Teldrassil Payback Announced!

I forgot to mention that. Thrall kills Garrosh is WoD and Vol’jin gets killed by a random demon. Even if the Horde waifu dies it’s not like it’ll be the Alliance killing her

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Nice try with the off topic trolling comment.

All I said was that comparing the loss of a city that people have been emotionally invested in for 14 years of WoW (more if you count WCIII) vs the loss of a racial leader for a race players cant even play as yet is not an equal loss. The loss of Sylvanas would be the loss of a similar emotional investment, but quantity of loss would still differ.


It’s pointless to think that Alliance is going to make any kind of payback, it’s just not happening whatsoever.

Alliance are on this path since the pre-patch from Cataclysm launched, and it’ll be this way going forward. Just give up guys.

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We never “raided” Org though. What the Alliance did was help liberate the city and get Garrosh out.

Alliance hasn’t killed one Horde leader. The Zandalari aren’t even members of the Horde at this point. Both Zandalar and Kul Tiras are allies of the respective factions at this point. Similar to how the Jinyu and Hozen were back in MoP


I have hope for the Night Elves. Malfurion dragging that Orc into the ground and mauling the others with his own fangs really gave me good vibes.

Additionally, Tyrande finally did something I’ve been waiting for. Telling Anduin that she is going to take her land back with or without the Alliance.


Sylvanas attacked Gilneas. So technically she kicked the dog.


Gottem! :rofl:

Until it goes live that way, they’re not members yet. Alpha, Beta and PTR are all subject to change. Will it change before then? Probably not, but until 8.1 goes live confirming they’re members I’ll stick by the stance that they’re not currently in the Horde. You’re of course free to see it how you wish


Why are we even attacking Zandalar anyway? Do we really care about them that much?

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The night elves used to be a vengeful and vicious lot back in the days of WC3. Death to the burning legion and to the heretics of Elune, etc. Now they’re just neutered.

The game needs much more inter-faction identity and racial differentiation. Really, I think too much of the story is being told outside of the game world. Books, comics, etc. Those mediums are fine, but NOT at the expense of an empty game.

Example: The Night Elves and combined forces of Draenei need to grow a pair and retaliate even if the greater Alliance won’t. A quest chain only available to those specific races, etc. The game needs more identity.


It was under Garrosh’s orders though. So it’s Garrosh that kicked the dog… Or does that not matter? Cause if you still blame Sylvanas for the Gilneas attack, then blame demolisher grunt # 3 for the burning of Teldrassil.

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All of them are to blame, lol.


You’re taking a joke comment seriously my dude.

There are still people who believe it though… so I’m kind of just pointing it out is all, buddy.

Folks like to argue. It’s our weakness on the general discussion forums.

Go to TFG. Also Saurfang is now a traitor. You lost nobody of consequence, but are now using these imaginary NPCs that died to play the victim.

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Very true. I whole fully agree. WHAT KIND OF PAY BACK IS THIS?!

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Except it is.

Did you do a raid, with loot involved, in org? Don’t play word games. Y’all raided org… Any other claim is an exercise in ignorance bordering on stupidity

Don’t worry the city ll be left untouched, the only thing that Alliance is achieving here is Rasthakan’s head and pointless NPC’s.

The last time Alliance layed on siege on Orgrimmar they’ve so killed many Orcs to the point where many Orc NPC’s had to be replaced to another race variant, but since BFA started Orcs are everywhere, so NPC’s will be there when we need them, dont worry.

As long we dont lose the city, everything will be fine =)