Tell me about your characters!

I don’t engage in RP, but a lot of my characters have basic ideas or backstories behind them.

Madhronir here is the son of a druid and a sentinel (both characters I also have), he is more on the younger side in terms of Night Elf society, he was a kid when Nordrassil was sacrificed to destroy Archimonde, he thought his mother died during the battle against the demons, and his father eventually had to go to the dream to do druid stuff, so He moved to teldrassil being cared by his older sister (also another character I have), and while growing he could not figure out what he wanted to do, so he just took “regular jobs”, which led him to meeting a Pandaren monk, and he decided to try, and while not exceptional at it by any means he fell his calling and decided to dedicate himself towards that, after some time training, he decided to go to Pandaria, train on the Peak of serenity, travel the continent, meet the people and he became a very good fighter, he was at the Peak of serenity when the Legion attacked and helped the monk order during the events. I’m still unclear on how he perceived the war against the horde and the burning of teldrassil, but he helped his people where he could and worked for the Alliance, after the BFA events he decided to travel the world, find good fights and practice. He is basically a wandering warrior now.

As you probably noticed, I’m not a writer, I don’t have this written down, is just rough ideas I have on my mind, Is mostly character used to do X then he met a master to teach him how to be Y class or they were their class as a profession.

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I recently decided that my Evoker (current main) is a continuation of my Mage (old main).

Been ironing out the details in my mind, but so far i’ve settled on the idea that he woke up a few thousand years earlier than the other dracthyr. He spent some time trying to free them, but the stasis spells were too strong. He suspected that by the time the isles awoke, so too would the stasis spells be weak enough for him to break.

So he set off on his own journey to see the world. He had read about a massive continent called Kalimdor that the Titans themselves had ordered, where many different races lived, namely elves, who seemed to be dominant. Unfortunately, and confusingly for him, that continent was no longer there. He turned to fly back to the isles but got caught in a large storm the blew him off course. He had to make an emergency landing on what he would eventually come to know as Quel’thalas.

While there, he didn’t realize it, but he was suffering the effects of being an uninvited guest in the elven kingdom. Ban’dinoriel was sapping his strength, so for the most part he travelled on foot in his visage to conserve energy. Eventually in his wandering he stumbled into an old elven hermit who lived deep in the woods. While they didn’t get off on the right foot right away, they eventually became friends and he was invited to stay with the hermit until he got the lay of the land.

The hermit taught him world history, elven history, about the sunwell, about the local trolls. Everything he might have missed, or might need to know. The hermit was also quite versed at magic, and was able to help hide the dracthyr’s visage’s more draconic traits and make him look more like a normal elf, so he could mingle freely with the other elves. Whenever they were in town together, the hermit passed him off as his grandson.

Eventually, he learned all he needed to know about elven culture and history. He even made a pilgrimage to the sunwell and forged a small connection to it, to lessen the effects of Ban’dinoriel on him. So he struck out on his own and got himself a home in the city. He was settling into his new life comfortably, and with his old talents people regarded him as a “gifted young sorcerer”. Though he did like to keep a low profile, because he didn’t want anyone prying to hard into his past.

After a few thousand years of a peaceful life and regular visits to the old hermit, the scourge invaded. He fought with the others, and helped many escape, but he couldn’t leave himself without the old man. He fought his way through to the corner of the forest where the old man lived, but couldn’t find a trace of him, many dead ghouls though. He just hoped that the old man didn’t end up as on of them, but never saw him again.

And then… the events of the video game, the blood elf starting area, Outland, WOTLK, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BFA, and Shadowlands happened. Faithfully maintaining his guise of a “gifted elven sorcerer” the whole time. Until one day he felt it. The isles had awoken, and for the first time in millennia he shed his disguise and returned to the isles to (insert dracthyr starting area, and the events dragonflight)

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Shadow. Blood. And Steel.

Where I once heralded the purity of water, I now command rivers of blood.
Where I once worked to preserve the sanctity of life, I now corrupt and pervert it to my own ends…
I was not always this way.
I once was a very capable healer for the Tauren people.
Even my own former clan, the Grimtotem, cared for the Earthmother…in their own malevolent way as you may have come to know.
But even now, the Ebon blade recovers to re-establish our dark presence with every slain being. Should our enemies thirst for the power of Azeroth, know that I, as one of her dark guardians, will ALWAYS thirst more for anima…
For I am a bulwark of shadow, blood, and steel.

…And should you be slain by one of us, fear not.
Part of you will forever live on… in us…


I have an undead Paladin I’m VERY excited about once (if) the combo becomes available.

She’s kind of inspired by the Flesh Eater Courts from Age of Sigmar.

In life she was a stalwart knight, loyal to the throne and the Light. In undeath she has severe brainrot and does not have the faculties to comprehend that she is functionally a zombie.

She sees herself as an Arthurian-style knight in shining armor. She still sees the ruins of Lordaeron as the shining capital, and the Forsaken, in her eyes, are the living, breathing citizens of the great kingdom. She speaks of Lords and Ladies, quests and oaths, all unaware that she’s basically a ghoul.

She still worships and channels the Light, believing the agonizing pain it now inflicts is because she doesn’t believe hard enough. She is the ultimate zealot trapped in a cycle of self-flagellation. This, combined with the considerable brain rot, can lead her to doing some wild stuff. Maybe a little cannibalism here and there. You know, to punish the heretics.

Occasionally she is totally lucid. The awareness crashes down on her and she is drawn to ultimate despair. But with time, she emerges from her chamber with a smile on her face, ready to prevent the foul undead from claiming Lordaeron.


It’s things like this, that make me really wish there were options like that. :scream_cat: At least, until then, there’s fan fiction, right? She sounds so interesting! :smile_cat:

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I don’t have much story on this character just yet Though he was born in Highmountain to the Bloodtotem tribe.

Elder Necrofeather Feltotem was just like every other Highmountain Tauren until the Burning Legion’s third invasion. He’s grown up in piece though like other Bloodtotem relations were tenuous with the other Tauren on Highmountain. When the Legion invaded most of the Tauren joined forces with the Adventurers, however this was not the case with the Bloodtotem tribe.

Necrofeather was a seer for the tribe and thought better of joining with the enemy. As a result his eyes were forcibly taken from him. Now Blind, Necrofeather has to use the very demons that took his sight and view the world through their eyes.

If you ever see him -in game know he is a noncombatant. Basically, leveling in a passive run. He only does quests that don’t involve killing. Trying to do the Pilgrams Bounty cooking quest was difficult since you have to “kill” turkeys to get them.

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Hi; 'nother player here who’s not much of an RPer (in WoW, anyway) but nonetheless has backstories for a lot of my characters.

For example? Umbriiel (named after an Argus-native wildflower) was born in Nagrand, and spent most of her childhood being a noise with grass stains who was always bringing home bugs and frogs. She was a young adolescent when Kil’jaeden started manipulating the orcs; when her father was killed in an orc ambush some time before the siege of Shattrath, her mother sent Umbriiel and her little brother Rohael off with a family friend (my shaman) to get them out of harm’s way, then presumably sacrificed herself with Exarch Larohir’s defenders.

After training as a rangari (to the surprise of absolutely no one), Umbriiel—along with Rohael, now an aspiring vindicator—volunteered to help hijack the Exodar. Both of them survived the ensuing events, but lost track of one another in the commotion. And because she’s still a bit protective of her little brother, even now that he’s bigger than her and can take care of himself: she’s looking for him.

Also? I at least somewhat 'ship her with my Lightforged priest because their dynamic works; and it’s possible that her mother is still alive.

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I’m new to roleplay but here’s what I got so far:

Khariska was an orphan in Gilneas, taken under wing by a group of soldiers in the Military District. They pushed her hard towards perfection, but the struggle to maintain her seemingly flawless fighter exterior led the young woman to turn to life in crime, joining up with a criminal organization in hopes that they would truly accept her for who she was and not push her into being who she was not. Unfortunately, the group had other plans, manipulating Khariska into being the ultimate scapegoat for their misdeeds with false praise and acceptance. During one particular heist, Khariska was caught and convicted after the betrayal of those she thought were her friends; maybe even her family had left her for the loot. While imprisoned, she met Darius Crowley and the other convicted rebels, and when Greymane needed help with the city’s invasion, she was officially put on parole in return for her unwavering loyalty to the kingdom. Of course, she was bitten while fighting the invading worgen.


I don’t find it “cringe” at all – I think that’s a fantastic backstory for a “fel” paladin. :sunglasses:

As for me… Like a few others here I don’t really engage in RP but I do have headcanons for some of my characters.

Thairial here (who’s a shadowmage, not a priest) was the first Nightborne character I created after I unlocked them back in BFA. I deleted him not because I didn’t like the spec, but because their customization options were rather limited back then and I didn’t like how he looked. I got him to level 60 pre-level squish so I was able to bring him back and give him a makeover and a new lease on life.

Anyway, on to my headcanon… Despite being bright and possessing magical aptitude, he managed to flunk out of all three schools of magic (arcane, fire, and frost). He also did not have the physical strength to become a spellblade like his twin sister Jilozia (another character of mine).

Eventually he met the somewhat eccentric astromancer Star Augur Etraeus, who dabbled in void and shadow magic as well as the arcane (going by his boss fight abilities), and offered to tutor him, warning him that such magic was dangerous and had been known to subject its wielders to insanity. He progressed quickly in his studies, all while learning to resist the void’s whispers – something which impressed even the normally self-absorbed Etraeus. This continued for several years until the Legion arrived and his teacher threw in his lot with them feeling they had no other choice (and his sanity slipped along with this). In this way, he definitely surpassed his former teacher.

When the barrier came down, he left the city to explore but helped refugees escape when the Legion took over the Nighthold. Later joined the Nightfallen resistance along with Jilozia, who was kicked out for speaking out against Elisande.

I also ship him with my blood elf warlock Xandona. There’s enough similiarities between them – namely, both being good-hearted people who wield dangerous magic without succumbing to their corrupting influence – that I see it working really well.


Her background is sparse and needs a ton of work, but Riftgaze is heavily inspired by Xala’tath with regards to the idea that she is a Void Entity that has been given a physical form by manifesting herself through the twin blades she carries around. Though she’s nowhere near as strong as Xal’atath or even the other Black Empire lieutenants we’ve ran into before.

She chose the form of a Thal’assian elven woman because the cult that had summoned her into the twin swords was infiltrated and slaughtered by a woman similar to what she looks like now. However, the woman ignored the twin swords that she was in and left once she had accomplished what needed to be done. So Riftgaze chose a similar-looking form because the Thal’assian woman looked incredibly strong to her and once she was able to manifest a physical form Riftgaze left the ruined encampment.

She is incredibly awkward in how she moves and talks because she’s not used to speaking or walking around just yet, but many people simply believe her to be an incredibly clumsy individual who just so happens to have an amazing level of strength.

I also have a Night Elven warlock who is in the pursuit of eternal youth and beauty. Kidnapping and stealing the life energy of any beautiful women that happens to catch her attention as well as her incrediblely jealous tendencies. The more beautiful of these women have had their souls stored in a necklace made out of Soulstones that have been polished to an incredibly state of shimmering beauty.

There’s also a mirror that she owns that’s called the “Mirror of Souls”, but I haven’t written out what all is entailed with that sort of thing.


“I remember the old days, when we would march out with the warriors and heal their wounds.” She said looking out over The Scar. “I realize I wasn’t happy, but I was content.”

She rolls her head and shoulders working out the stress. “I… I remember the day that ended. The day an arrogant paladin walked into my city and harmed my people. The day the light stopped answering my calls for aid. The day I realized we were being played.”

“When the crystal arrived, I finally got to see the light manifest and I was disappointed. It lashed out as we ripped the power from it. At least that’s what it wanted us to think it was doing. I wasn’t so hateful that I couldn’t think. Nor was I ever so devote that my thoughts were clouded by faith. I didn’t know it’s game, but I knew it was a game. That’s how it always is with the celestial powers. They play games, with mortals the pieces and existence the board and the prize. One long grand strategy game with the only accepted outcome of total domination.”

She looked into the distance where all knew lay the Sunwell. “That thing on the island is nothing more than an insult to the people. The leaders claim it is better now. It is not. All that zealot from the stars did was damn the people to serve as pawns for the light in the wars to come.”

“I am not a priestess turned paladin. I am a warrior who will force the light to aid us as it once had, and I will teach others to do so. It will hurt, the light hates being bound, but loves to bind others. We will humble it. The path is difficult, and temptation will be ever present. If you are ready, I will aid you.” She held out a hand and another took it…

Areis, Blood Knight. Where she might have once saw herself as a warrior of Silvermoon, she now sees herself as a warrior of the people and a rebel against the Paladins of Silvermoon. Areis travels the world aiding the people and fighting without concern. Even the Bronze and Infinite Dragon flights have come to respect her devotion to her cause as they have yet to find a timeline where she is not a warrior bending the light to her will and aiding the people. In one such timeline not even death was enough to stop her, as she returned a Darkfallen and despite the additional pain that came with its use she continued to use her will to force the light to comply and to aid the people.


Doseki Wildhammer at ye service.

Meh story starts way back before the War of Three hammers. I was but a wee lad living in Ironforge. As ye could imagine I am one of the oldest living Dwarves sans our Earthen Ancestors. Lived a tenuous but happy 100 years prior ta the death of our Leader the High King Modimus Anvilmar and the start of the War of Three Hammers and our Exile from the Foot hills and crags of our beloved Ironforge.

I won’t get into much detail regarding the War itself. I don’t think ye want ta hear about the needless death that befell my fellow Wildhammer 'r the told we took on our Bronzebeard and Dark iron cousins during that brutal time. If in ye do, I am sure ye can find plenty of History books describing that brutal time. After the war however I settled down with a wee lass and started a family. We settled in Aerie Peak just outside the Hinterlands.

As was the case prior to the war I focused on the Shamanistic ways. Listening to da spirits of the Land, Sea, fire, and Air to garner and wisdom they would offer this old dwarf. To this day I do nae remember how I managed it, but I found my way through the veil and in the Elemental Plane(s). Once there I found myself unable to return to me home on Azeroth. That was until The Cataclysm and the breaking of the barrier between the two realms.

By then I had become a Master of my craft and become one with the very elements I called upon to share their power wit’ me. Having spent the greater part of me life within the Elemental Plane(s) I managed ta forge me’self a weapon; a totem if ye will ta help me channel the elemental forces.

Taking me old battle axe as a template I used the hottest flames within da Firelands ta melt and forge wit’ the purest ore I could mine within Deepholm. Me axe was reshaped and tempered wit’ water from the depths of the Abysal Maw and sharpened ta a razor’s edge with Lightning from Skywall. Quite the powerful artifact when it was finished as it blended elements from the four planes in perfect harmony.

Wit’ me Totem in hand and the barrier between the Elemental Planes broken I was released back into Azeroth to once again defend my home. Though it had changed since I last felt her soil under me feet. New creatures had come to her shores in the form of the Draenei and Orcs. Faction-lines had been drawn as this new Horde rose to power and the Alliance fought against them.

I had learned that my family line had dwindled down to but a few Dwarves. The Doseki’s consisted of a single family; a pair of Brothers with one taking a wife with a single daughter as their heir. The wife’s life having been cut short however during the Raids by Dearthwing. I had heard whispers that this Litch King had raised one of my kin as a Death Knight, but I have yet to meet the lad. There were so few Wildhammer clans remaining within the Highlands and Hinterlands. It seemed as if our kind had been slowly wiped from Azeroth. During this time, I had met up wit’ an old friend who happened to be a Bronze dragon. Surprise to me ta be sure. They helped me become one of their Watchers.

There isn’t much more to me History and as events unfolded I’d traveled ta Pandaria ta help them against the Horde, traveled to Draenor wit’ an expedition and did me fair share of learning about where these Orcs and Draenei had come from. About the Legion and their plans for the universe. Fought against the latter wit’’ other Shaman of Azeroth as well as other factions when they invaded Azeroth.

I did not partake in this trivial Faction War between the Alliance and Horde, though I was not idle at the time either. When the Veil between the living and the Shadowlands was broken I’d crossed over to aid in putting things right. As a Shaman I had often times touched within the Shadowlands and the many relms of the dead. Although this was the first time I had ever been fully emersed within one of them. I will not go into greater detail than that as such a place is not for mortal ears. Your time will come soon enough.

Current events within the Dragon isles are currently at play, but if we cross paths feel free to say hello. I’m there helping the Bronze flight wit’ any tasks they assign me…