<Tempest> LFM for 10s and 25 man raid groups

Tempest is a casual raiding guild looking to fill out our 10 man groups and 25 man group. We have three ten man groups starting one on Tues starting at 9:30pm server to 12:30 and another is TBD times but will be on Wed and Sunday. Our 25 man group runs Friday and Saturday starting at 6:30PM server to 10:30pm. We are in need of all classes and specs for all groups. Shamans are one of our higher needs. Our third ten man group is in need of a shaman and it runs Saturday and Sunday morning from 11:am server to 2:00 pm.

Tempest is accepting all casual player and levelers. Come join one of the biggest communities on the server. If you are interested in joining please whisper anyone in tempest and they can give you an invite or contact my pally Phandrango directly.