TBC should be no copy and everyone starts at 58

New player is a miner. He sells 10 stacks of addy ore at 30g a stack.
Old player buys out all the addy ore, Dusts it and pulls between 10-20 blue quality gems from it, with a minimum price of 30g for the blue/green gems and 240g for red ones.
When new player needs say a cut red gem they’re paying 240g for it from the player who has gold cap already.And it gets worse, new player needs 3 red gems for their latest upgrade.

Tell me,from my example how the newer player is proffitting from the AH again?


I know i get it, I agree its a wreck cause people have so much gold. I just don’t think starting over in any form is a good idea.

I can’t speak for others but if I knew that TBC was going to no involve the characters I’ve made then the second naxx is out and I’ve killed the boss I’m peacing it for how ever many months till TBC. I think many people would do the same which is not really healthy for the remainder of classic.

I’m not sure how they could do it but maybe increasing the price of flying or something might be a better option IMO than a gold wipe or any sort of character wipe.

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For sure, but it gets worse for the new players as the older plays instantly have their epic flying once they hit level 70 which spreads the gap further.

Having carte blanche on the elemental plateu for even a day is huge.


Your entire example makes no sense. Everything the “rich” guy does the new player can do.

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Poor player drops his other profession picks up JC.

Thanks to the horribly inflated market he has two choices.

  1. Go out and farm the matts for leveling his JC tanking his own profits,
  2. Go buy off the AH which will benefit the rich player who can afford to manipulate the market or has already.

Go look at the classic AH. Prices on stuff is completely and utterly borked and while there is some benefit to newer players the majority of main materials are worthless.


I really don’t want to believe this, but then I see people trying to sell Edgemaster’s for 5k and I see people posting trying to buy it for that much as well. And then my guildie saying he’s going to farm 20-40k for a chance at scarab mount (in fairness he multiboxes).

Ask retail how Garrisons worked out for them.

Dude, in your own example the “rich” guy bought the newbies mats and flipped them for tons of gold. The newbie can just prospect the ore himself and sell it on the ah to make a fortune… by your own example!

Except he needs the materials to level JC to actually make the bigger benefits.Oh and prospecting certain ores are skill rank locked.
Especially when the best recipes are BoE and sell for a metric boatload.

Nobody is forced to spend 50G on a rare red gem, particularly when an uncommon gem equivalent exists for <1G.

Would love to see that, a raid full of people using low quality gems instead of good ones.

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Luckily, the newbie got a BoE drop and earned a BOATLOAD of gold from the AH. See, all these “poor newbie” posts always assume that the newbie never gets any drops of his own and can only use the AH to purchase items, not to sell them. It doesn’t work that way.


Nobody ever killed Malchazzar with uncommon gems.

I dunno, they’ve never taken a step to restart the economy in the 15+ years the game’s been around. New goldsinks, sure. But they’ve never just said “to continue playing, lose all but 1000 of your gold”.

I don’t think they will start here. And if you do, can I interest you in some ocean-front property?

I don’t think you played in TBC. Cause nobody would sell that if they’re a JC. Selling +8 Agi gems literally carried my main and alts financially upto the point they released IQD.

We’re talking 10’s of thousands of gold via spending little to no time on anything bar listening to the sound of gems getting cut.

I also like how you neglect to mention how the newbie can actually level to prospect the required gems to make all that bank too.

But hey selective quoting to make your point is a thing.

Nobody cares about kara except the people who use green gems.

If you’re raiding SSC and TK and fretting about 50G for rare red gems LOLILOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO

Look, you JC examples just aren’t proving your point. Yes some people will spend thousands on gathering every JC pattern there is. This has absolutely nothing to do with the health of the economy.

The hypothetical newbie being able to sell his prospected mats on the AH for a lot of gold will be a massive advantage for him. He won’t have to worry about coming up with money for training, repairs or his mount. No, he will not have the same giant pile of gold that someone who has already invested thousands of hours into their character will have. That’s ok, it doesn’t hurt the economy.

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I’m fairly certain there were people who had that kind of gold in Vanilla who bought their flying mount ASAP when TBC launched.

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TBC would make Blizzard lose a lot of money. Only 10 extra levels and people with the rush to endgame mentality and how easier it is to get gear in TBC? TBC would only last 2 months meaning Blizzard would only make 30 bucks per sub. Sounds like a complete loss for Blizzard.

Just go play retail. Which is practically the same thing. If you want TBC to layer over classic why not just play retail if you think it’s okay for an expansion to layer over the previous version you can play retail and do TBC raids there let’s see how you like having your expansion layered over by a modern day one.

If people want TBC so bad why aren’t they just running TBC guilds and TBC raids in retail?

The community is already fragmented though some pretend it’s all a “classic” community. Not just into a pvp and a pve community with different interests but right down to the individual servers. What’s happening on my server, rp-pve, is very different than what people are claiming is happening on their server.

While it’s true that blizzard can’t possible cater to every individual’s personal preference I don’t see why they can’t have a few versions. They could have 40 servers where you copy your characters over. Or they could have 30 of them and 5 that start fresh with level 1 and 5 where you start at level 58. Something like that would broadly appeal to most every one who has expressed a view. (the numbers are just guesstimates and could be adjusted, but you get the idea)

I very much look forward to tbc, my favorite of all the exansions.

So to me the best scenario blizzard can handle this would be to clone all the servers. There would be an Atiesh server and an Atiesh-BC server, for example.

If not then all servers should just progress to tbc, and people have the option to transfer their characters to vanilla post phase 6 servers.

If not then at least give me the option to free transfer all my characters to tbc servers.

If it’s none of the above: then I will be quitting my sub. Simple as. I am not going to start from scratch, regardless if its at level 1 or 58. The economy problems will be just as bad on fresh servers as they will be with transferred characters.

I also won’t be playing retail.

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