Teldrassil Payback Announced!

We need to sack Silvermoon and either destroy the Sunwell or give it a good void infusion to turn it into a Voidwell. Then we will be even.

Not a voidwell. Then we’d be stuck with void creepers running amok all over EK.

Just sack it, turn it blue, and give it to the High Elves.

THAT, and the remodel to an Alliance city will make it even.

Actually best way to stick it to horde/devs is not to participate . Let them get bored and quit the game. WM already has less alliance , the numbers arent growing . It’s not worth the time wasted when outnumbered. Plus with class design being crap, kinda kills motivation.

This is something that players need to focus on. And how the writers are trying to trick the alliance players into believing that undercity was a win for the alliance when it wasn’t. Just like with the upcoming raid in recent interview they claim that taking down the king is in response to Teldrassil. Yet you don’t see any nightelves or Tyrande/Malfurion . When there focused more on darkshore . The writers are using that raid as a means to further Sylvannas story more while tricking the players. It only makes the Zandalari join the horde . It’s not a win for the alliance. Bunch of lies!



Yesterday in Boralus, a Blood Elf Mage & I had a discussion in Thalassian for about an hour, on the Alliance boat, not 2-feet from one of the Dwarven Riflemen guards.

I’m still stupefied at this.


I really don’t get how this is payback. Am I wrong to assume payback implies equal payment or payment with interest?

The alliance lost teldrassil and darkshore, zones we’ve had over a decade to grow attached to. Trading brand new characters/places with little emotional investment is not equal by anymeans.

Had the destruction of UC been framed differently I think alliance players would be a lot more excited for this. Almost like icing on a cake. But our cake was disgusting. We were portrayed as dumb, unprepared and ineffectual. Anduin had lines to make it perfectly clear that the alliance had no hope of competing with the horde’s superior wit, charm and good looks. Only to be bailed out by a “miracle”.

Our feel good moment of triumph was anything but. So yeah, the alliance is not happy with pulling the plug on a geriatric troll on his death bed.


Exactly. It’s a bit like creating some imaginary family for a protagonist in a story and mentioning offhand that they “died tragically.” We’re supposed to feel something, but because the writer(s) didn’t do their job properly and give any connection or investment in the character(s), we have zero investment in that “loss,” and even take issue with the writers trying to manipulate us with such cheap tricks.

Exactly. Had we actually taken the city, rather than the lich queen going “we were leaving anyway, enjoy your blight suckers (with a literal zoom to every leader of their faction doing a mustache twirl as they escape on their airship in slow motion)!” We could have called it a win, or even something close to a victory…but because the lich queen got to nuke both cities, and win in both engagements, it was not a “win” for The Alliance, or anything close to justice for the victims of Teldrassil.

Pretty much this. The only real justice will come when the lich queen and those who participated in Teldrassil face justice for their crimes.


Like with the nightelves being raised in the current ptr patch. Players should spread the word again and make it known how the writers are trying to decieve alliance players. Into believing a false narrative only to push Sylvannas story along while the alliance gets nothing.


OK please tell me you never in military?

  1. if you make a enemy leave the zone. it is a win.
  2. If you take a major city it a win. if think you going to siege a city and have it pristine shape. well good luck with that.
  3. attack new allies and kill its leader. in the military we call this kings hut. No why. because it demoralizes forces. yes someone steps in take over. But damage has been done.
  4. Attack and destroy a large portion of fleet with zero losses. Defiantly a win.
  5. attack a city with low causalities. major win
  6. have your hero power up. Defiantly a win.

Seeing pattern here. It only a loss if you looking at with defeated attitude. Guess what the current war chief keep winning despite massive loss. because she did what she set out to do. Cause the players to lose hope. Without hope they can not see wins. that pretty much sum up alliance players. they have no hope. therefore they can not see all the gains.


1: Horde destroyed Teldrassil and all we got was Horde destroying Undercity in return. So… Is that still a win? We can’t go there, undead probably can come back with some gas masks. They’ve really only just made it more inconvenient. Dazar’alor ends with the Horde running up on us as we retreat and get to K.O. two of our heroes.
2: What major city have we taken, kept?
3: Rastakhan was on borrowed time and that wasn’t our goal, it’s a failure of what the Alliance set out to do and all it does is push the Horde narrative further.
4: Yeah, that’s true.
5: We lose Geblin and Jaina is severely wounded. “Low casualties” ends with us being run out of the city with our tails between our legs because the Horde’s cavalry showed up. That’s not counting all the characters lost in the distraction; like Telaamon and lots of other non-human Alliance races.
6: And yet Tyrande still comes out having not stopped Nathanos from what his goal was. We take out one Val’kyr, which is basically the door prize.

This isn’t real life military, it’s a video game. Blizzard writes these things in ways that have the Alliance looking either like fools or just incompetent. Even when we get a ‘win’ it serves to push the Horde further along and they actively gain more than we do from it. Their ‘loss’ nets them more than the ‘win’ for us, and their ‘wins’ are almost always unconditional with the Alliance ‘losing’ everything and getting nothing in return.


When I first heard of this raid, I was joking with friends about how this will somehow be called horde favoritism. It was a joke. A bit of hyperbole. And yet here we are, in a thread full of people convinced nearly pushing the horde out of their new capital and killing one of the most interesting new characters with a good arc is actually not worth anything.

I can’t wait till sylvanas is killed cannonically by the alliance alone, the horde is forced to surrender and it still won’t be enough.


Blizz is killing this game in so many ways this expansion. I mean how can you take this story seriously when it clearly seems to be written by a Sylvanas fanboy? :laughing:


Zadalari weren’t apart of the horde. Alliance attacking and killing the king in the raid causes them to join the horde.
The alliance not being able to reclaim lorderon is just a cheap trick on the devs/writers part. For not wanting to do the work to make it a functioning city for the alliance. The alliance can never really get a win when it comes to facing the horde. Danuser and Alex have seen to that.
Sylvannas ends up making two areas unusable, Teldrassil and Lorderon. That’s a win under her belt.
With the recent cinematic of Anduin and Saurfang. Anduin and Genn are talking and admitting that the alliance forces are weakened. Qoutes that next they might have to call in farmers to fight. Now were do we see anything about the horde struggling in the war. Only the alliance is shown to have heavy losses.

But what you didn’t touch on how is the raid on Zandalar a payback for Teldrassil ? When the nightelves aren’t taking part in it and would rather have the alliance help in reclaiming darkshore . Tyrande went to Anduin for help and he turned her down. Yet the devs are claiming the raid is payback. How when the nightelves aren’t backing the raid on Zandalar?!?! Doesn’t make any sense.


thank you. I was worried.

Varimathras: So, your Alliance still endures. Longer than I expected, though she has already planted the seeds of its downfall. She is patient, that one.
Varimathras: When your thrones run red with betrayal… when your holy places burn and the shattered mask hangs above your hearth… only then you will know. And it will be too late.
Varimathras: It matters not. You are blind to the true darkness closing in around you.

That red that Varimathras is talking about very well could be Saurfang, as in Anduin’s trust in the horde could be his downfall.

Also, Jaina seems to be the only one to actually get stuff done anymore. So I would look to her first and foremost.

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So let me get this straight, you want the alliance to commit genocide on the same scale as the horde, then slaughter sylvanas and parade around as the good guys that can do no wrong?

Sorry but I believe the alliance can do better morally.

Hmm well thats one way Sylvannas turns the tables on the alliance in 8.3. Having Saurfang betray Anduins trust. Doubt it would be stormwind that would be affected. If anything the attack could be kultiras. Since Sylvannas has ashvane now on her side. We’ll just have to wait for the leaks/datamining to show!


What people are saying is:

  1. They’d actually like to have some justice for those atrocities.

  2. That we’d like to achieve some meaningful military victory without having it completely invalidated.

For example:

A different way undercity could have played out:

When the blight was about to be deployed (but for some reason, the lich queen miscalculated and it is going to do more damage than she thought and even her escaping forces will be swept up in it), everyone is forced to fall back and the Vindicaar is forced to Light blast undercity from orbit. Same results: undercity is destroyed, it becomes an uninhabited ruin like Teldrassil, but The Alliance in this scenario achieves a moral and tactical victory and the lich queen loses face in the sight of her faction (she should have already for having noncombatants poisoned and burned alive…but I digress).

Something like that.


Or how about us just not sucking.

We stop Nathanos and protect our dead from Horde desecration, and he doesn’t walk away with shiny new Night Elf Dark Rangers and two of our heroes?


I’m pretty sure that it’s talking about storm wind. Things should really pick up in the next few patches soon, hopefully with major losses on both sides. This is war after all.