Telogrus Rift updated on PTR

It’s probably because Blizzard can’t move past their nostalgia for Wrath-Era Dalaran that they felt the need to recycle the two Elven Ranger/Magister factions once again. I’m not really sure why they don’t just make Dalaran a fully neutral city and have Dalaran-branded guards posted everywhere instead of the archaec Faction-split city design that serves no purpose in modern WoW in both gameplay and lore terms. Save for pushing the last remaining vestiges of faction-identity, that is. Or it’s just them being lazy and that they don’t want to overhaul Dalaran for a 2nd? time.

There’s also the possibility that Blizzard wants to make Dalaran into a Quasi-Elven city, but that’s just my personal conspiracy theory.


hopefully we get better void elf buildings and tents for the Ren’dorei.

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I still find weird Horde needs Dalaran at all tbh.

Like, I understand the need of a faction neutral Hub, and that dalaran has been awfully convenient in two expansions for that, but… Dalaran really doesn’t do it anymore.

And lore wise, as far as “city of magic advancements” the Horde has exclusive access to better stuff, they have Silvermoon, the Sunwell, and now they have Suramar too.

And to be perfectly clear, I don’t want Dalaran to be exclusively Alliance at all, it is not supposed to be, it is a neutral hub, I just don’t think Dalaran is important for a discussion to even exist at this point. I think Dalaran is just not relevant to the story at this point.