Teldrassil Payback Announced!

I fear that no matter what Blizz does at this point, a lot of the player-base is going to hate it, even if it’s what they’ve been asking for. Too many angry, bitter players.

Still, while I look forward to the Alliance win moment(s), I don’t look forward to coming on the forums and seeing how so many think it’s a cop-out.

I’m all for a story that does a lot of take, take, take, GIVE, GIVE! Instead of a give, take, give, take thing, but I see some players want a flat out boring as f “balance”, and that bugs me.

War is hell, and you can’t expect a good war to be “balanced” Things are going to happen. Things will be said that lead you to yell “bad writing”! But with time, we’ll HOPEFULLY see some wicked in-game moments where we can ALL enjoy playing the game, whether it’s a win or a loss.


Well I hope you get your wish then. Spice up the Alliance a bit. It does seem weird that a bunch of millennia old beings are just falling in line for a child, at least in a military sense since he clearly has no experience.


This thread keeps mentioning writers… this game has writers? I thought it only had devs living out their overly creepy zombie waifu fantasies.




Guess the same attitude could be said about the burning of Teldrassil.

Not the herbalism trainer! Woah wait you’re telling me the mail armor vendor also met their demise to the flames? Vengeance for the Elves!


So we are sieging another Horde city and it’s still somehow Horde bias? But wait, all the Zandalari NPCs who die don’t matter? Then neither do the randomd at Teldrassilvl who died.


It was a really bizarre choice because the position of High King was not meant to be inherited. Really I’m just waiting for Anduin to fail and to fail hard. Folks won’t like that kind of story, but I’m waiting for it and I will love it.

When the Alliance discovers Anduin released Saurfang, crap had better hit the fan and trust in the Alliance needs to shatter.


All of that could happen every expansion and I wouldn’t care. No one I know would really care. All of that does or doesn’t happen whether I, you, or any other player does anything to eñable or to fight it.

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Wait till 8.1 drops and they downplay the Night Warrior to the point where a simple Val’kry can buff someone to rival them.


What if they really are just that strong?


Sorry but that’s not the case:

And even if it was, I don’t think you are aware of how powerful the Night Warrior in the lore is suppose to actually be.


It is rather funny that they equivocate the burning of Teldrassil to a raid on a faction capital that isn’t even part of the Horde yet.

But whatever I’m personally psyched to see Mechatorque and Jaina kick butt.


Nathanos is a strong character in his own right. Besides, it’s not like he defeats Tyrande and Malf. He just survives an encounter with them while buffed by two Valkyr. Did people really think they were going to kill him off there when he’s about to be a WF commander? lol


Allaince players gonna all put on WM to punish the horde then ???

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I said it earlier on this thread (I think), but I feel like the story would have flowed better if they had Tyrande become the Night Warrior after the Nathanos encounter. Like a pure desperation plea.


Yes,but they didn’t lose to Nathanos at all. I’m surprised you missed that.


You would attack your own home city? You slime!


Why exactly should Tyrande be furious about the release of Saurfang?

He’s not going to go back to the Horde and join forces with Sylvanas. If anything, his release is going to destabilize the Horde and work to create a civil war within the faction.

Tyrande should be praising Anduin’s decision.

Uh, Saurfang not only assisted and lead the attack on the Night Elves, but he also threw an axe into Malfurions back.

Additionally, you’re assuming she knows Saurfang went double agent on Sylvanas.


There would still be complaints. “Tyrande only does the night warrior ritual because she loses to a zombie with a bow lul.” But yeah, probably would have been better to switch the order of events. Or just not have them interact at all. Nathanos could have just raised some nelves and maybe the Alliance PC intervenes and kills one of the Valkyr. Meanwhile Tyrande goes on her rampage through the Horde base.

That just about do it. They do not understand that Teldrassil and Dazar’alor are not remotely close in value from the player’s eye. How they don’t get that is beyond me… granted this are the people that made the game, it’s quite sad.