Telogrus Rift updated on PTR


Well, okay.

Jaina doesen’t hate the Horde and was talked out of nuking Orgrimmar. Umbric literally admits he tries to make Silvermoon the vassal of Stormwind. That is a no brainer.

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Since the Quest is called Dark Heart and Telogrus Rift is presumed to be the Void Titan that Sargeras killed what are the chances that Xal’atath plans to swap the Void Titan(a Dark Heart left broken ripe for the taking) with Azeroth(which the Aspects are implying is not a Titan in the Amirdrassil Raid Ending)?

It would be understandable that Xal’atath wants a Void Titan over whatever Azeroth is since a Void Titan is a Titan not whatever Azeroth is(probably a Zereth I.E the source of a new Cosmic Force).

Bond it with Azeroth’s Azerite Blood and it gains more power than anything else!

The Scepter of Sargeras Artifact Lore says Sargeras wanted the World Soul itself so he clearly wanted another Zereth embodying Destruction(his desire) placed somewhere after he poured himself into the World acquiring it’s Void Lord-destroying power.

I don’t think we see the actual world soul until Last Titan at least.


The return of the Silver Covenant/Sunreavers to Dalaran and the banner of the Kirin Tor in Telogrus rift intrigues me.
I hope there will be a new build of the next patch this week !


Corperation with Kirin Tor? Most likley. Giving Umbric authority in Dalaran? Not happening since he can’t be trusted not to bully or even attack the Sunreavers.

It’s odd that you think that’s what will happen with no evidence.

I always expect the worst things from Blizzard after Bfa and WoD. So I can’t be caught unaware again. Making Umbric council member with Kaelcgos adbicating is their type of writing.

Eh I think it’s much more likely they’ll have him and a portion of their followers join xalatath and that’ll be kinda the start of the rivalry between Alleria and Xalatath. Probably prompting her to get aid from her sister and the Silver Covenant.

Though I’m excited to see new void elves being made!

Who knows though. I just think it’s an odd jump to assume Umbric will randomly join Dalaran.


I am happy for void elves getting new stuff since the void is their stick to be. Just don’t give them power over any blood elves is all I am asking here.

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Dalaran is neutral.

That what they said the last time too and then Jaina brought them back to the alliance.

Functionally, perhaps. On paper? There was no vote to withdraw from the Alliance after they rejoined it during MoP. The only vote was to allow the Horde back into the city, to focus on fighting the Burning Legion.

I still find it strange that the Sunreavers are back. It’s even stranger if you played the mage Class Hall campaign during Legion.


So what are you misunderstanding?

Dalaran, whether neutral or Alliance has no say over the Blood Elves.

Strictly speaking I think that’s more a matter of blizzard not dotting their i’s and crossing their t’s.

It’s been operating since Legion as neutral ground.

Well, the Sunreavers are back in their area so… Dalaran has some say over some Blood Elves. I think that’s what Erevien doesn’t want; Umbric being a member of the Council of Six, and the Sunreavers having no representation on the Council.

Personally, I’m a bit worried Aethas will return to the Council of Six. If ever there was a character that needed to retire from the lore, it’d be him.

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Sunreavers are Dalaran people who support the Horde.

They are blood elves from Quel’thalas but their allegiance has mostly been to their place in Dalaran. Which is why they bothered to come back. They only went back to the Horde cause… Where else would they have gone after the purge?

Aethas can keep being part of the team sure but I think someone else should lead them. I know at least 3 NPC s on my mind who would fit the job bill.

They are in Dalaran for diplomacy mostly. Sure, they can call it home but deep down they know that Silvermoon always calls them back.

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Thats a wild assumption with no basis to claim.

Most thalassian’s have some level of care for Quel’thalas but that does not dictate their allegiance.

It’s odd and doesn’t make sense from any point of view you look at. The Horde or the Sunreavers shouldn’t want to go back. The Alliance/Kirin Tor shouldn’t want them back either. There’s good options available when it comes to giving the Horde a flying city. It’s a shame they refuse to do that. It just seems ridiculous from both sides after everything that has happened.