Telling players they can bring whatever spec they want into raids

it’s like telling them to play only top-dps specs

I’m not talking about optimization I’m talking about even being able to properly function in the first place.

I’m not talking about “oh we wiped bc prot paladins take 5% more damage than warriors do”. If you wipe with a prot pally tanking in a raid it’s bc he went oom like a sack of potatoes and can no longer generate threat. That’s a fundamental limitation of the way the class was designed in vanilla due to lack of appropriate itemization and mana regen mechanics (lol judge/seal of mana. Great way to kill your TPS) on the part of Blizzard.

I’m not talking about Boomkins being 10% below the other DPS I’m talking them being barely above the healers bc they went oom 1 minute into the fight.

I was in an AQ40 guild in vanilla. My GM/raid leader was fine with me going ret. They were interested to see what it could do. Still wish I had just stuck with Holy because trying to itemize properly was a freakin nightmare.

It’s like telling them to play specs that actually functioned well in raids.


This is excerpted from our guild policy on raider expectations (dps, in particular):

  1. A minimum dps threshold will be established for raid zones or particular boss fights. This will be calculated on the minimum amount of dps needed to defeat the encounter plus some additional margin (50%? TBD) for error.

  2. DPS players will not required to spec or dps a certain way beyond the limitations established by the 16-debuff limit. They will generally be expected to meet the dps threshold and not pull aggro. Please enjoy playing your class.

  3. DPS players who cannot consistently meet the minimum dps threshold will not gain DKP. If you really believe you can make something like moonkin dps work, we will let you try. But if you fail, we will not reward you.


just because you want to mixmax and make it as easy as possible doesn’t mean everyone else does as well, the community is INCREDIBLY better on average at playing the game in general, I would imagine it would be pretty easy to get together a group that has some misfits playing suboptimal specs, they’re still viable, they’re just not going for world first.


Basketball is a crap “sport” and your analogy is crap.

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And telling players they can’t bring any support roles to a raid is like telling firemen they can’t bring any ladders…

All that big burly dps and no where to go…


They really weren’t. That’s my point. And they weren’t deemed unviable due to the community. They were unviable because of the way Blizzard designed the game at the time.

If you used mana as a resource in vanilla and weren’t a mage, hunter, or warlock, and wanted to dps or tank instead your class did not have the mechanics or proper itemization available in the majority of cases to sustain that playstyle in a raiding environment.


People get borderline fanatical when it comes to their favorite class and spec. I’m sure there will be people who will make any spec they want work well enough. More power to them.

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I hear the Nightelf Mohawk really picks up after getting T1 set bonuses.


If people wanna go for it go for it. I don’t care. I’m only trying to make them aware that even if they have the complete and unconditional support of their entire freaking server, it’s STILL going to be a complete nightmare to pull off.

I know. I tried it back in the day. It still sucked!

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a level 110 trying to tell OGs how to act…go play BFA

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That’s a terrible rationale. “Hey guys can I be the suboptimal player you carry and gets an equal share of loot?”

We’re running the Tier 1 raids as 25-man just to avoid this problem.


Sounds like a toxic guild. “Oh you’re not min/maxing and want to play a class you think is fun? GTFO of my raid.”


You must be fun at parties


This character was created in April of 2006 actually…


they would have suboptimal gear and their kits may not be as complete as the others, but that doesn’t mean they can’t do it at all, it may not be best for progression but I’ve yet to see anyone prove why they couldn’t work, the main arguments are based on what was tried back during the original release in which people were terrible, now I’d like to see people try, it doesn’t mean every raid is going to accept any and all specs, many will demand only optimal play styles, but to say it’s impossible and provide no reason why it’s impossible, there will always be people of varying gear and skill and the DPS will always differ unless you’re in that hardcore guild that’s pushing for progression above everyone else. I’m sure there’s going to be many times when they need those last 3-4 people it really wont matter what their specs are, it’s higher than 0 which is what it is by having that slot empty.


No one said anything about min/maxing. There is a HUGE gap between being viable and min-maxing.

I’m mostly talking about players respecting the time of the other members in the raid and not running with a trash character just because they can carry you. That’s what is toxic and it is only fun for the player being carried.


You probably dont know this but in vanilla wow there is a lot of consumables you can use, are you suggesting everyone in your raids has to use every single consumable possible? or whats the difference between a suboptimal spec using a bunch of consumes vs an optimal spec using half consumes?

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read above

considering the paladin was one of the top healers in classic. i think they are safe.

im gonna laugh when people realize that prot paladins were actually viable in classic as tanks (i saw a lot of them doing naxx as main tanks)