Teldrassil Payback Announced!

Have you seen that place? It’s a gaudy monstrosity! BURN IT! We’ll find another place, possibly beach front property where we can have Blood Elf Bikinies.


And this is why the faction war is dumb, because it’s not possible to ever do it in a way that lets one side win, and Blizzard is terrified of ever making the Alliance do, well, anything that happens in a war. The Horde wind up being the plot engines because the Alliance isn’t allowed to do anything that isn’t Big Damn Fantasy Heroes. And Big Damn Fantasy Heroes are not good narrative engines without an absolute evil to completely destroy. And the Horde isn’t getting destroyed.

I mean, throw in the fact that Blizzard also complicates the matter by encouraging the faction crap to extend into the real world, to the point that people line up to cry bias at a drop of the hat and take the factions way too damn seriously, and I have to wonder if Blizzard gets the longer, deeper implications of what they do. Infuse a player base to take sides, then craft a story that won’t make either of the sides happy, seems to be a non starter, but Blizzard keeps yelling “SANCHO! MY ARMOR” and tilting at that windmill.


Pretty sure some of the Goblin mechs I threw into the void on one of my war campaign missions had pilots. Who are now going to either suffocate or starve.

Also, running goblins over with a giant lava elemental was definitely fun, but really should be horrific.

Neither one has a lasting effect on the game world, though.

Why are you ignoring all the jabs at this years Blizzcon at Alliance’s expense? Oh that’s right because it goes against your narrative, duh silly me.

Move along, oh favorite child of Blizzard.


Loyalty to a fictional side in a video game is nowhere near the same as being faithful to your spouse.


Yeah it really is,and is a lot closer than youd think. Except jumping faction for better racials, you find someone else. It happens… a lot…

Don’t worry guys, Sylvanas is going to kill N’zoth wielding Xal’atath, after that a cinematic will roll out.

Sylvanas proud and heroic atop of N’zoth body will yell:

  • “Azeroth is FREE!!!”

Among the crowd many Night Elves will be seen clapping, jumping and bursting in excitement hearing Sylvanas words. Sylvanas is in fact Azeroth’s Savior!

Such a good happy end! =D


Not ignore jab. Might want to read it more closely. Plus take clues to one I said doing a good job. they got necessary skills to redirect the conversation. I am actually pretty impressed.
Now for you using the victimization defense never works. most people see through it. as it is a way top justify a wrong through making it sound like your the victim. when in fact your are not. Just saying the ones I see using this is impressive… Yours not so much.
here it in a nut shell.
" psychologists believe that our tendency to blame the victim may originate, paradoxically, in a deep need to believe that the world is a good and just place. To understand how this is possible, it’s important to consider how we human beings make sense of the world around us. On a daily basis, we’re bombarded with news of pretty scary events. A brief perusal of virtually any day’s top news stories reveals a menagerie of shootings, terrorist attacks, and war, not to mention burglaries, accidents, and personal crimes. If we were truly rational creatures, we would feel utterly terrified. After all, these events could happen to us."

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No, it’s not. If you faction change that doesn’t mean you’re gonna tank your marriage. Playing both factions doesn’t mean you’re suddenly going to cheat on your spouse.


Didn’t you see any of the bfa launch ads?

: P

Sounds like the ending in WoD. Which means it could have a chance at happening (I hope that never comes to pass).

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Nope it doesnt, but Id suggest if you can’t pick one faction you MAY have commitment issues ^^

That is pretty much what I am expecting. Wouldn’t be surprised if they have Tyrande give her a hug too.

Seriously though whatever happens nothing bad will happen to the Horde. At best everything they have done will be swept under the rug, Anduin will shed a few tears and ask them to try and be nicer in the future if its not too much trouble for them, all of the other Alliance leaders will just shut up and do nothing.


It’s a video game. I suggest reading and rereading your comment until fiction =/= reality starts to settle in your mind.

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Yup Ill do that XD And the thing between fiction and reality, is fiction lends heavily from rl experiences :stuck_out_tongue: And peoples behaviour in game CAN and Does mimic their reactions and behaviour in rl… so maybe you might just need more life experience :smiley:

It’s frankly embarrassing to continuously observe how Blizzard so very tenderly and delicately wraps its precious Horde in bubble wrap.


Horde players deny the Horde bias because they are directly benefiting from it and they don’t want that to change. You don’t see them getting recolored raptor mounts or having their playable races genocided to the brink of extinction. Their faction doesn’t only exist as a prop in the other faction’s story. They get all the goodies and they want to keep it that way.

I think most of them know full well how bad it is for the Alliance and are just scared of what would happen if Blizz ever tries to rectify the situation. I don’t think they really have anything to worry about, Blizz is never going to try and give any sort of parity.

Even if they wanted to try I don’t think they would be able to do it successfully as the whole dev staff is so deep into “For the Horde” they actually thought SoL and now the raid on the troll city are “payback” for Teldrassil. Which of course is the whole reason for the thread, the devs are completely out of touch with half, well less than half I suppose, over their playerbase.


To be honest though, with how often their stuff blows up and how generally hazardous the areas they work in are, the giant lava monster/being stuck in the void is likely just another day in the life of a goblin worker.

I come from a long line of goblin sappers leaving their mark. My grandfather’s was 18 feet across!


well for me it boils down to “what ever”. if it has have been as bad alliance says it is. then why still in game. If there have been threats and what not. It would seem to me to find a safer game to play. It really does not make to me why you keep playing a game according to players against them. Normal people say nope not going to happen and just leave.

I lost count of games I have left because it favored one play style over there. wild star, rift, age of Conan and LTOR come to mind. All seem to favor a play style I did not enjoy. It urks the crap out of me when it becomes appear it favor one side over other.

One reason I stop playing for a long while because of Cata and only come back for MOP as it focused more on both side. Till again seem to favor one side and left. Then WOD came it back to it. It was very balance till a bunch of crap and left. Came to legion while still favoring alliance which urk me. By then could care less. As grew up. realizes it just a game.

A game design for me to do some things. once done and find no fun. I go find other games. If the game is as it appears going to far one side. To point its no longer fun. then go find something else to do.

In reading these post from time to time. Alliance players are very good at using forums to get their way. The problem is it tends to unbalance the game. Are the problem with balance, yes. is it game breaking no. That does not stop a very coordinated campaign by alliance players to get what they want.

Which again make no sense. If you can not play a game without a massive perk to help you play. Why playing a game with other people. Make no sense you basically asking for easy mode. It really boring.

For record. If poor taste in jokes bother you out of game. To the point it becomes a obsession. then you need to step back. If every time some tells a crowd a joke and you take it as directed to yourself. That is not very healthy.

While empathy for others is great. To use what happen to them to further your cause is beyond poor taste. That making what happen to that lady worse. as it making her relive the event I bet she just wanted to forget. I do not like people who uses other pain for their personal gain. That what you doing.

Beside those events that can and could find other things more supporting. There at least there ex employees with a x to grind. probably be better to support their cause.

last just because you believe a lie. It keeps telling a lie tells even developers believe in the lie. doe not changed it was a lie.

Ideally, we would be taught to form our own opinions and respect other people’s opinions, but not necessarily subscribe to them. However, if we aren’t encouraged to question things, if we are told lies by adults we look up to and trust, we’ll probably learn to follow what we are told. We will learn to think as we have been told and act on this information without questioning its validity.