Teldrassil Payback Announced!


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Its even worse when you consider that (Seige Spoilers)


Mekkatorque dies in the raid

Some contingent of the fanbase will be pissed off, I’m sure.

No, he doesn’t.

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He is in cryostasis after the zandalar raid, the new mechgnome allied race will rebuild him once they officially announce them as a Allied Race, He is still alive.

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Look y’all lose cities, we lose leaders.

It was all good back in the day of thrall, chill dude, everyone who thought of wow thought of Thrall. Then we got garrosh, and yeah the game went down hill ever since.

If anything, Zandalar is a major hub for the hordes fleet, and losing the king if anything will further the trolls into the horde.

Players really need to start questioning the writers . Spread the word about this interview to others let them react to it. How is it payback for Teldrassil when two key figures , Malfurion and Tyrande are not present in the new raid or on Zandalar?!?! There focused on Darkshore, Tyrande made it known that darkshore /kalimdor is there target. If they wanted to an example of getting payback. The writers would focus on having Anduin back the nightelves up and start hitting kalimdor instead of Zandalar.


The Forums would burn, and it would be glorious.

Blizzard’s writing is atrocious, this is yet another great example of it.


Blizzard has turned the Night Elf story from one of power fantasy into one of horror. I want to be let off the leash so that the Horde can feel some of that horror too.

I want to be the monster that motivates the Horde to fight.

The Horde has certainly earned a Monster–maybe a whole damned race of them.

I should be becoming the Terror of Mulgore.

Burning crops. Destroying villages. Slaughtering livestock.

Bringing the war to all the members of the Horde.

Being a reason for the Horde troops to want to return and defend their homes and families from the terror they unleashed.

I want Malfurion to look at me in shocked dismay.


Trust me, I want the same thing but I’ve nothing left to hope for at this point.

So my sisters and brothers of the Kaldorei, give them hell. Bring the full might of the Goddess down upon those barbarians so that we have a future to look forward to, so that we may sing tales of our unbridled rage to our future kin.

For now, this druid will do his part, retaining knowledge of a culture slowly withering. Here is to hoping for a bright future filled with proper bloodshed.


can someone answer a basic question. I keep reading post on night elf were wiped out. then how come they still able to make one? It makes no sense to me. It races was wiped out like said. it would be logical to remove from game. Please answer seriously. I had a mmo before do this once. race dead out and no longer to make a new one. Old ones were phased out over years. yes it was old d and d online, not one. I was a sad person that day I lost my rock guy.

doh forgot about that
that makes sense, and should be cool
but yet another Alliance leader is ‘lost’, he could be rescued in 8.2+ or even in the next game, could be awhile

That’s the spirit, now we are cooking.

But Anduin’s leash is long and strong…

Storywise. My characters would go full on Hannibal lecter on the horde with whats happened and whats to come. No one under the horde banner would be safe no matter the age group. Men,women,children, horde is all the same. Sylvannas would get waterboarding with holywater. I would seek out Ayir to aid me, to partcially rez Sylvannas forever stuck between life and death for enternity in limbo. Eternal torture. Death would be to merciful for her.


Some attitude that I can respect :skull_and_crossbones:

Remember, before the Battle of Lordaeron actually came out, Blizzard was pushing it as the Alliance response/victory. It was only after the fan response that it was suddenly something that “players expected to be an Alliance victory, but didn’t wind up feeling too good for them”.

I think they honestly think that the Battle for Lordaeron was meant to be the Alliance catch up moment. They’ve been struggling to spin nearly everything as an Alliance victory since. The way the Darkshore scenario played out on the PTR, it was clearly written for the Horde first, with them having a clear victory over Tyrande and stealing two Night Elf heroes (which still happens, but they’ve tried to reframe it a lot to make the Alliance not look nearly as pathetic). Originally, I’m guessing it was planned as an “Undead strike back after Undercity” moment.

The Pyramid raid was likely meant to balance that situation, being the Alliance victory for the Darkshore defeat. The Alliance wipe out a Horde commander (who isn’t Horde, and while losing Gelbin and wounding Jaina, but let’s not focus too much on that), just as the Horde just wiped out a couple of Alliance commanders.

Blizzard really doesn’t see their bias, or the situation that genocide and Sylvanas’s unlimited plot armor put them in with trying to balance the factions.


You do realizes they post pound patch to do major rewrites for alliance. they even did one just recently. So it not 100%. Still they do a reasonable job for both sides. Despite horrible in my opinion writing going on. they are trying to make something out the mess they got themselves into.

I feel for people who want them to completely do away with raising night elfs and kill of one guy. It would be great for them and end this debate. Not sure what writers should do. As it seem central core of the story. Still would go a long way to make some happy.

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Perhaps we should…you do realize the Gnomes are still living in a squatter village and not a proper city, right? The goblins at least had a wow version of vegas before Deathwing nuked the place. I would also point out that even if gallywix doesn’t let anyone in, that he built wow reno outside org.

…and now the Gnomes get punted by the devs. Again.

I mean, you can fix Gnomeregan, and still have a bronze dragon for the instance or something. But no, in addition to the Night Elves…the devs now have to make sure they get two Alliance races instead of just one…and we’re not even in first patch yet.

Pretty much this. I’d link that actiblizz “forward looking statement” thing…but it’s a sad joke at this point.

The only problem with that entire exchange was how laughable and hypocritical it was. We were literally helping the shado pan (and the rest of the Pandaren factions) with their own “cycle” with the mogu (AND mantid), and it was clear that the Alliance had more in common with the Pandaren than the other side, even before the civil war, when they were all in lockstep “painting the continent red,” and were acting exactly like the mogu. That zhu couldn’t see that, was poor writing and a poor attempt at moral equivalency between the factions. The simple fact is The Alliance cannot be left in peace because of the warchiefs and those who follow them.

A good start might be to actually acknowledge the genocide of the Night Elves as evil, instead of whitewashing it on the part of the devs, and calling it “morally grey.” Denying a genocide, or downplaying it (even a fictional one) in this day and age seems like a huge step backwards, considering there are still genocides not formally recognized.


Isn’t there a line from Anduin about minimising civilian casualties? I’m pretty sure that is early in the raid, and would remove any concerns about random Zandalari trolls being killed off. It’ll be focused and direct, completely unlike the indiscriminate slaughter we see from the Horde.


Honestly, are we sure there’s a war anyway?

I was just in the Pyramid yesterday. Completed a World Quest, and flagged down a fellow Illidari (who didn’t know we could talk in Demonic, so that was a fun moment) and got him to help me find some Horde Rogues for the Turkey Lurkey achievement.

Kind of amazing how there are not that many guards, or even NPCs you can attack. There were even friendly vendors.

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