Teldrassil Payback Announced!

Been cited by Blizz themselves in game and out of game materials as “genocide” and having “too few left” several times. if you aren’t up on the story you should go brush up on it.

Committing genocide on one of the Alliance’s playable races that have been in the game since WC3, yeah I would say there is plenty of attachment there. I would consider letting Sylvanas live and just wiping out all the Forsaken in the same way the NE’s were to be acceptable though. /shrug


I have seen the cinematic and it was well done. But it was, in the end, advertising.

Ultimately it was hype. Smoke and mirrors when compared to what we see in the actual game, reflected in ptr.

I showed that video and then the ptr content in its most current iteneration to someone who has never played the game. Their response…

“Why would I be an elf? Look what happens! Besides, the undead things get them anyway.”

This person didn’t know anything about Teldrassil so I wanted the opinion raw and unfiltered as the intended audience is meant to be for the video.

All it is is advertising. The actual story is nothing like the video implies.


Don’t waste your time with him. He willfully ignores facts and blindly makes his claims. You’re arguing with a brick wall. Just scroll past and hope Blizzard adds the ‘Ignore user’ option back.


I’m aware and not even really arguing with him. Just pointing out the double standard Horde players and the writers have in regards to how they handle Horde and Alliance content.

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Genocide doesn’t mean extinction. It only means the deliberate killing of a race. Also you have decided this imbalance in your mind and that is on you. i guess there was an orc genocide in MoP then and this was just balancing it out. Even though your lore characters are all still sitting around fine and dandy.


Still waiting on the fabled ‘Alliance fist-pump moment’, because this sure isn’t it.


Yeah keep your “oh poor alliance and horde bias” circle going.

Alliance lost no more then horde and horde loose more coming up. Your thinking that imaginary NPCs some how matters in game is ludicrous. If anything horde has lost more with the betrayal of Saurfang.


It was said nearly the entire NE civilian population was living in Teldrasil. All that is left of the NE race is the Sentinel army that was traveling to Silithus at that time and the few druid enclaves and small NE towns scattered around the world. And the player characters of course.

Yeah the NE race is canonically on the verge of extinction now. We don’t know exact numbers sure but what is left has been taking heavy loses in the fighting in BFA as well. Do they even have numbers to support a sustainable population now? Who knows. Without some retcon’ing in the future though NE’s as race are basically done.


It actually means killing with the intent to destroy. You left out the other half of the definition when googling. (you have to click the link) Don’t worry though! I found the rest of it for you.

Also, the Horde are the antagonists. You can argue with it, but not liking facts doesn’t make them less factual.


I want this too, but I think we both know it’s going to be “A Little Patience” all over again.

They’ll find out he released Saurfang and snap at him, but then Saurfang will do something stupid and cool, so everyone will flip and go, “Wow! So wise! So brave! I’m crying because I’m so proud of my king right now!”

He’s already failed hard with the way Battle for Undercity went, yet nobody stepped up to challenge the idea that handing the reins of Supreme Commander to an eighteen-year-old was the best idea or not.


Again citation needed.


But she just overpowered him and then malfurion showed up. Did you miss the part where she turned everything to darkness and got rid of the valkyrs magic?


:rofl: Again, basically any of the in or out of game material that talks about the NE’s. You Horde fanbois are just too funny.


So wait, they’re saying that the new raid is payback for Teldrassil? They have NOTHING to do with each other!


It’s getting equally as annoying to see the alliance whining yet again because things are never equal enough for ya’ll. Like it or not, over the years the alliance didn’t get the nickname of “the crybaby faction” for nothing.


Other than the fact that the new raid is a horde city.

MoP. Alliance were told prior to launch that we’d get a “fist pump moment”

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“In game material” is not citation for you saying they are nearly extinct. Also if they are nearly extinct then how do you think they will get revenge? The evacuation happened over a period of days in the book and not just the 3 minutes we saw in game. I seem to remember the book saying that was the entire point of Malfurion putting up the barrier.

Look nobody is arguing that a lot of imaginary NPCs died, you are the one claiming they are now near extinct.


Here is why I find your viewpoint incorrect.

NE have been invested in Teldrassil since what WCIII? Its ICONIC Night ELf culture. One of the main races in the WoW version of the Alliance.

This new troll city? Never seen it before I started questing in it. I dont know ANYONE who is emotionally invested in the “New” Horde members. The Zandalari would be equivalent to Kul TIras as far as how far people are emotionally invested. Well not even than as Jain has been a Kul Tiran and part of the Alliance since WCIII as well.

Maybe another throw away race like Lightforged Draenei?


I’m not talking about the city, I’m talking about the NPCs. All the random civilians that died and the ones who are going to die in Zuldazar