Teldrassil Payback Announced!

Why even play the game then? If that’s your view, stop reading books or watching television and movies. Why come into the thread to… Oh right, can’t say that word anymore… Why even come onto the thread to belittle people who are actually engaged?

Go be heartless elsewhere.


The Alliance has never really been good at payback. Or war in general actually.


Boy, I will put you right back in a camp.


I am engaged. I’m super engaged with what happens to actual characters that I’ve been following around for over 10 years. Maybe you missed that discussion and just decided to jump in at the end there.

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You’re intentionally misrepresenting then. They wouldn’t be made up of it was sacking Org or Silvermoon and killing the trainers and vendors you know. All the characters are made up, you’re simply assigning some to one column and some you another to fit your opinion so you can act high and mighty about it.


If all the trainers and vendors died in Org I still wouldn’t care. It’s a game, not real life.


I like how Blizz has walked back the whole ‘Undercity is payback for Teldrassil’ crap they were pushing before realizing how inaccurate that was, only to give us this instead.

Just confirmation that they either don’t know how or don’t care enough to put any actual effort into writing Alliance content.

Because attacking a bunch of trolls and killing their king (none of which are even part of the Horde at this point in the story, btw) is the equivalent of leveling an established Alliance city, an entire 2 zones, and genocide of an established race.

Glad my sub is ending in a few days.


My first character was a night elf. As such I have a lot of sentimental value to the zone and its inhabitants. Even down to the satyr Zen Foulhoof. There were profession trainers and class trainers that I got familiar with when I was leveling up as well.

Now they are all dead. Not all of the NPCs that died were nameless. It sucked seeing NPCs that I literally grew up with engulfed in flames and knowing that they probably died canonically.

I wouldn’t care nearly as much if Kul’tiras burned to the ground.


Yes, I assign more value to a major character than to the freaking bread vendor in any of the major Horde cities. I can sympathize with losing a city because that has a tangible effect on gameplay, even though you can just go visit Zidormi and have it changed back if you’re feeling nostalgic. Like you still level Night Elves and Forsaken in their starting zones.


I believe it was more like, “Wow, the Night Elves lost an ENTIRE zone” versus, “Undercity is gone? Whaaat?” Most people do kinda forget that Brill also got run over, but, in favor the Alliance, we saw that Jaina could clear the blight with frost magic, meaning that the Undercity can be retaken at any time. Not so much with crispy Darnashes.

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Originally he defeated Tyrande, but thankfully it has changed. Still, people are concerned because Malfurion and Tyrande are literal demigods at this point. It’s like boxing against Hercules after his twelve trials while the person in the other corner is just a normal dude who got coached by Mike Tyson for a day or two at most.


Well, it’s pegged as payback for the Alliance, but not for the Night Elves. Either way, as much as Night Elf players may not give two :poop:'s about the Zandalari, it’s still something the Alliance is proactively doing, which is probably adequate enough in Blizzard’s eyes. To be clear, I’m not saying that it’s good, only that it appears to be good enough for the devs, and they’re probably wondering why people are booing them.

There’s a pretty good post describing this in another thread: Kevin Martens and Frank Kowalkowski Interview - #8 by Jellex-wyrmrest-accord

To add, there’s no conceivable way to resolve this story well that doesn’t make the resolution seem either contrived or ham-fisted. Many will feel that their problems were not solved, because both factions have to exist after this. This is a conflict where no one will win, or lose. Wristslaps for all.


No he didn’t. The first draft of the scenario was still a Valkyr dying and then Nathanos and the PC running away. They just added some more frills like him being buffed by the Valkyr, Tyrande being Neo and dodging all his attacks, his health bar going down faster, and they sped the action up a bit.

If anything Rastakhan’s…(sorry I always cringe when that name comes up)… death… only serves to move the Horde story forward and is practically a strategic victory for Sylv because it puts Talanji in charge. She has more influence over the Zandalari now, especially thanks to having a better relationship with Rastas daughter thanks to the Horde champion.

My apologies then. Still doesn’t exactly fix the issue that he’s fighting two demi-gods, but my care for the story has plummeted so at this point I just wont even pay it attention anymore.

I made a long post explaining where i stand and feel as a customer playing an Alliance character in this game.

While reading it again before posting i did realise that there is only one button to push to fully express my feelings. So i did press the carbage icon. :man_shrugging:

I mean pretty much every Alliance leader is basically a demigod except for Genn. Whereas on Horde side we have Sylvanas and a bunch of warriors. This was bound to happen no matter who they put in there (though it had to be Sylv or Nate because of the raisings) so it probably would have been best to not create this scenario at all, or at the very least not have Tyrande and Malf be there.

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Actually, I 100% agree with you there. Any demigod that the Horde has received has straight up left (i.e. Thrall) so it really is just a matter that they are lacking.

Personally agree in that they should have just not allowed them to meet up, maybe just pass each others tracks along the way and say snide comments about each other instead. Too late now, I suppose, but the story could have been handled a bit better.

Here is to hoping by the end of BFA it all comes together, makes sense, and blows our mind, yeah?

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I think Blizzard’s plan is to frustrate Alliance players to the point that they either quit or change over to the Horde. Then, once the Alliance is nearly dead in terms of actual player population, they can finally end the faction war by declaring the Horde the clear victors and destroying the Alliance.


Well, it’s working because when I do manage to finally get back to WoW I fully intend on hard switching to Horde as Zandalari after I get the reputation on my tauren.