Templar: Let's Get It Right (Player Perspective)

I believe these to be the correct and thematic changes to the Templar hero class to make it more dynamic and “single-target” oriented. Let’s get to it.

  • Zealous Vindication is now baked into Hammer of Light pasively. Nerfed to 1 Empyrean Hammer.
  • Shake the Heavens is baked into Hammer of Light as it’s a fundamental part of Templar. The cleave from Hammer of Light is adjusted/nerfed appropriately.
  • Sanctification is placed where Shake the Heavens was. Sanctification is redesigned to include Hammer of Wrath, reduced to 5% for 5 seconds.
  • Wrathful Descent has been given an added effect via chance on Empyrean Hammer crit to add 1 second to Shake the Heavens.
  • Sacrosanct Crusade swaps the keywords “Wake of Ashes” and “Hammer of Light”. Barrier increased to 12%. When the barrier breaks a Consecration is dropped at your feet.
  • [EDIT] Hammerfall has been updated and redesigned. Hammer of Wrath has been added. An Empyrean Hammer is called down on your main target, not nearby.
  • Light’s Deliverance has been updated and redesigned. Light’s Deliverance has been renamed to Light’s Executioner. It keeps its current effects with an additional 3% Holystrike Damage. It passively lowers Divine Arbiter’s desired stacks to 20 and applies them by 2.
  • [NEW] Tyr’s Judgment has been added as a choice node with Whom The Bells Toll. After casting judgment, send out a Hammer of Order in a line that deals Holystrike damage for 20% of Attack Power, and returns to you hitting all in its path for Holystrike damage for 15% of Attack Power, healing you and allies hit for the same (15%). Tyr’s Judgment does not proc off of Divine Toll.
  • [NEW] Seal of Kings has been added as a choice node with Endless Wrath. Calling down an Empyrean Hammer has an X% chance to increase your primary stat by 5% for 6 seconds.

alot of these are just “baked into” and have no replacements while the others make no sense. whats the goal here?

Not everything needs choice nodes; quite a few hero specs barely have any. Templar doesn’t need clutter in random choice nodes, it needs effectiveness and cohesion. Only two mild effects were baked in. What’s not making sense?

The goal was stated in the first sentence.

I don’t get it, they just made some pretty sweeping changes.

How can you assess those are still problems whilst virtually no one as even tried out this new tuning version?

It comes out on reset, let’s hope Rets across the world makes full heroic runs with it so we can have data to look at.

Also, wtf??

No, lol, why?

We LITTERALY just got out of a paradigme where we had to choose between AoE/ST and where the one we didn’t choose was absolutely miserable .

There were numerous thread pointing that out as being a problem and you come in here saying “yeah, no I want more of that”. :crazy_face:

Both hero spec needs to be viable in both damage scenario.
One can be stronger in a profile but removing the AoE spender from Templar is an atrocious idea.

Hero spec are about flavor, they don’t need to be overspecialized.
Their current form for Ret are legit one of the healthiest they can be.

Templar true problem is mechanical, it has to do with Shake the Heaven and us having to leave melee range which cut the extension significantly.

It’s not really addressed in the changes they are making, beside giving an additional 2sec on the baseline window but we still need to see where it leaves it.


Waitwhat??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The only thing that templar needs after these upcoming buffs is a range increase and not your PVE ideas. I’m sorry to say this harshly but you are not a top 0.1% ret/prot player so you’re perspective of min maxed templar or any suggestion you make will just be outright bad because you cant understand it. As a rank 1 player, All that hammer of light needs in the future is to go from a 14 yard range to a 20 yard or 30 yard ability to match with other abilities in its toolkit.

You want more consecrations to break incapacitates (trap for cupid is huge) in pvp. You want to replace divine storm with hammer of wrath as if its not the worst possible spell to use as templar. You dont even understand that templar doesn’t use hammer of wrath because it doesn’t have the blessing of an’she.

If you truly want to suggest good ideas on forum, i’d suggest you talk to someone in the top 0.1% of any high end content, PVE or PVP. We aren’t that hard to reach, were also normal human beings. We just have perfect understanding and mastery over every single interactions and spells in our arsenal and how they best interact.

Youngster Joey’s Rattata, it is a pleasure to finally meet you.

  1. this is unneeded, and can be seen as insulting.
  2. This game shouldn’t be designed around a small click.
  3. stop being elitist. Your not earning cookies for that ego.

Allot of this screams buff HoL and make it more usable then what the hero spec is actually designed for (hint it is focused on shake the heavens, not HoL)

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On that note, templar needs HoW to interact with the hero spec badly.

Herald has giga hammer proccing constantly and is the only worth using over the fv weak hammer. Even with vengeful wrath HoW does very little damage and without it basically zero.

Templar is encouraged to cast HoW to keep shake the heavens up… but the HoW damage is very low on the same global I could BoJ and get exourg rolling or judgement… leading to every HoW cast feeling like wasted opportunity

HoW needs to do something else. Things like

  • HoW casts leave a debuff on the target, dealing x damage over time
  • HoW increases damage of empyrean hammer or Hammer of light on the target, stacking
  • HoW increases the target damage taken from your HoW by x%
  • HoW heals you for 2% max hp

The hammer spec needs its hammer of wrath to do something else. Even as herald non anshe procs are such low prio over getting expurg or judgement


I’ll admit that was an oversight. HoW needs to be added.

I did address this in my original post.

That’s wild, buddy. Perhaps you need to talk to these said .1% Ret players on how to maintain your Shake the Heavens.

None of it is screaming Hammer of Light, really. It “screams” help out Shake the Heavens/Empyrean Hammers and incorporate Hammer of Wrath thematically into Templar.

I attempted to address this. Your ideas are solid too.

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I just feel like those suggestion come at an awkward moment.

I feel you could have simmered that until you saw where Templar was left after this week and refine these.

Because as Christtel says.

It is true that it should probably more prominent

And you did have suggestion about it, but we need to keep some balance of damage profile within it.

Edit: Good update/edit :slight_smile:

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This wasn’t about numbers, it was about theme and helping it feel more cohesive.

This is indeed what I’ve been saying about Hammer of Wrath. I think my suggestions to the addition of it in the tree are more than fair.

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that’s why you want to take out the “shake the heavens” out of these talents right?

Come on, be honest here. We all know what this is.

I’m going to do the polite thing here and give you a few more chances to re-read my original post before responding to this.

As a top 0.1% myself I don’t need to talk to them, I do the testing myself and find out. You get 2 charges of blade of justice and you play crusading strike. To keep it up for 30 sec every 2 min you use divine hammer which also procs 2 hammer everytime it hits (2.2sec no haste). This reduces the cd on blade of justice by 75% on top of the 10% from your blessing of dusk, making you able to spam blade of justice and crusading strike enough to keep it up.

polite huh? ok…

Nothing to replace the choice in the choice node.

again your taking another talent from a choice node.

So, what are you going to put in place of those missing choice node talents? My bet’s, more HoL press procs. Of course, you won’t say that.

Do you have any idea how arrogant and condescending this sounds???


Not everything needs a choice node. It was nerfed in compensation.

Not everything needs a choice node. It was nerfed in compensation.

How would you phrase it mr politician. play with the words and tell me whats the way for you to say it.

There needs to be choice nodes in the hero tree’s to for players to have a choice to customize their playstyle.

That’s the trick. You don’t.

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