TBC WoW Tokens

Tokens got added in WoD right?

Retail is flooded with bots despite having token for 5+ years now


the gold sellers just sell gold at cheaper prices than the wow token, token does nothing to stop them


I can promise you it won’t happen.

TBC WoW Tokens: it is a good thing, it drives people away from gold sellers and legitimize trading gold with others.

Plus, for people who don’t have much time to play (because of work - e.g. casuals) it will help them to overcome the gold drought.

No one should be complaining about this at all.


Given how the robber barons are going to screw the economy day one at this point I’d be fine with the WoW Token so everyone else could compete. For all the whining about the economy, it’s already ruined and people already buy gold. Might as well buy them from Blizzard and know it’s legit.


Trust me, if you think the market is screwed now, and your against the “robber barons” as you put it, that will be jacked on steroids if they introduced those tokens. Basically, people with a crap load of cash will be gold rich, and the prices in the AH will be out of control.
They tried this in NWN, and omg the market was so overpriced, you were literally forced to spend cash to buy anything.

They should restore the old Vanilla gold cap and extend it across the entire account not just the character. Those who exceed the cap when this change is made, can spend what they have but can’t acquire any more until they fall below cap.

i 100% support this post. I’ll happily buy a few WoW tokens for gold

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Typical out-of-context quote from an anti-token wombat. Here’s the full quote:

They have no rebuttal so they lie.

Gamer in me says no for many reasons you all know.

The adult in me that doesn’t want to waste hours of time for amount of gold I can buy with something that costs less than what I make in one hour says yes.

Not really sure how illegally purchasing gold for a game is “adult of you” but ok…

I think the point was direct.

First, paying someone to do work for you that you can’t do, or can’t be bothered to you, is normal…and it’s normal in game. (Frankly, paying strangers to powerlevel dungeons bugs me much more that tokens.) But it’s all the same. I can change the oil in my car, but I don’t, because my time is worth more, and I don’t want to waste it doing that. It’s a choice. It’s a market.

So yeah, as a long time player, I’ve bought tokens in the past. Because as an adult–I have a life. A job. A family. Problems that matter. I’m busy. I can’t just grind gold for hours. I do things that matter.

That is what I understand it to mean to be an adult in this context. You can boo-hoo about what’s “fair”, but actual adult casual players will not give a single F—, because no game should be so important to an adult with adult responsibilities.

Sure, you can disagree, but if you’d “quit the game” if other people have it easier than you do, I have bad news for you–there are a lot of people in the real world who have it easier than you for no good reason, and in the real world it actually matters.

So bring the hate, but know in doing so, you’re exposing your silly priorities through your disproportionate emotional responses.


Man are you dumb? The thread is literally talking about WoW Tokens sold by Blizzard. How is it illegally purchasing gold when you’re paying the company for their currency.