs sancitification is a choice between active damage and passive; some players does not like playing with proc chances, this gives a choice of allowing the player to have a more fast paced or a slow paced build. if one is weaker then the other, then as in your words, blizzard needs to buff one or the other to be adequate.

Simply reducing choice nodes won’t solve everything “wrong” with the hero tree. You need to look into the why’s the choice is there in the first place. Now you can change the type of choice that is being made, but completely removing it isn’t it. It also effects pvp and allow enemy players to better predict you and counter you.

I mean you did ask him to give you a political version. All politicians lies due to our voting system and how easy to currupt it.

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Sooooo… According to your philosophy, since you’re supposedly a top player, we shouldn’t talk with you as well because you “don’t provide any other perspective”, right?


Why do I hear crickets in the background??? :thinking:

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I’m elite! Don’t talk like you know the game you noobs! You don’t know the deep details of what your playing! Even though it’s extremely easy for everyone to understand, only I, the top of the top player, has right to critique the game!


This node appears to be a choice on how you want to deal damage via ST. Both underwhelming. One with a nerf criteria heavily met + internal CD. There isn’t a lot of head-scratching or impactful thinking here.

This one’s only a tough choice node because they feel imperative on the foundational function of how Templar wants to play + throughput. When you take one vs the other, you’re sacrificing one or the other via mechanical fluidity vs throughput. That’s bad and feels bad.

Is it though? It’s a choice of doing more hammer damage with HoL (doesn’t effect anything really and deals more cleave damage since HoL drops hammers up to 3 targets) or making toll deal more damage on a single target, if there is more, dealing less.

It’s pretty straight forward, single target vs Cleave (AoE)

HoW only gives an addiotnal 1 second. Your putting a 10% chance on it being an “You must choose this or die” on this too hard, espaicially since CS/BoJ also effects the buff timer (I could argue if your a TS haste build player, having an additional proc makes the rotation harder to keep smooth).

Mmm. This is just ST vs ST. HoL calls down an extra two E-Hammers on your target, not adding to the nearby enemies it passively does.

It’s because of the synergy with Final Verdict, my man. Endless Wrath + Hammerfall + Final Verdict has great synergy and I only looked to improve this in my original post. I keep saying this – we must build and flesh out the mechanical and thematical aspects of Templar.

Here is the thing, and I will need data on this, what if the player don’t choose vangaurd to go with that synergy? and final +endless proc at the same time? would it not just over-write each other?

I think theme went out the window when they put hammer theme on top of hammer theme if I’m being honest. Mechanics wise, I think if they took out HoW and replaced it with judgement, then the choice your trying to argue about fixes itself. and just a reminder, it’s just a 1 second addition to the timer, on a small chance to proc.

Can you rephrase this for me? (not trying to be @sshole to be clear)

You dont seem to understand. Probably because you study human science instead of actual science, so let me clear the confusion off your mind. Let’s take an exemple, imagine 2 people with the same knowledge, and one of them talks to the other about any subject and asks for their advice. The other person with exactly the same knowledge will respond with : ‘’ there isn’t anything i can tell you that you dont already know ‘’. In this exemple, you can see if you replace the 2 people with 2 top 0.1% of the same spec players that their discussion will just be : ‘’ yes, i agree, i wished blizzard changed that. ‘’ and its useless to ask for them about it. I hope this helps you understand.

Unless your also a top player of your spec, which means you’re able to beat everyone on parses, in a mirror match or in a duel, you still need the advices of those above you. You’ll know once you reach the skillcap.

It’s a bit of a thought, what I mean is having both procs close proximity of each other before you had a chance to use HoW (like if FV procs the free HoW, but also the empyrean hammer it drops also procs the free HoW) Would it, in theory work together or rewrite one or another if the player don’t choose vanguards momentum in the ret tree. That is where I need data to understand.

Dude, it’s so cringe to flex you’re a top player in non-skill based game.

It’s like saying you’re part of the best surfers who doesn’t use surf boards.

What a clown


hmmm… interesting, all these great players telling him that saying being the best at WoW is not special…

Wait that’s not interesting.


I think they’re harping on his or her superiority complex and lack of humility. Probably.

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absolultely insane yall bumped this thread 36 times by replying to mortalx of all people

Some of it is actual discussion though.

I’m looking into it.

not really tbh, it just seems like alot of flinging.

also op wishlist doesnt really make any sense for the spec in general.