Teldrassil Payback Announced!

Ah, she could have seen what they were up to when she approaches them. Like maybe she used her owl visage and scouted that they were raising fallen Night Elves. When she’s too late, she’s enraged and calls out to Elune for vengeance.

I know it’s too late, but I do enjoy the what if it went like this instead conversation.

Also yeah, first rule to any fandom, folks are never happy.

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I never said they lost to them :face_with_monocle:

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Nathanos didn’t rival her at all. He fled. And a ton of alliance players have been claiming she lost to a zombie with a bow.


What would be the best case scenario for the alliance then? Keeping Saurfang in prison gives the horde motivation as something to work toward in getting him back.
Putting him to death makes him a martyr, and Sylvanas will use that to her benefit.

While I fully understand that Tyrande would want him dead, letting him go as the wild card here is the best bet for the alliance.

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But this is what we’re discussing in this thread. Tyrande would not be ok with his release.

Speaking as an Alliance member. A public execution is what I’d give Saurfang. Either that or he rots in the care of the Night Elf Wardens.

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Might wanna re-watch what actually happens there.

  1. Nathanos only fleas once one of his Val’kries are killed.
  2. Before Malfurion entered. Tyrande got captured and was about to be killed.
  3. No matter which side you play as, until Malfurion shows up Tyrande is losing this fight against Nathanos and some Val’kries.

The fact that Blizzard even compares the raid to Teldrassil and considers it the same signifies their willful blindness to their fan base at minimum.

Essentially, to state that the entrapment and killing of countless civilians by FIRE and total destruction of a capitol city is the same as a military action with explicit orders and discipline of the troops to NOT kill civilians, then an orderly withdrawal of said troops with no long term crippling of said capitol’s infrastructure or means to recover as the ‘same or equivalent to’ is blatant bias. It’s not the same. It’s NOT equivalent.

What it is, period, is favoritism.


Or perhaps this shows the Alliance wanting to take the “high road” despite what had been done to them? Would you prefer bloodthirsty retribution and murder of civilians for purposes of parity?

Speaking as someone in the vein of “Thrall’s horde”, the path we’ve walked right now in my faction has not been one I’m proud of.


Oh calm down with the war crimes approach.

I hear there is a new NPC, that you know nothing about, that will pay you gold or some bauble to go kill a lot of people which you also know nothing about.


Um you already got pay back.

Did anyone expect anything else? Seriously folks, anyone holding out hope that the Alliance or the NE’s in particular are ever going to get some form of revenge or justice for what the writers did in the pre-patch are just setting themselves up for massive disappointment.

The Horde is NOT going to suffer any major loses in BFA. Sylvanas is NOT going to die in BFA. Nathanos is NOT going to die in BFA. Seriously, just stop expecting any sort of payback here.


Sticking with the lore of the night elves that is exactly what they WOULD do.

Every Horde member, civilian or not, in Ashenvale WOULD be a target. That’s what the night elves have been written to be in the past. THAT is appropriate and loreful retaliation that would make for great story…

But that is not what we get. Night Elves get far worse in the form of the complete opposite and the Horde, instead of a cause for understandable retaliation, get to play the mustache twirling side kick to Snidly Whiplash’s evil plots.

These writers do not know their lore. Do not know their fan base, and they are incapable of displaying their craft.


The alliance entitlement is off the chart here. You lost a city, horde lost a city and yet alliance claims favoritism. Alliance raids our hub and kills its king, and alliance cries that it is still not enough. Now you are claiming that nothing less then the death of our war chief or it is favoritism. I mean who on your side has died? A NPC introduced right before her death?


It must suck to always be painted as the more moral and stronger faction. How was the horde so weak that they needed the Alliance to help against part of the Orc faction in Orgrimmar?


I was thinking about it, and I think it would be a really interesting story change to actually reform the Alliance and Horde.
Imagine if Anduin we’re to recognize a fault of his father in not accepting the Undead into the Alliance, as they were their Ally before Arthas and the scourge. And in an attempt to quell the conflict offered the Undead and Blood Elves peace, and an opportunity to rebuild their Homeland to the way it used to be. Because the Undead have been astranged from their living families that relocated after the war with Arthas they accept. The Blood Elves would accept for whatever reason.
But after the attack against the Night Elves, Tiranda and Malfurion are outraged at this move, so they leave the Alliance with the Draneai in tow, and their only allies afterward are through their Druid links to the Tauren. Paint the Orcs and Trolls as never wanting to attack the Night Elves in the first place, and now you have a New formed Horde; Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, Draneai, Night Elves, Goblins. And a New formed Alliance; Human, Dwarves, Gnomes, Worgen, Undead, and Blood Elves.
Now you have the Eastern Kingdoms vs Kalimdor. Give the players that play one of the switched races a choice to move with their race or turn traitor and remain with their original faction. You have Kalimdor with their nature bent races in the Horde (except the goblins) and the Eastern Kingdoms with their masonry and industrialization.
Not a perfect narrative, but interesting.


And that was supposed to have changed with recent updates, but I’m not on the PTR to know for certain what’s been implemented yet as opposed to the updates they said they were making after we all flipped out about how bad the Night Warrior scenario was.

Back to the topic at hand… why exactly do we need a retaliation that’s on par with what they did? And do y’all even realize what that would mean?

They burnt down a CONTINENT. A huge continent in the sky. It has its own ECOSYSTEM. It has branches larger than KINGDOMS. What exactly do you want the Alliance to bring down that would possibly be equal to that? Burn all of Kalimdor and the rest of the Kaldorei homeland just so the Horde has nowhere to go?

We went after Lordaeron and it’s now wasted by plague, including Brill. We go after their advantage to stop them from getting their own fleet.

We’re not in the business of Mana-bombing entire continents for payback. So I’m not sure I understand what y’all think the Alliance could possibly do to “make it even,” when that’s not who we are. Never really has been.

Nor would I condone the Alliance doing anything on such a scale as payback. If we hit strategic targets, sure, that makes sense. Which is what’s going to happen.


Have you seen the Terror of Darkshore cinematic? It looks like we may be seeing more of the old school style Night Elves in action.

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You mean aside from most of the population of one of the Alliance playable races?

Considering the above, yeah even that would still be favoritism. 1 Forsaken leader compared against the genocide of an entire race? Not really equal. We should get to take at least half of the Forsaken population along with her.


Citation needed. If most of the race was dead then how are they fighting back?

So you claim nameless and unknown NPCs have the same kind of attachment as a major lore character?


I really dig the Alliance zones and Jaina this expansion. Daughter of the Sea is awesome. I really want to level an Alliance character through the content. So I start one, get it to level 60 and then immediately lose steam and go back to playing an Orc until I hear Daughter of the Sea again. Alliance is just so damn boring compared to Horde, and none of their races look as cool as Orcs.