Teldrassil Payback Announced!

Y’all always get the moral highground of retaliation against something we instigated. You get to sack a horde capital guilt free because we started it.

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Wait, what?

Horde canonically won the First War.
Alliance canonically won the Second War.
Azeroth, combined forces of Alliance and Horde against the Legion, won the Third War.

Are you talking about hypothetical other ‘numbered’ wars?

Classic had no war and no ‘winner.’
BC was against the Legion.
WotLK was against the Lich King.
Cataclysm was against Deathwing.
Mists of Pandaria could be a ‘fourth war.’ The combined forces of Vol’jin’s Rebels and the Alliance won against Garrosh and his “orc only True Horde.”
WoD was a continuation of that.
Legion was a ‘fifth war’ where the Class Halls banded together (ignoring factional allegiances) to defeat the Legion.
BfA is still undecided.

So. No? Alliance of Lordaeron won one war against the Horde. Everything else was either a loss (WCI) or against outside forces (WCIII, WoW expansions.)


Ah Legion, isn’t it the expansion that we worked weeks to save 2 future horde races?
Also, why those characters where “Alliance centric”? Just because they are from alliance races?


I admit that I was incorrect about the First War, but I’m referring to the Garrosh fiasco/Siege of Orgrimmar as an Alliance victory.

How is it? What did the Alliance win by helping the good half of the Horde get their faction and lands back?


But that wasn’t an Alliance victory. Why do people keep peddling this nonsense.

It was the Horde getting their heart/soul of their faction back from Garrosh who had commandeered it. Alliance members helped because Thrall was seen as a better leader than the psychopath Garrosh who wanted to kill anything not an orc and make the world a haven for his own bloodshed.

That’s like saying that killing Archbiship Benedictus in the Cataclysm dungeon (even though the quest chain that explained it was cut and thus he simply disappeared and was suddenly evil) counts as a Horde victory despite the fact he had gone off to ally himself against his own people to help Deathwing win.

It wasn’t an Alliance victory, it was a victory for everyone who was still sane and wanted the Horde to be about a band of misfits with noble intentions who wanted to simply survive and be free. (Not that I believe any of that, but that’s the narrative.)


You guys won MoP. And get more credit against the big threats like Arthas and the Legion where more alliance races are represented.

It’s like people have no concept of things that aren’t zero sum. Sane people won MoP. People who didn’t want an old god corrupted leader killing everyone who wasn’t the same species as him won MoP.

How so? How does neutral characters leading victories means that either faction get more credit or less? They are called neutral for a reason.


When you have the favor of literal gods and demi gods on your side, plus the most powerful mage on the planet, plus a spaceship that can nuke a city from orbit… But can’t keep one capital city, on an island no less, safe from being raised by catapults on the opposite shore. Do you really, really, think the battle of the factions will be decided by who has more boats?


Did u see the ciematic? The alliance could have dispersed the horde faction right there. Obviously they kept it going cause its a game. BFA the horde is rising again after Legion where the alliance took a lot of loss. They also represented the most effort against the Legion storywise. The alliance asked the horde for help on the Vindicar. But it was mostly alliance forces.

If you continue believing there is a bias by the writers against one faction over the other you’ll never see the reality or truth of the matter. No point in telling you the facts, no point in discussion.


Ya’ll take this way to seriously.


why can’t the nelves just nuke Orgrimmar from mt. Hyjal and call it a day

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To be fair, Mt Hyjal is not Alliance territory, its the Cenarion Circle’s jurisdiction and is currently led by a Tauren that wants to avoid the faction war anyway.

Now as for why the Lightforged dont use their giant space cannon… I got nothing.


Same reason we don’t rain blight barrels on our enemies with portals.


Well yeah, because the writers don’t care at all about things like consistency and their own lore. For as long as WoW lasts NE’s will always have enough people to do whatever the story requires of them. The greater point is this is all terrible writing.


So it boils down to “subjecting other people to this curse is cool so long as it keeps me alive.”

Which the whole afterlife aspect of WoW makes zero sense anymore. The Light isnt heaven, the Void isnt hell, except when they want them to be in a narrative of good or evil.

No name mobs seem to easily yank souls from death even from thousands of years ago, complete with their personalities, on a daily basis without breaking a sweat. Some souls even come back and go on their own whims, often becoming material enough to affect the world.

As far as I can tell, being dead is a revolving doorway with no real means of keeping you there or holding any real significance beyond convenient story plot.


teldrassil was destroyed (night elve’s homeland) and undercity was destroyed (undead capital homeland, undead being the primary race responsible for administering the burning), aside from that the night elves lost many innocent lives in the process (and soldier’s lives at UC battle), doesn’t that already pretty much count as their retribution

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