TBC Shaman Tank Talents

Have a good day.

OP if you can find other people that want to give this a shot, then have at it.
Everyone should make their own fun when they can.


Red Eye Raiders has some peeps in it that’ll help me make this work. I’ll be sure to revisit this topic in the future. I more-so just wanted to reach out and find out what the optimal way to play such a spec would be from others who like to experiment with classes and class builds.

Who knows? Maybe there’s a hidden Rogue Tank spec that can also be uncovered.

Off topic, but I made a hammer subtly rogue that has 24% parry chance by stacking all parry rate gems, (plus 28% dodge).

I’m 100% going to use it to farm leather in black morass by parry hasting the Hell out of animals and spammnig riposte with my troll beast slaying.

Will be it effective? Probably, at least in this context. Will it be fun? Sure!


If by make it work you mean carry you, sure. You are never tanking anything that matters as a shaman in TbC.


I never understood the concept of “carry you” when people use it in this context. It’s like they’re under the assumption that Tanks aren’t already reliant on healers to heal and DPS to do damage.

If anything, I’d say healers determine who is or isn’t “carried” more than any other class or role.

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Your misunderstanding comes from the fact that you created such a useless baseline that every Tank is somehow carried to render the differences between Tanks and non-Tanks irrelevant.

You’re being carried if your Healer is bombing you with heals and hoping the DPS kill the mobs that you aren’t holding fast enough so you don’t die.

That’s nice. You won’t really be trying anything though because you’ll just be dead on the floor while the Hunter in your group desperate kites the mobs that 2-shot you in the 5-man you tried to do.

“I want to be special!” - he said, creating a nonsense goal

There isn’t some cabal of Druids and Warriors and Paladins all sitting around holding the poor Shaman class down to keep them from Tanking. We don’t go to guilds and drag members out into the streets to torture and steal all their Felweed and Mana Thistle if they think the wrong thoughts about Shaman.

There is no taboo.

It isn’t a taboo to say “you can’t eat that Stop Sign” due to the fact that not only are you going to destroy your teeth trying to chew it up, but you’ll literally be incapable of digesting anything and the shards of metal are going to shred your insides to ribbons. You’re not suddenly doing something special and unique by trying, you’re just being foolish for the sake of attention.

You die. That’s what happens. You die and your group has to prop up your failure.


I love this idea but given how poorly Parry scales in TBC compared to Dodge/Miss, you’d probably be better off with an Agility stacked set. If you go deep Subtlety for 5/5 Sinister Calling, Agility simply beats all others, and since you gem in equal amounts, that is a pure Agility gem is +8 and a pure Defense gem is +8 (blue quality), Agility just wins.

In Phase 1, you can achieve a passive 78.03% total Avoidance chance against lvl70 mobs. I don’t remember what the Black Morass mobs have as a level, but you’d be taking very few hits, but 55.15% of that is just straight Dodge.

In that video, that shield is not available via that content. he massively out gears the dungeon.

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That’s all that I asked you (as Marketfresh) about a week ago. I’m curious how efficient you guys can make it.

I still stand by my previous posts obviously, that pugs will shun/avoid you just because its super less convenient for the others.

But I do hope that you find what you’re looking for.

Well, Classic TBC still hasn’t been released yet. It’s a journey I have yet to make, but I do plan on leveling a Shaman at that time.

Everyone knows, except for you?

This is not rocket science. You will not have the tools to do the job.

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Sounds like a challenge! I accept!

…wait, didn’t you already say this? Or is this Deja Vu?

An overgeared shaman can tank a 5 man. An overgeared moonkin can do it too (look up panzerkin spec). 5 man.

5 man.


That is all.

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Around 50 people have said it in this thread alone. But your desire to be a unique snowflake prevents you from acknowledging reality.

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A good tank can carry a team with incompetent DPS (survive longer, control CC breaks)

A good DPS can carry a team with incompetent healers (kill faster)

A good healer can carry a team with an incompetent tank (heal anything)

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I told you a million times not to exaggerate!

I think my ultimate point should have been that everyone carries everyone else. It’s a team effort.

Oh, for sure.

But just like a 25 moonkin raid, I want nothing to do with it.

If I’m trying to run a heroic and the only option is use a shaman ““Tank”” and not doing it, I’m saving myself the headache.

The take away is that there are too many underlying mechanical gameplay issues to allow a shaman to properly tank and not be a major detriment to a team. Same for having a warlock ““tank”” outside specific raid encounters where a warlock is designed to do so.

You can theory craft it, but end of the day, the way the game, class, and threat mechanics work, you’re fighting an uphill battle AT BEST. Its just a terrible idea outside doing it for the sake of a challenge and making the game needlessly more difficult.

If that is in fact the intention, then by all means, don’t let anything in the thread stop you. A challenge run is exactly that: a challenge. But theory crafting a shaman tank as a serious role is going to land you flat on your face, in the same way a “resto rogue” as a main healer would. Its just not in the cards.

Just gotta think of it more like it’s a challenge, I guess?

Plus, you’d get to walk away with the experience since it’s not something everyone is going to do. That way, if someone says, “Shamans can’t tank!”

You can be like, “Well, technically…”

Might make for some interesting conversations. Inevitably, I’d love for this all to go somewhere. I know Blizzard made Prot Warrior a DPS spec for a short period of time. I’d love to imagine a #SomeChanges where they get creative…

Could be something as simple as making Spirit Weapons a toggle that increases threat generation or Stormstrike has a unique activator if you’re using a shield. Stuff like that.

Asking for changes to make niche specs like that function is a pretty big leap and opens a big can of worms imo.

The fact shamans are the most sought after class for their buffs and can uniquely DPS and Heal is pretty amazing in of itself.

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