Telogrus Rift issue - Can't get back

Hi there - there is a Portal to Stormwind right in the middle of the 10.2.7 Telogrus Rift quest and I accidently clicked it and ended up in Stormwind.

As a Dwarf - I have no way to get back! I’m currently flying to ghostlands. I dropped the quest to see if it would re-engage but I’m completely stuck at the moment.

I’m on Ephrem-Uldum. Need help or guidance please!


There will be a portal in the Broken Isles Dalaran, inside the Chamber of the Guardian.

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I can’t get back there either, the portal to the Chamber isn’t there anymore once you are mid-quest. No portal at the Spire and no portal outside SW or Dalaran

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Open a stuck on quest ticket and explain the situation and a GM should be able to help u.

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Go back to Chamber of the Guardian and go down the corridor inside it… I had the SAME issue as a human. Terrible quest design.


My Chamber of the Guardian is no longer there though, I’m level 70 + looked at my “timeline” aka Dragonflight, and it’s back to Runeweaver Square.


If you clicked on the Stormwind Portal like me during the quest line, it will send you back to SW and completely mess up your access to the rift. Follow these steps:

  • Go to Ogrimmar/SW and portal to Azsuna (Legion Dalaran)
  • Fly from Azsuna to Dalaran while
  • Chamber of Guardian will be there, take the portal and follow the steps
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You can also use your Legion Dalaran hearthstone to get back to Dalaran. The portal will be there in Legion Dalaran until you finish the quest.

The portal will not be there in Northrend Dalaran, as the center building is completely different.

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Thank you!!!

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Thanks it worked! You cannot go straight to Dalaran from SW. You must go to Aszuna from SW then fly to Dalaran. Thanks again!


I just hit 70, and was looking to do the Heritage Armor quest. It says to “Meet Alleria Windrunner at Telogrus Rift”. But the rift in the portal of the guardians she normally opens for my new level 70s is not there. I also did not get the “Harbinger” quest line when I hit 70 with any character who hit 70 AFTER the pre-release.

Doing the harbinger quest should fix the phasing issue.

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That would be cool. But how do I GET the Harbinger quest? I usually have it pop up first time I log in with a new 70. But that has not been happening. None of my characters who hit 70 AFTER the prepatch even have been offered the Harbinger quest.

I checked on top of “Dawnstar Spire” in Ghostlands, and there is no rift there either.

Has the character done the new quests involving the Radiant Echoes events?

The first quest will be The War Within. You are to go to Silithus to meet Jaina or Thrall (depending on faction) and to assist Magni in the Chamber of the Heart.

Due to some issues with using the provided teleportation scroll, I advise people to fly there via the Uldum portal.

Yes, I did those prior to making 70. And I believe, but am not certain, that I used the scroll. Are you saying it is bugged?

I just mentioned the scroll due to some people ending up falling through the world after using it.

But if you completed the whole The War Within quest chain, then it shouldn’t be causing the phasing.

Pick it up from the adventure guide. It’s available in there (you may have to scroll a bit).


The Adventure Guide did the trick. Thanks.


Oh my goodness!!! Thank you so much for this tidbit.

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Thank the Light! The Adventure Guide has it! Thank you for this information. Good tidings and adventures to thee!