FWIW, you can’t charge in defensive stance in vanilla. You can intercept in Berserker stance (which costs rage) or charge in Battle.
You also can’t charge while in combat, and bloodrage puts you in combat, so while there are situations where you would bloodrage then charge, it requires waiting. And unless you’re specced into Tactical Mastery, you’re going to lose all that rage when you change stance.
Edit - Going back to Pocobueno’s point, a lot of these issues would resolve if DPS are on a page that’s anywhere in the ballpark of correct. And I don’t even mean they need to watch threat and throttle dps - they can unload as long as it’s on a smart target, and preferably one they’re coordinating on so if someone does pull threat it’s dead quickly anyway.
Non-Warrior tanks talk about Defensive Stance and “Sword and Board” as though it’s some panacea to threat and damage management. Then pull a surprised Pikachu face when they nuke and rip aggro after the tank has hit one measly white damage auto-attack.
god, what drives me crazy is trying to los pull and some ranged starts blasting before the mob gets any where close to us, or worse another warrior charges, either way then the mob social aggros a pat that chains to another pack and then you all die.
Let’s be honest people picked warrior because they like pressing execute and now they feel entitled to HR any melee item because they “made the group and are the tank” This is the reality. You can pretend it’s not but we all know
Good tanks, whether 1h shield 2h or dw, know when to ignore building threat on the mob currently getting blown up by the DPS and focus on building threat on the next targets
A DPS that cant - or wont - control his threat is a bad DPS and its entirely their own fault. Pure and simple. Its part of your job to ensure you remain below the tank on threat.
Refusal to do your job is your failure and no one else’s.
If i as a healer was sitting there chaincasting Holy Fire while my entire group was dying, would that be my fault or could i blame the DPS for not killing fast enough?
See how stupid even the question itself sounds? How preposterous?
I can’t tell if you misread his post or if I’m misreading yours lol.
Most DPS are clueless noobs and always have been. I’m a big fan of a good DPS, which are uncommon.
I used to run dungeons with someone wanting a guild invite cause we don’t have a spot for sheep breakers, standing in fire, or completely ignoring interrupts/dispels/decurses. We can get you geared - we don’t have time to teach you how to play.
Tanks are part of the problem yes, but DPS are equally guilty.
As someone who has ONLY played, and replayed Vanilla since 2004, done a TON of tanking, here’s what I’m noticing…
Everyone (including dps) clearly has retail habits, where threat isn’t an issue.
Tanks haven’t figured it out yet. DPS =/= Threat. At least, not always.
They need to use their abilities more (sunder, revenge, tab-spreading threat strategically in the moment).
They need to hop in and out of stances ahen required. All stances are viable for tanking, even berserker stance. It’s tricky to know when to switch, but this is one of the big skill gaps.
Defensive Stance is generally under prioritized with these new age tanks.
So is weapon swapping. You don’t always need a shield, but you do need it sometimes.
Gear swapping is also an issue. A lot of these warriors have 1 set of gear and they don’t switch out pieces as required.
Nobody marks anymore. Marking targets does wonders for smooth runs. Even if it’s just skull, it’s absolutely huge. Hotkey Skull and X to easy to reach keys. It helps DPS focus the right targets which will allow tanks to spread their threat on the right targets better.
This isn’t retail, can you at least wait like ONE second before opening up with your biggest threat ability?
Also AoE… if you dont wait a couple seconds, you’re going to pull everything off the tank and then he has to play catchup.
Follow the marks if there are any. If not, casters first, generally. Or whoever is lowest health.
I think youre misreading mine. Im not addressing him directly with it. Its more im piggybacking off what he said. I can see how youd think im goin after him from the wording though. Wasnt my intent.
How dare I want mobs attacking me 10% less. Ppl like you cry that warriors arent using defensives and then scream they use thunderclap which LITERALLY is to get mobs to stop swinging on you so much.
I think its more the instances where they charge, tclap and then do nothing to keep threat on the mobs theyre not targeting and then the Healer’s getting a train run on them because they cast Renew.