Teldrassil Payback Announced!

This. In addition, comical.

This! Because you know with future stuff being datamined . Players will be keeping a close eye on things and judging if its worth staying subbed. Not to mention the bias the devs/writers have. If anything the drama on the darkshore patch has caused more players to pay attention to things. We can no longer trust Alex or the devs when they ask the players to wait to see how things play out. We won’t be fooled again. If Sira , Delaryn and nightelves are raised as forsaken, then alliance players should just give up on anything good happening for the alliance. It’s not worth playing a game when developers are bias for one faction. It makes playing the game pointless. I’m sure Alex would have killed off Tyrande if he had the chance.


i don’t mind them raised as forsaken…
the problem is they join the horde after raised…
its make no sense and lazy writing…
those raised NE should be horrified of what they become…and run away from both horde and alliance…

Or play a cassius and brutus moment with their new warcheif.

“Thanks for raising us! Let’s hug and selfie! FOR TELDRASSIL!

et tu, nelfies…”

: P

We also have to keep in mind that nightelves being connected to the dream/Elune. Like the worgen should be unable to be raised as forsaken. But they might just retcon it like there currently doing with everything and throwing out previous lore.


well…raising them seems to be a major plotline that can’t be undone…might as well try to make as much sense as possible…
the writers could have Cali; the undead to go and recruit them…along with those raised/existing forsaken that rejected slyvanas/horde…
a proper story arc for the forsaken through Cali and the new forsaken…instead of the BS story of joining your enemy faction after they kill you…

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We can skip the pretend like the good guys part but keep the parade.

Have you been playing the same game?

Yea doubt Alex and Danuser would have Cali even show up in BFA. BFA is more focused on Sylvannas, characters like Anduin are made to look weak minded by the writers. You would think that Ayir would lend her aid with dealing with Sylvannas and the undead valkyr. But the writers aren’t that good enough to come up with something like that.

But see during the darkshore scenario, Tyrande is present. The writers refuse to have her rez Sira right there . After she gets shot by Nathanos. Tyrande is a priest after all. But they just can’t give a win to the alliance .

In 8.3 you might start expecting Sylvannas to turn the tables by either
-Having Helya get involved since she did make a pact with Sylvannas in BFA plus its been determined that Helya will be in BFA
-Sylvannas Acquiring Xalatath,possible key to N’zoth’s chamber. Or something else.
-Sylvannas allied with Ashvane , but also with raising Derek Proudmoore.

Personally , just not looking forward to 8.3 . Just another spit in the face of the alliance. Alliance players should be ready to be let down again.


who’d be alliance? Khadgar, Maiev, Illidan are neutral. Illidan was ostracized from the night elves…and gives not 2 craps about it. Maiev is a zealous prison guard. If needed she’d put Malfurion in prison with not 1 thought of hesitation.

Khadgar is in case you forgot…is the reason horde was allowed dalaran in the first place. He talked his butt off to get you in the club. And this is how you repay him?

Light boy and his wife and the dranei for argus? 2 were were in argus long before this. They aren’t even alliance until BFA. they are just some hardcore freedom fighters in argus in legion.

Land wise…high mountain, suramar, stormheim and val and ghost elf land

Only 1 of these is alliance led. NE’s in val. the ghost elves…predate alliance and horde. They sold their souls out long before the orcs of the horde were groveling little slaves to demon masters.

2 of these net a horde allied race. 0 alliance. All alliance for unlocks has to help free the nightfallen. And get the hammer so the special cows helped too. Whether wanted or not.

Horde has no gripes here…you just need the tears of elune. You can even let malfurion rot in his dungeon if you want.

Alliance’s only part of the game is argus (being nice I will give light boy and his wife alliance status they don’t even have until BFA). And thats on you to make make as long as possible.

Don’t like it take it up with sylvanas. When she is isn’t busy making deals with Helya. You know the most evil being in the broken isles most avoid like the plagues.

No rep grind for the races…bang the quests out run the raid and done. If you stayed in argus for unlocks…thats on you.


Isn’t Maiev back with the Wardens now? Which means she rejoined The Alliance?

I suppose illidan is technically neutral, but he’s spawn camping sargeras for the rest of time…

The rest, sadly…is pretty spot on.

I did enjoy getting to thwart the lich queen in Stormheim with Genn though.

: D

I likes watching this bit on a horde char too lol. Why I don’t get the Sylvanas backers. Old girl is shady.

You don’t go to helya’s special play land and come out just like that (story wise anyway). Even us as players get the save of some higher power makes her honor her agreement as they force the extraction.

Now banshee girl, walks in, chills and leaves like its cool.

This had me going something is not on the up and up here.

You completely forgot about Velen.

If the night elves really wanted retribution, they would push for the head of doggy boy. He is the cause of this mess. Then, they would leave the alliance and form their own faction. But… I suppose it is easier to play the victim card and blame the “bad guy” for the incompetence of the humans in controlling their worgen ally.


Wouldn’t surprise me if they release another cinematic or cutscene. Showing Sylvannas and Helya talking and the deal that was made. I get the feeling there gonna release one with Sylvannas. But not sure if its gonna involve Helya.

Turalyon and Alleria were Alliance members. Second War. Khadgar is part of the Sons of Lothar, an Alliance group. Tyrande is an alliance leader and only works with Horde to stop the Nightmare.

Blizzard is bound and determined for there to be war between the factions, whether it is logical or not.


With this writing staff, I expect the latter.


They destroyed the Horde story to make the Alliance the good guys. Of course being the guys, they couldn’t murder civilians and lay waste. So they get two wins (and don’t start of the spin about Undercity).

Of course apparently we get made the villains in our own story and all we get is to have to cozy up to Alliance so we can admit how bad we were and hope they forgive us.

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