Teldrassil Payback Announced!

The cycle was winding down at the end of Legion. The factions were working more closely than ever before, order halls fostered bonds of friendship and there were no real tensions simmering.
So of course Sylvanas had to commit genocide and try to kill all the Night Elves, to kick off a new xpac in the most ham-fisted manner possible.
The cycle can’t end until there is justice, and Taran Zhu was naive to think that people can just walk away from a crime.


This thread only confirms my original belief than an expansion based on faction conflict was a really bad idea. I was not wrong.

(keeps cookies for self)


The Alliance Undercity scenario reminded me of the church scene from the movie Highlander. There’s a scene where the hero (the Highlander) and the villain (the Kurgan) meet on ‘Holy’ ground and have interactive dialog for character and story development. But the actor who played the Kurgan steals the scene (it was pretty cool). So the throne room scene in the Undercity battle ended up being about Sylvanas, even though, there is no actress but the writers/animators who decided it would be cooler to focus on that character. Even though it was suppose to be about the Alliance teamwork saves the day/victory moment.

Or again, where upon I found the whole Undercity battle pretty funny, it is like the rabbit sled chase scene with the orcs/worgs in the Hobbit. Sure it was kind of cool to watch I guess, but didn’t make any sense whats so ever.


yeah. they did get a starter area. But really need their city.

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Horde players begging for Alliance players to go into war mode always reminds me of that old joke.

A masochist says to a sadist “Beat me!”
The sadist looks at the masochist for a long moment and slowly says “No.”


The narrative of zones is time-locked. A level 1 night elf exists in the time just after the Cataclysm and Deathwing’s return.

The narrative of the game progresses time in addition to level. So as you level up, you get closer to the present. (Except during BC & WOTLK content… Blame bronze dragons?)

So Teldrassil isn’t destroyed for that new character until they hit 110. Keep in mind that players and characters see things differently out of character versus in character.

If we had even one Alliance dev on staff that would have been a great way to let NE fans respond. Of course we don’t so it will never happen, the poor Horde player’s feefee’s might get hurt if the NE’s actually fought back.


What exactly is this thread even about? The attack on undercity was the answer to teldrassil.

Problem is, any time people find out anyone with an ounce of pull at Blizzard plays Alliance they dogpile on and harass them. Remember when Christie Golden used to have an Alliance Twitter banner?

Remind me, who nuked Undercity?


Yep. Which is why if there is anyone at Blizz that is in reality an Alliance fan they have to hide it. Not just from fans, but I would imagine from the other devs as well.



Scenario for attacking teldrasil.

Scenario for attacking undercity.

When the person the Alliance set out to punish is smiling at the end of the attack on Undercity, it isn’t an answer to anything.


Imagine thinking that storming a well defended citadel is not going to result in heavy casualties.



There is no wind here I’m in my house.

Y’know what. You just keep doing you, little buddy. Please wear a helmet.



Sometimes I still go back to Undercity/Lordaran, Its quite the sight.

Its a burnt blighted landscape that runs from undercity all the way north to the sea. Only the dead raised by Sylvanas wander that desolate defiled landscape, attacking anything that moves.

The causalities from that battle must have been horrific, Genn Greymane states that soon they are going to be calling up the farmers. Alliance is running out of soldiers.

The only word that comes to my mind is… Magnificent!!!

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we all know the alliance will win in the war story but we all know the alliance gets their behind handed to them in warmode.

alliance has a pre written story for a win
horde really wins in warmode

Horde’s plot armor lets them get away with stuff like that just fine but it’s okay when it’s Horde, right?