TBC system superiority?

I think the general theory is it’ll be summer since there was a beta starting up soon, but I agree it seems aggressive. I would be fine with later in the year. If I get back into it I’d prefer the extra time to level up alts.

IIRC you need to catch an extremely rare fish that basically requires capped out fishing to enter black temple.

Uhh no it’s not. Anyone without res gear was sheep food to the hungry wolves aka vet players sitting in said stat.

I don’t remember this part. Do u mean lurker in SSC?

Well, yeah. Thats what made PVP gear good in PVP, while it was less good in PVE. Self correcting system.

People fall for this a lot, this is misinformation this is actually an april fools joke blizz created. Blizz was self aware about how terrible some attunements were in TBC and created a joke chart before the release of the BT patch.


That’s the other problem, people complained about going from PVE to PVP and res doing nothing in raids. It was better to compromise on a middle stat that affected both equally…versatility.

That’s cool and all bro, but I can’t wait to see how much copium you’ll need when you realize that TBC wasn’t all that good either.


I respectfully and completely disagree.

Only because your probably a full time pvp’r and didn’t know the issues players had back then. They didn’t want multiple sets of gears, one for PVP, one for PVE. They wanted one set. One gear stat that was great for both.

Well I’ll be standing at the Battlemasters running BG’s between raids, listening to the clank clank clank in Shat!

I hope they bring back AV Weekend!

Sure if you don’t consider the entire attunement system a time gate.

Badges lol they were introduced at the end of TBC. Badges were not a catch up mechanic until late in the game

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wasn’t sunwell plateau raid hella timegated? like released piece by piece

It sure was. Resources to build stuff

No epic gems unless you had the MH unlock, until they patched it late in the game

That all may be true, but I think the attunement system will be a big wake up call to a lot of players of today.

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Lets not forget the fun of balancing coloured gems and the meta gem in the helm

Heroics requiring keys to walk into them

ZERO catchup mechanics until the justice badges were introduced and even then they were not a complete set. It only offered a few pieces. You still had to fill in the majority of the other pieces

There will be no PVP in my opinion unless they alter the game to ensure a significant Alliance population.

Just going to be a million Blood Elves bored in a never ending queue posting on the forums for blizzard to fix it somehow.

Did PVE almost exclusively as a DS/Ruin lock.
Messed around in PVP and did fine without stacking resil. Once I got some I had a great time. Was never in the higher tiers but I had fun.

IMO resil is fine. Having 2 sets of gear is fine.
PVP should not be required to PVE. PVE should not be required to PVP.
Separating them solved this problem.
Also in retail I have PVP gear and PVE gear I have to swap out. So… I suppose that also is perhaps not a strong argument.

How long do Attunements take?

Here is Kara attunement.
-Do a couple quick quests outside Karazhan. Literally 2 quick quests.
-Run 4 dungeons.
-Hearth to Shat and turn in.

Sousukei - You didn’t need catchup mechanics.
“Hey, can I get into the farm raid for Kara/Mag/Gruul/SSC/TK? I’m a little behind”
ZA was a catchup raid.
Badge gear was catchup gear.
Magister’s Terrace was catchup gear.
Shattered Sun Offensive gear was good catchup gear too.

In fact I think there was so much catchup without extra systems that I need some fries to go with it all.

EDIT - Oh and I forgot endgame crafting. That was still a thing because crafting did things.