Teldrassil Payback Announced!

Nah. It just means undead girl got to destroy 2 faction capitals. Since she is actually the one who ordered the destruction of both. And since she is leading the horde… 2-0 Horde.


still a loss

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Remind me again who nuked Undercity?


JYeah. But over all they feel completely different when played. For example the whole set up of the attacks. The Horde are crushing alliance defenses out maneuvering them. It ends with the alliance having no hope and watching the horde burn their pretty treehouse.

Horde side is set up to stall the alliance and get in position for Sylvanas’ trap. And still the alliance is embrassed on the way in. They only make it there because random people show up randomly. And only survive the trap because portals turn out not to be that hard to cast, sorry random people in the treehouse.

So the feeling of the two scenarios feel very different to the alliance. I don’t know how they feel to the horde. Because horde smells. And I smell bad enough as a wet undead dog.

-edits again. Wow my edits skills are lacking.

Anyway I think this is where the writers have messed up. In their effort to sell this expansion as big and meaningful the made a large mistake. Being a comic book nerd I will equate it to what happened with the Scarlett Witch and No More mutants. They had a character do something so bad that no amount of hand waving or redemption will make that person ‘ok’ again in some people’s eyes. Since we all know Sylvanas isn’t going to get killed, we can pretty much count on this being a sticking point for a long time.


maybe it feels that way, but from an objective standpoint they both lost basically the same thing (their homeland), i guess with teldrassil there’s a lot less hope of it ever being reclaimed since you can’t just easily regrow a natural monument like that, while with undercity there’s the possibility that the blight can clear up, there’s also that undercity was able to evacuate in time and teldrassil wasn’t, as a horde player i feel that the blighting was sylvannas’ last resort rather than her deliberate planning, she probably didn’t want to sacrifice undercity, but did it knowing that she could at least take down a bunch of alliance before getting away

i wouldn’t say sylvannas isn’t going to die this expansion, especially with the horde also turning against her, but it probably isn’t going to happen by 8.1

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It’s not like Sylvanas sent out a tweet saying “We are attacking Teldrassil now.” The nelves had no idea it was coming and they couldn’t really prepare. UC on the other hand… Sylvanas was expecting it so she had a plan, if UC is going down, she will take as many lives with it as she can.

It does. Like I’ve said before they’re not going to destroy another city because parity has already been achieved. Doesn’t matter who did the destroying since game play > story.

Eh, doesn’t really matter in the end. Some big bad like an old god will show up and both factions will hug it out and fight them like always.

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Why am I not surprised?

Exact same level? Lawl. The only reason we get to kill the Troll king is to pave the way for his daughter to become the new leader and further the Horde story line.


Lol “how dare you compare the genocide of your character’s race to one King!”

Like dude, we all know that investment on a character makes their dead more affecting.

But then to say that the genocide of one of the playable races, and the destruction of their home city isn’t affecting in perhaps even more ways, is so tone deaf.


I think it’s fine to be affected by the destruction of Teldrassil. But let’s not pretend like “genocide” means anything in this game when Blizzard can just pull any random number out of a hat and say that’s how many of this race exists. The imaginary population of Night Elves is not comparable to losing a main character. The game isn’t going to stop using generic, unnamed Night Elves around Azeroth just because Teldrassil is gone. They are still being used to defend Darkshore and they are still being used in BFA zones.

They just don’t care about how the story affects Alliance and NE players. And why should they, the dev’s don’t either. After wiping out an Alliance playable race the very first thing they do is release a CGI short about an old orc feeling mopey.

If the devs can’t find an ounce of concern for the Alliance playerbase why should Horde players?


The story treats it as a genocide, the loss of a way of life, and a catastrophic tragedy for night elves as a people. The population isn’t “imaginary” within the context of the narrative.

That is indeed going to be incredibly more affecting that loosing one main character, because contextually, is far more huge a loss.


Okay, you guys can go into all the major Horde cities and “kill” the entire populations of each city and I get to keep Sylvanas and Vol’jin can come back.


The Horde invaded Night Elf lands and burned their capital to the ground/slaughtered civilians.

The Alliance is going to invade Zandalari lands, sack their capital and kill their King. Civilians will probably die too because the Alliance hasn’t exactly given them time to prepare an evacuation, it’s a sneak attack.

There is no bias here, get over yourself.

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You have to do a quest during it where you try to save as many as possible but only manage to get a handful before time runs out.

But given your attitude you’ll probably just shrug and let the timer run without even walking a step from the quest giver.


That’s what I did. I alt-tabbed to read the forums during that time and walked away with a mount. :slight_smile:

If you’re so detached because ‘It’s just fiction’ why even come onto the thread? Go be nihilistic elsewhere.


Yeah, I wouldn’t care. I have 0 attachment to them because they were literally created just to die in a scenario.

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