Tell me your realistic working problems you encounter while playing the game

Bag space on tank / DPS hybrid characters

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My biggest problem is with the AH.
All AH from every servers and every factions should be linked.

Why? On some server you just can’t sell anything. 5 minutes after you list something, some joe arrives with his auctioneer or god knows what add-on and undercuts you by 20 copper. It does not matter if you yourself undercut by 1copper, 1 gold or 20 gold.

It’s insanely annoying and if you aren’t on 24/7 and keep undercutting these ppl (or maybe bots) you will not sell. They will just undercut you over and over and over again, non-stop, every hour of every day.

At least if they linked all AH, the simple fact everyone bought from a same place would force stuff to sell simply by raw demand. Oh and auctioneer and other AH mods should definitely be illegal. Not happening, but it makes selling just regular goods near impossible on some servers. It’s even worse on low pop servers (except on week-ends, sometimes).

selfish people
people who just roll on stuff without knowing if it is good or bad for their class
people who refuse to learn or get better
people who look down on others because they are good at wow
people who cant handle wiping to learn a new boss
people who start drama.

there are some great people in wow but its the bad ones that ruin everything for everyone


The water should be frozen anyways.

The slashed exp awarded in dungeons if you have an upper level character in your party. The painfully small amount of exp that quests and mobs award. a Level 20 killing a level 24 mob getting 112exp for that kill? With 24000 exp needed to get a level…that’s over 200 mobs needing to be killed. a Quest awards 1400 and takes 45 minutes to complete because of the amount of space the objectives are spread out over…the time invested versus the reward given is way out of whack now. I thought it was tough back in the day, I hated the grind to 80 back in the day, it took forever and was very frustrating and unrewarding. Now? They’ve made it worse…


That’s not a problem. It was done to prevent boosting, which was killing the lower level experiance for new players trying to get a group. Preventing boosting democratized dungeon running.

I agree that we need joyous journeys back.

That’s a people problem, which can be encountered both in real life, and in mmo’s. the only way blizzard can really do anything about it is to find way to decentivize bad behavior, and incentivize good behavior.

That seems like it would only be a problem for niche items. Items that are a part of the current meta should sell well.

Putting ice there seems like it would be a way to make it at least somewhat realistic.

Having to run into VH to make pots for guildies because the server refuses to allow us to join the same layer in Dal is always fun.

  • I joined a guild that raided too late at night for my schedule
  • Same guild only helped a select few people, I wasn’t one of them no matter how much I helped others
  • The guild has since fallen apart and I can’t be bothered finding a new one
  • The game itself is nothing like it was originally
  • The community is so toxic and sweaty that there is no point in gearing alts
  • The only improvements Blizzard has added actually add nothing to the game in reality
  • I have other games to play these days that are better than WoW
  • The economy in my country is headed to recession, so I can’t afford to buy game time anymore

You sound like a big baby. Get gud.

I know you don’t mean missing features, but absence of RDF really is one. The motivation to level/play alts is just absent without it because leveling at x1 sucks balls and questing is pure cancer. Without group content to make it more interesting, it just doesn’t feel like an MMO at all.

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We did this Hardmode attempt last Friday on Flame Leviathan and when a wipe was called, someone was still on Flame Leviathan’s turret and Leviathan disappeared and the wipe happened but Flame Leviathan never came back. It’s a really buggy fight. We had to restart the instance.

Its a minor one, but the mobs constantly evading around Aldur’thar in Icecrown is annoying when doing dailies. They have a very clear LoS to you, 0 walls/barries in front of them but refuse to move, and just evade. To make it even better, they can still cast spells on you while evading, and those spells do a lot of damage. Checked that area out on dragonflight and they work properly there, its a bug with how they’re implemented in WotLK. Aldur'thar NPC collision mesh


The fact that this issue has existed for months is wild…

Actually it’s not 1x xp, in tbc, classic was changed to 2x xp, and in wrath they added 2x xp to outlands, and joyous journeys was added on top of that, which was why it was 50% instead of 100%.

Leveling alts is perfectly viable.

Yeah, blizzard hasn’t been very good at bug squashing lately.

Yeah, blizzard really needs to refocus their attention on wrath bug testing, and missing features.,-Compared%20to%20Classic&text=The%20amount%20of%20experience%20needed,have%20been%20made%20non%2Delite.
" * The amount of experience needed to progress from level 20 to level 60 has been reduced by about 15%."

In the perspective of Vanilla Classic, it was changed to 1.15x xp. However, we play Wrath, so in that perspective leveling is still at a 1x rate.

Metasheep clinging to their metas has trashed every aspect of Classic.

As has already been said, the Classic XP wasn’t boosted, instead the required amount was reduced slightly and a number of quests had XP rewards increased. Wrath had a similar reduction to TBC XP requirements, which was silly imo since you’d hit 70 before finishing most of the areas anyway.

Yeah, the democracy of people barely running dungeons at all. Without RDF and almost no one to run dungeons with I rather have a booster over having to wait hours to form a group.

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Uh, what??

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