Teach warriors how to tank: macro

What would you spam at the start of a dungeon that teaches warriors how to tank?

something like:
/p Warriors how to tank: 1) turn off damage meter, 2) on pull use defensive stance&sword&board 3) bloodrage, 4) battlecharge, 5) shield bash

I don’t know how warriors work. Someone fix it.

I’ve been tanking on hardcore and it’s insane how bad dps (mainly hunters) are. They always want to pull/multi shot at the start and every dps is on different targets.

Just crappy players everywhere


Bingo. The issue isn’t Tanks it’s DPS who never played OG WOW thinking they’re in Retail.


You actually want warriors tanking with either a 2h or dw, especially on the pull. That’s where they’ll get the most initial threat so they can hold the mobs against the very mindless zug you’re railing against right now.

Like all roles in this game, you need to play smart…

  • Warriors (or tanks in general) need to understand when they need to play more defensively and when they can play more aggressively. Understand your toolkit and use it effectively.
  • DPS needs to understand when they need to hold off and when they can unload. Understand your toolkit and use it effectively.
  • Healers need to understand that DPS can take a hit or two and that not everybody needs to be topped off at all times. You guessed it… understand your toolkit and use it effectively.

There are tanks who are good and tanks who are bad. A tank using a 2h or dw doesn’t automatically indicate a bad tank. Yes, warrior tanks will take more damage when not using a shield but they’ll do more damage, which means more threat, which means healers only have to heal them and not everybody else. Yes, this means you’ll drink more… so what? This is the healer life. Get used to it. Bring a mage who will make you water.

If the tank is taking more damage than you can heal, talk to them. Let them know you’re struggling to keep them alive and politely ask them to play more defensively on appropriate packs. If they tell off, then and only then are they a bad tank :wink:


Sometimes it is not the tank. It is the extra dps warrior that is trying to pull agro to get rage. A pally and a warrior got into a fight in one of my runs because the pally was tanking and the warrior wanted might, not salv. And actively removed salv, so he would. Which is fine, IF I can cast a renew and ignore. But when I have to actively heal the fool and never get to regen, it is annoying.

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All these warriors just charge and thunderclap. Like all of them. im not kidding.

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/p How to dungeon tank as a Warrior

  1. Charge (only when this wouldn’t cause additional aggro on secondary packs, otherwise pull mobs back with a ranged weapon)
  2. Thunderclap (if 3+ targets)
  3. Defensive stance
  4. Cleave (if 2+ targets) OR Heroic strike (if single target)
  5. Revenge
  6. Taunt whichever target you have interacted with the least up to this point.
    Repeat steps 4-6 until all targets are dead
  7. Demoralizing Shout at 3+ targets or if heavy physical damage is otherwise anticipated
  8. Sunder if your target is a boss; trash mobs die too quickly for it to stack up anyway

I’m assuming you’re asking more for the 10-40 leveling range where they won’t have bloodthirst or shield slam, and where shields are less necessary. Obviously add in the 31-point talent instant ability once you’re at that level range.

Pre-40ish it really won’t matter whether they are wearing a shield or not, so long as they get heals.

There are some situational elements that you just can’t communicate cleanly with a boilerplate post; such as that they should have battle stance macroed into their Mocking Blow for when taunt resists… but you’re really getting into the weeds there if you expect PUG tanks to setup macros on the fly.


gotta mention demo shout…

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I disagree that tanks aren’t also part of the issue. There are plenty of tanks who just rush through the dungeon as if they’re invincible and that the rest of the party can somehow keep up even though the casters are constantly only on 30% mana because they don’t have enough time to drink to maximum.

I agree that DPS and even healers do not seem to understand aggro mechanics and make it hard for the tank because they don’t attack the target the tank is focussed on and instead go and AOE down everything right after the pull or whatever.

A lot of people who are playing who never played back in the day when the game originally released (not 2019) simply don’t seem to understand that Classic is a much slower game. They expect to blow through dungeons in 15 minutes which I suspect is how Retail works.

So true. The charging to initiate a fight is what really gets me. Many tanks out there don’t bother pulling a group using a ranged weapon anymore, it’s really refreshing when you see a tank that does.

You seem confident that there’s a problem with them, considering this.



Snipy are you SURE?! I need to know if you’re sure or not, because that shrug is causing me to detect some degree of uncertainty in your comment.

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I agree but I’m guessing it’s a rage generation issue since you can’t use Charge in combat. The smart tanks would ask someone else to pull for an LOS pack.

Like stated, tanking in classic is miserable because they still think thunderclap is magical snap aggro when its not in that state yet.

The key to stressless tanking is if the DPS want it that bad, let them have it. They will either not mind because they know their class can handle a mob or two, or they will die.

They will learn.

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I am no more or less certain than I am that there is only one direction possible to traverse through time.


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Sometimes it’s leather zerk stance tank, usually dps who rip aggro right away is the problem tho.

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warrior internet defense force always show up on their alts to type out essays that fact check reality

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You have no idea how Warriors should tank but want a macro to tell them how to do it?

This is not retail where threat is basically automatic and no matter what the rest of the group does the tank will have aggro.

These bad runs are skill issues, and the tank is most likely only part of that.


Very true.

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While there are exceptions (exceptionally geared 2h tanks), part of the issue is that every group is a bit different, and some pulls are different.

I’ve had groups where I mark a caster as skull on the assumption that the rogue is going to unload on that target anyway (as they should), only to find the rogue is ignoring the skull target with lower armor that no one cares if they pull threat on to try stabbing the high armor target they really don’t want to pull threat on and that I wasn’t expecting them to focus.

[and of course, the second dps is on the correct target, but the third dps is off on some other target altogether]

Personally I think the hardest are groups where no one thinks about kill order, and half the dps are aoeing indiscriminately (which requires spending rage one way to hold threat) while someone else is single target unloading on a mob they really don’t want to pull threat on.

The best groups are the ones not even necessarily where dps throttle their dps, but where they have chosen wisely on what they’re targeting both for mechanics and in case they do pull threat.

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