Teldrassil Payback Announced!

Maybe we could have Yrel come back, kill Nathanos and Saurfang and raise them as light undead who support the Alliance as soon as they are raised while Sylvanas stands there looking at them, unable to stop Yrel in any fashion.

Might be close to equivalent…


Maybe she can forcibly Lightforge Nathanos and he swaps factions easy peasy because now he understands that the Light is the salvation of the Foresaken.


but then how would he be a self-insert drooling over sylvanas omg


It’s ok. We’ll just Lightforge Sylvanas as well. Then she gets her Kerrigan moment and floats off to join Elune as a new Light god.


insufferable people like you… make me sick.


Have you looked at our Warfront armour?

Our Warfront armour?

The decorations on our shoulders. Have you looked at them?

What? No? A bit?

They’ve got skulls on them. Have you noticed our shoulders actually have skulls on them?

Sylvanas…Are we the baddies?


I would rather see her made out to be as powerless as they did to Tyrande.

Maybe doubly so because of how weak they made Malfurion look in game.


Blizzard doesnt get it enough i think , BLIZZARD IF YOU ARE READING THIS , your best times was in lich king or bc where you have a lot of Alliance players playing at that time , when you started to go full horde bias since cata , your game was going worst and worst , WAKE UP BLIZZARD , the horde is a boring faction.

You needed to create a lot of charactes just to fill their boring lore , please just watch your game , people are stop playing because you are still thinking that we need to like the horde , i never hate the horde in fact but at this point you are making me hate that faction so baaaad because of the bias , of lore , racials , everything that you are doing is wrong , just bring Alliance as main heroes and villans and i can tell you for sure that your game will rise like lich king , not like cata o draenor where you tried to put horde as main set. WAKE UP BLIZZARD WAKE UP.


I really don’t wish that on any other character. It’s just bad. I would have preferred that they had done her power up AFTER the Darkshore scenario.


If I spoke my mind here I’d be banned. It’s not fair. Life isn’t fair.


oh to be high enough level to post the captain america gif


which one?

Bit of a blood from stone type issue there. Though she always used to mention ‘torment’ in some of her old quotes about just existing.

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Which is now turned on its head since she now sees undeath as some grand kindness.


this is a video game try not curse and rant over it.


I always figured her shift from hating her curse came to exist after she experienced her hell.

Kind of a, “well it could be worse”, shift. It’s how I’ve pictured why she’s on with raising more Forsaken. They’re there to keep her alive as long as she can because she is terrified of her hell.


Why should the dev’s do anything when the actual Alliance players refuse to put on WM and punish the Horde ?


Part of me feels the need to explain what has already been talked to death, and with the way forums generally work I can easily say this will get buried, unseen, and forgotten, by both consumer and Blizzard alike.

Blizzard, this justice is insincere. It does nothing. There are no amount of words to begin to describe how little this trade impacts the Kaldorei story, but for the sake of all those that are angry, both on our side and your side, I will try.

To start, we Kaldorei loves the burning of Teldrassil. It was an emotionally impacted event that rallied anyone with a shred of night eleven pride to take up their weapons, jump in to War Mode, and shred any enemy we saw to pieces. Roleplayers had massive events. PvPers ran through the forests looking for targets. Everyone scrambled to be apart of this epic story you were working so meticulously to create.

Where it failed was Sylvanas.

Week two of the War of Thorns saw 10 minutes of content, 4 of which was a cutscene where all suspicions were confirmed. It was Sylvanas. After the teases it was her whether you thought you had tricked us or not.

Now, that is all said and good; it sparked retaliation, after all. Wrong. The Kaldorei have no interest in Lordaeron. Ever. Even then there was hope. Hope for vengeance. Yet… It fell, flat on its face with the cries of the Alliance spouting bias this and bias that. It stems from the fact that it wasn’t even the Alliance that broke the city. It was Sylvanas. She got away, again, fueling more hatred, more animosity, but all in due time.

Come to Dazal’alor, the raid, 8.1. To say it is a 1:1 trade of Teldrassil is an insult at best. Again, another nation with the lack of Kaldorei interest, with the reason for invasion being to keep an ally away from the Horde. Yet, Dazal’alor isn’t razed, salted,and apart upon, desecrated like the lands of the Kaldorei. We take no slaves, no prisoner… We don’t even accomplish what we set out. How is total anhilation the equivilant of failed hostile take over? It isn’t.

Justice for Teldrassil will not be achieved until it is Delayrn herself who slides her sword through dead heart of Sylvanas, laying to rest the Lich King incarnate. Not Tyrande. Not Malfurion. Delayrn Summermoon, the tragic character turned against her own people.

This rant is long, I am tired, but the truth of the matter is that people are livid, but we understand an equal trade doesn’t need to be made.

Instead, we are calling out for things to make sense, to stop being trampled on or called incompetent by the lackluster story. A story which, we all know, isn’t over, but as with all writing, if we don’t enjoy where it is leading us we would rather just find something else compelling to read.


People who claim to play blizzard games for the story are pretty similar to people who buy playboy for the articles.


Uh, ignoring Alliance completely? He is litterallt joining the Alliance in the second cinematic. Looking back at everything he’s done/going to do is heavily Alliance inspired. We havent had any anything going for the Horde since BfA launch as everything is Alliance foccused since.