Teldrassil Payback Announced!

I don’t think they will. That is kinda where this whole discussion started isn’t it? To quote myself:


Because that has no bearing on the story.


Just a quick question. Is your response based on a numbers vs numbers comparison of lives lost? Major NPC vs NPC #'s lost.

Do you allow for the emotional value of difference in the lives lost? I mean any lives lost are a tragedy, but losing someone I have been close to for 14 years vs someone I have know a few months is a very different level of loss.

Emotional value of unnamed NPCs? What major NPCs are lost in Teldrassil? The armor vendors? And why are you acting like Teldrassil is a person? I’m pretty sure you hardly ever visited it before it was burnt down.


Heheh it is kinda silly when the whole point is stopping Zandalar to join the Horde officially -which it fails- and yet still the Alliance has to worry about just making a hit and run to not get the Zandalari tooooo angry, and still try to be respectful after they loose their king.

Also not destroying or taking Zandalar

Totally the same than Teldrassil you guys!


We raided Org as part of helping the Horde reclaim the city. It’s not like the Alliance just rolled in there in an attempt to over throw the Horde. The Zandalari and their leaders aren’t part of the Horde yet. This is war though and that city and your navy and anything else are valid military targets and they’re willingly helping the Horde


Valid military target. If civilians die oh well. Isn’t that what a lot of Horde players have been saying for a few months now?


Don’t forget Alliance hasn’t actually killed any Horde leaders either. At least within WoW’s timeline. The only Horde leaders to have died have been killed by Horde characters.

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And? My point is just that ally are talking about this as if the only victim of the incoming raid is king Rastakhan, which would be silly because obviously you need to kill your way to him lol.


I never said it wasnt a valid military target. Just that somehow its still being spun that raiding another Horde city, killing another racial leader, and blowing up the majority of the navy presence in the area, and stealing back the entire point of the Horde War Campaign, will still be considered a loss by the Alliance presence on the forums.


I play this game as an actual mmoRPG.

MY Tauren are based out of Thunder Bluff. They only visit Org, when they have to . They are Tauren, NOT Orcs in Org. Not Undead in Undercity. Tauren in Thunder Bluff.

My Night Elves are based out of Teldrassil. Its their home, Its where their hearth is set

Yes my characters and I have an investment in the races I play. All of them. Its why I asked this question. Its seems your do not have an investment in any city other than its a faction city and if something happens to it, my faction has lost a piece of their empire.


I think it’s funny that his request for validation of your claims is met with condescendingly “Superior” insults and a refusal to state your sources, as if you had just logically out him in his place…
I want sources too. You claim nelfs are on the verge of extinction…I want validation of that claim… Otherwise it’s just more hype. And the response “in the game” doesn’t cut it.
But by all means, continue the smug superiority thing… It really makes your point


Alliance first bump happened when we took out the burning legion lead by Velen, Maeve, and Illidan.

While we were busy saving the universe the horde took it upon themselves to start looting and burning things back home


I think the point is that it isn’t comparable to being “payback” for Teldrassil.

Yes, Zandalar is a win for the Alliance, yay, but to compare it to Teldrassil is inaccurate, nor it was necessary.


Yeah you’re right it’s not comparable. Real people have an attachment to a character that’s been important to the franchise for almost 2 decades whereas all those dead Night Elves are just numbers and aren’t actually ever represented in game.

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Very interesting reveal. I did find this point very concerning. It implies that horde were always going to see future cities become raids. I know some believe bias and all that. if read that interview it really not a good for horde players. it not healthy to keep focusing on only one player base in long run. Seeing that they see nothing wrong with horde cities being attacked. is very interesting.

Dazar’alor was always intended to become a raid, including the decision to split the raid into different experiences for each faction.

I mean, sure…

At the end of the attack on Zandalar, we have the Horde in tatters. More than half their fleet sunk or destroyed. Horde on the run to the point that the Alliance leadership literally tells us that we expect to win the war in full within a matter of weeks. Anduin despite his anguish over loss of life, & SI:7 start using Saurfang as a weapon against the Horde to further destabilize what is left of them by trying to force them into a civil war. Tyrande gets powered up by a god and wipes the Forsaken out of Darkshore, and kills off one of the critically few Val’kyr that Sylvanas has left.

But yes, that’s totally and completely evidence of Horde bias. The Blizzard devs hate the Alliance so much and are so biased towards the Horde that they wrote us wiping the floor with the Horde forces and nearly destroying them in full in retribution for their actions at Teldrassil.


Maybe the hyperbolic hysterics about “Horde bias” are just the fevered fantasy dreams of the perpetually self-victimized who are utterly incapable of appreciating the good we get in our development, and simply can’t get past their emotions to see the grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence.


Except it’s not


Are you shaking right now? if you dont want to see city burned dont play Warcraft, play Hello Kitty island Adventure instead?


It is though. PTR says Zandalari join the Horde before the raid is released. So, at that point Dazaralor is a Horde city.

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