Teldrassil is inescapable

I discussed why this was insufficient previously. The Darnassus I remember was alive with RPers - now it’s a desiccated husk, which is a direct consequence of the lore.

I could also play my Night Elf too. The problem for me is that the story around them is so unpalatable that I no longer want to. I’m not motivated. That Tyrande solved a problem that Shadowlands created in the first place doesn’t change that, and I have wanted exactly zero incremental Elune lore.

As for this:

I have been waiting for my fist-bump moment against the Horde for eleven years, since Cataclysm, and things have only gotten worse since. If you want to say that the story isn’t done, fine, but at least tell me when it will be done.

Another ten years?
Tell me at least that it will be before I start receiving social security checks.
Will I even be alive to see it?

I think once you pass the decade mark (if not well before then), this excuse loses its reasonability.


This thread was virtually clickbait from the beginning with such a, if you’ll pardon the pun, incendiary topic; but it’d still be a lot shorter and sweeter if you guys just went ahead and used your ‘ignore’ function.

If everyone ignored everyone who pissed them off on this forum it’d ultimately end up consisting of only like 3 people who actually communicate with one another.

Alliance have had several fist pump moments.

Tyrande literally saving the day when the Horde can’t break Orgrimmar’s gates.

Varian dictating the terms on which the horde can be left to exist.

Varian yoloing a fel reaver so the alliance can get away safely.

Jaina’s mana cannon ship saving the siege of Lordaeron.

Gelbin blowing up the Zandalari fleet.

Flynn and Mathias completely undoing the entirety of the Horde war campaign with the staff ( you have to play both factions to understand this whole story).

To name a few.


The only thing that lands here for me is the first thing - which was underwhelming and did not make up for the drubbing we took in Cataclysm (even though canonically we won - something that Blizzard refused to portray), nor the string of embarassments that was 5.1.

Apart from that, being ‘avenged’ by humans in lands that I don’t care about doesn’t matter to me.


It doesn’t matter if it personally landed for you or not. There are the alliance fist bump moments dictated by the story.

Nothing about horde story has landed with me since WoD. Doesn’t change Blizzard’s intent.


Also, canonically…you lost in Cata and won in MoP.

Blizzard’s intent doesn’t matter. Audience reception does.

The best of intentions (and even that’s disputable) does not translate to satisfying writing.

Not true, the Night Elves’ questing comes after the Horde’s, and they undo their progress. However, I’m glad that you mentioned this because it underlines the problem with disconnects between presentation and lore - notably that it creates confusion of exactly this sort.


No, the reception does not matter. They write the story they want…and you are too addicted to actually vote with your wallet and stop paying them for it.

It’s their story and they will write whatever the want as long as people keep paying.

Garrosh didn’t land with anyone and was made warchief for 2 expansions and a major hero for horde in WotLK.

Taking back Ashenvale does not equate to winning the Cataclysm war. The Horde are the de facto winners, with more territort than what they lost (which includes Ashenvale). This is further compounded by the horde chasing the alliance ships into Pandaria.

Ashenvale ends where it started. Other zones are not so lucky in Alliance favor.

This is false, it’s the Shareholders’ story, and I take it you don’t understand the revenue model all that well.

I dispute that Ashenvale ends where it started - the Night Elves’ logistical position is better - but I also see the error you’re making. You think that I have any reason to identify with the broader Alliance.

I don’t.

the problem with vote with your wallet is that nothing will change. blizzard doesnt care either way. they dont listen to you when your subbed why would they ever care what you think if you arent.

youre not even allowed to post on the forum if you arent subbed anyway making your voice mute either way


I mean, I don’t expect to be around for long - and the point isn’t completely dismissed here, but people underestimate a couple of things.

  1. The impact of commentary on decisions to purchase or subscribe.
  2. Microtransactions, which at this point eclipses subscription revenue in a rather notable way. There is a correlation between subscriber revenue and microtransaction revenue, but that relationship doesn’t hold true with me.

Shareholders care about money not story. You complain and yet still shill out monthly despite your complaints. You clearly enjoy the game more than you hate the story…so wtf would shareholders care about your complaints when you still pay despite them.

If you don’t identify with the actual playable faction(the alliance) then that is 100% your problem. The game isnt writing for the night elves. It’s writing for the alliance and horde.

If you want a night elf only game go play their campaign in WC3. Individual races will always take a hit if it’s to tell a larger story about the Alliance or the Horde.

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The story impacts their revenue, that makes it their concern.

There’s a reason I don’t identify with the Alliance, maybe you should look at that instead of trying to tell me to shut up and be happy.


Then leave. There is a nice little survey when you stop playing that lets you tell your reasons for leaving. This is what they listen to…not whining threads on these forums when it’s already been outted they have a separate private forums for actual feedback where they only invite certain players (google this, it exists).

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Right then, so you’re out of arguments, you can’t convince me that my perspective is off base here, but you still want it to be, so you’ve resorted to some method of trying to get me to go away.

Not the first time I’ve seen this path taken either.

I’m not trying to convince you your argument is off base. It’s an argument everyone has but you clearly thing they should listen to you despite your money being no different than anyone else’s.

Why night elves why???

Leave the game if it bugs you so much. Cite it as the reason. This is legit the only thing that brings change to the game.

We saw it from the exodus of BFA into So. The return of pvp vendors…certain specs scrapping their entire reworks to go back to pre legion format. The lack of any focus on faction war or factions at all coming out of BFA. Etc. etc.

All you so here is upset yourself and upset others, when I promise you you could take all this passion and apply it to something infinitely better for you, that you don’t waste money on and feel you are being mistreated because the story isn’t how you want it to be.

Literally take that time you aren’t playing to write a fan fiction if you feel you can do better, and then apply for a writing position.


I have already provided such feedback, I did it when I left the last time, I did it the time before that. I’ve determined that I can leave more valuable, and continuing feedback in this fashion.

But as far as what I am passionate about, I ultimately don’t want this venture to fail. I am here because I care and because I want things to get better. This is an officially sanctioned avenue through which I can provide feedback, hence I am doing that.

Basic marketing literature will tell you that the overwhelming majority of people on the other hand do not. They might leave a comment on a survey, but it’s the vanishing of the people who leave without a comment and never come back that keep marketers up at night. Feedback such as mine provides a sample of what at least a proportion of those people are thinking - and I am confident in saying this because again, I keep in touch with some of those people, who in turn hear the same things from their friends and so on.