Teldrassil Payback Announced!

They need to get a decent writer. Brent weeks is almost finished with the light bringer series he is massive blizzard (not activision) fan.


I don’t think that’s fair.

I would argue that story and lore is much more important than say in Starcraft 2 and other RTS games where gameplay and balance is everything.

The thing with MMO’s is that they are constantly changing…evolving…so story is important.

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I swear. We do nothing but follow around Alliance centric characters, and ignore Horde ones, for an entire expansion.

One single patch cycle of equaling out the focus, and people lose their collective minds.

I am sorry you get to raid yet another Horde city and kill yet another Horde leader. It must be tough looking at every aspect of WoW and sitting there until you can figure out how it makes you the victim.


it could become real.


The Night Elves to Dark Rangers makes sense if you looked not only in Warcraft’s undead tropes but tropes in pretty much any manga/comic/show. 9/10 the risen dead are resentful to their former allies for a few reasons:

  1. Jealousy that THEY get to live and they don’t. THE AUDACITY!

  2. Anger at them for not fighting hard enough to prevent them from being raised into undeath. THE LAZY BUMS!

  3. Had an epiphany upon being revived that maybe their cause wasn’t the right cause, and this new path gives them power that they didn’t have before.

Blizzard is infamous for using tropes, so get used to it.


How about all the Zandalari’s that are going to die while defending their home against the Alliance?? If you really think the only casualty of that raid is gonna be Rastakhan then you are delusional.


It’s sad and annoying to see this typical horde comments about “ally crybaby”.

It’s easy for all you to say this, cause you have everything better. All it’s fine in your side. So, it’s obvious that inside of your minds, the situation is fine and theres nothing wrong, and think we from alliance complains too much.

We from from Alliance bought this game, we are consumers of this game, just like you Horde, so we have the same right to receive quality content as you receive.

WoW devs have all rights to prefer any side they like, in personal life, but as employee of wow dev team, they need work for all wow consumers, not only one side.


Its the alliance going “Oh my Horde did you want this? Oops” wrecks it


You mean never intended on providing?


Cause hurhur human potential!

Unlimited powaaaaaaaaaa!


Unfortunately, the Devs have been openly pro horde for so long that they don’t see it as an issue. From Cannibal Corpse to the story itself, not to mention Metzen at the 2018 Blizzcon giving a shout out to the horde then throwing one to the alliance that sounded like “yeah, we probably should say something to both sides.” On that note, at the end of WoD virtually the entire player base hated metzen for his poor leadership choices which cost the game literally millions of subs. Now he comes back for a cameo after Ion has a bad couple months and people are going nuts for him? Uh no. I would rather give the devs a chance to correct their course on BFA. As for the bias, yeah, it is there and the devs are going to do nothing about it because they truly don’t see it as a problem. The horde don’t care because they are benefitting from it and have no vested interest in changing it. Eventually, enough alliance side players will leave that the impact on pvp will affect the horde to the point that they will notice. Of coarse, they will not think to blame the devs and will instead just call the allies care bears like they have started doing over warmode.


Oh no! Some completely inconsequential NPC’s.

Don’t worry. To address any possible Alliance bias, we lose some nobodies as well. I’m really gunna miss “Generic Champion #43 who I’d never heard of before the raid” and “Kul Tiran Soldier #543”. He had a wife and kids.


Hah! I’ve been waiting for a fist pump moment since Cataclysm. Good luck, it’s never going to happen. NEVER.


The weekly cringe with dollar store Harry Potter and his hipster girlfriend.


Sorry, no. The equivalent of losing Teldrassil was losing Undercity because gameplay > story. I know none of you want to hear that but that’s how it is. They’re not going to destroy any more major cities and they probably won’t kill off any major characters just to make things “even”. Things are already even in game.


I mean I hope not. Things don’t need to be even. That’s just bad storytelling.


The overarching story itself doesn’t have to be even. I’m saying you’re not going to destroy Org or even kill Sylvanas for the sake of “equivalency” because gameplay wise the Horde and Alliance have lost the same so far.


Yeah, I’m a bit baffled that all the alliance leaders would just fall in line with a kid. I’d love to see one of the other racial leaders take the helm of the alliance.


Well yeah. I wouldn’t expect that. What I’d rather see is Anduin being questioned and challenged in terms of his leadership.