Teldrassil Payback Announced!

Oh I’m not worried. They’re not going to destroy the Horde’s main hub 1 patch in. Also, IIRC, Org wasnt actually affected by anything when Siege of Org was out.

Weep your tears, there is no loss, those Night Elves civilian is not real, i know its hard to believe for roleplayers like you, but if Blizz wanted to, they can make an entire army of Night Elves out of thin air.


The logic is…we should break the Zandalari morale to make them weary of joining the Horde…so lets attack them…so they can join the Horde?

This is our High Kings logic. The 18 year old.



Wait… there’s a faction war? All I ever did was quest where I had to, did the things the NPC’s said for my EXP or rewards and call it a day when I’m done.

I can’t say I’ve ever followed the story much especially with the forced faction war the passed couple expansions. I just tune it out because, frankly, I don’t care. All that matters to me is the BBEG.

LOL, Alliance perpetual victim syndrome.

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That guy is like talking to that random coke head you meet at the bar. He talks frantically, firing off bits of information, with other random comments sprinkled in, while I try to pay attention to his commentary. Does this equate to more, or less complaining?

Funny how whenever things don’t go perfectly for the Horde they cry so much the devs actually listen and make changes. See Saurfang quest choice option, see EMFH nerf the ony time humans were on the top of the PvP pile, etc etc etc.

Alliance seem to cry ‘consistently’ because our problems are never addressed. Horde salt and teachers reaches biblical levels almost instantly whenever they’re not pandered to; but Blizzard devs play Horde so changes are addressed.


It usually goes something like this.

Horde: Slaughter a bunch of innocent people because thinly established reasons.
Alliance: “You’re all murderers and warmongers, you killed innocents!”
Horde: “It’s called World of War craft, get used to it loser.”

Alliance: Raid a city with the strict intent to make the king surrender and end up killing him because he refuses and attacks.
Horde: “ALLIANCE ARE MONSTERS! THEY KILLED SO MANY (not seen on screen or implied in any way in lore material) PEOPLE! We’re the real victims here!”


Spoken like a true ugly orc death knight :rage:

I’ve been waiting on that Alliance fist pump moment we were supposed to get in Mists of Pandaria for so long my arms in a catatonic state.


Best fist pump I had in MoP was Sky Admiral Rogers open firing on those Orcs. That scene was a tease for what I’ve been wanting with the Alliance.


You mean the last time both factions worked together to help Vol’jin make the Horde safe for anyone who wasn’t an orc because Garrosh went all racial purity on them?

Because that wasn’t the Alliance raiding, that was us helping the Horde to depose a psychopath and get Thrall back in. (Yes, Vol’jin was awarded the role of Warchief, but the plan was to put Thrall back in power since we knew he was more sane comparatively.) We didn’t even break anything when we left; and a lot of the orc NPCs that were dead were killed by Garrosh himself. Remember all the dead Warlock trainers? They were hanging, on fire, before either faction got there.


Dazar’alor is one of the strongest naval bases allied with the Horde. Its probable destruction in the upcoming raid would prove a major defeat for the Horde as their navy was depleted in the war against the Legion.

Zappi boi gets more exposure. Horde bias!

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Beats liberating a Horde city


It’s a massive defeat. The Alliance just gained the support of Kul Tiras. We now control the seas. The decimation of the Zandalar fleet defeated the purpose of recruiting them. This is why I would assume Anduin wanted to attack them.

From the Lost Honor cinematic, Genn talks about how we’ll be recruiting farmers next. We gained the Kul Tiran when we desperately needed soldiers. That gain is massive.


Kind of like Nelf #217 from Teldrassil?

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Thank you for pointing out that the Alliance has something to celebrate

I share a similar feeling, no matter how evil they write the Horde, i can’t hate them, i can’t see them as invaders that need to be purged, they aren’t the true enemies of azeroth, there are people playing them, just like the Alliance. This faction war thematic makes no sense anymore and is extremely forced and overused at this moment, and worse, blizzard can’t write it remotely decently.


Also remember that the Alliance has won three wars against the Horde.

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