TBC Shaman Tank Talents

See above for video proof of the contrary :rofl:

Read the post again because if you’re asking this question then you’re not reading/not understanding.

You’re right, y’all took like 3 volleys.

Go for it, but remember the gear portion as well. I did Heroics without badge gear, exalted gear, raid gear, or otherwise gear that is above what you get out of a Heroic. Tanks are intended to be able to do the job of Tanking when it is first needed, not after everyone has done it and is geared up.

This was a persistent sticking point with Caperfin and others who would claim to be BWL capable Tanks and then post up supposed Naxxramas setups that would get them there… kinda pointless to call yourself a Tank if you have to wait until other people carry you through two tiers later so you can finally do the job.

A - Frost Mage can take a hit
B - For bosses in particular, you just do exactly what Shaman do when they try to Tank a lot of things: you run and kite and swap aggro a lot

The Russian Shaman that likes to force his guild (he’s the GM after all) to cater to him couldn’t hold bosses in Shadow Labyrinth, so the Mage and two Warlocks just juggled them.

I accept successful Kiting as successful Kiting.
I accept successful Tanking as successful Tanking.

I do not accept successful Kiting as successful Tanking, or vice versa.

I currently have two Kara pieces: Barbed Choker of Discipline and Heart Flame leggings. Would you say that would disqualify the run?

Don’t get me wrong Fasc, I value your input. I just think there’s some rigidity into who/what is a tank. I have never seen a mage tank a heroic, but would love to see if it can be done. Like you said, successfully get to the end and get loot.

Also, I did tank all the way through normal dungeons as I leveled (I leveled 100% as a tank). Which means doing the job when it was needed and without gear outside the dungeons or the level. I can upload videos about some of those runs too :slight_smile:

Not explicitly no, but your crew also matters.

The goal here to showcase Shaman as viable Tanks is to show them being actual Tanks in a viable setting, not an idealized one. The Russian GM always bring a Priest, Mage, and double Warlock with him, with the Mage as Frost and one of the Warlocks as deep Affliction so that all the ideal buffs/debuffs are present and maximum damage and CC can be brought to bear for any situations the Shaman can’t handle (which is frequent).

We know that a fresh-faced crew can step up with any of the three Tanks and do these Heroics, but what we don’t know is if a Shaman can do the same. I’m sure I can find videos of people multi-Mage annihilating all manner of Heroics and a Paladin just sorta sits back, drops Consecration, and does something worthwhile once we hit a boss that can’t be easily kited. That’s fine and dandy but doesn’t speak to the PALADIN in any way.

Rigidity has a point. A Feral Druid is a poor choice of DPS, but isn’t so bad as to be considered not-a-DPS since they can put out more than enough damage even in non-idealized conditions to drop dungeon and raid bosses alike before enrage timers hit and so forth. The guy over there trying to be a Melee Warlock will not be able to put out that kind of minimum DPS ever, even in some perfect storm of stats and buffs/debuffs/gear, so that mode of play is not and should not ever be considered a DPS.

The same is true of Healing and Tanking. These are jobs with rather strict requirements for success. Kiting honestly is its own job as well and I don’t knock its usefulness, efficacy, or skill expression, but most PvE content rarely requires Kiting and a lot of harder content deliberately disallows Kiting because it otherwise trivializes the content. Shaman make fantastic Kiters, particularly in single target scenarios.

Transitioning from Kiter to Tank is hard, because you really need a lot of beef to handle the hits, and Shaman just lack most of the stats to handle those kinds of hits. In Heroics in particular, the most dangerous pulls are the trash mobs, not the bosses. I fully expect a Shaman to be able to Tank Grand Warlock Nethekurse (or however you spell it) in Heroic Shattered Halls. I do not expect a Shaman to do anything but Kite the trash packs that precede or follow.

This I’m inclined to believe without you needing to prove it. Mobs don’t hit that hard in normals, the difference a single level can make is massive in how painful a place can be, and even a single Frost Nova or similar soft CC can lighten the load considerably. Couple all of that with the fact that mobs in leveling 5mans are very low health and you have few opportunities to even get trashed in the first place. I think Sethekk Halls is really the first place you can get in over your head if you jump in too early.

Would you be open to saying then that shamans can be leveling tanks (and tanks for normals). With Heroics and raids pending acceptable data?

I’m sorry boys, I love underdogs and it would be cool if you guys actually figured out a way to tank on a shaman.

But all I’m seeing is heavy cc/control comps with the shaman acting as a poor DPS. These runs could have been done without the shaman, and probably done quicker with a frost mage.

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Honestly? Yeah. I can concede that only because I don’t know of anyone that really does any kind of hard check on Tanking a leveling dungeon beyond “did we struggle through it successfully?” People accept screw ups, weak gear, bad pulls, etc, in those kinds of dungeons and also just do whatever they want because they’re not that bad.

I’m not going to get too spicy about “Oh well you didn’t do Sethekk Halls at 66” since leveling isn’t really intended for people to truly go against mobs that can Crushing Blow you with any regularity. But calling them just a Tank needs the asterisk of leveling content only, otherwise people get the impression you just gotta work hard enough to handle Boglords and Felguards and so forth, not that Shaman are fundamentally weak and not Tanks.

And do not forget. A Fury or Arms Warrior can always do better then the Shaman Tank without trying.


Hmm, you posted no videos or anything backing this statement.

I can totally buy into what you’re saying, don’t get me wrong. I just need to see the evidence.

Was that a respond to me?

Lets just say, an Arms/Furry Warrior can thanks to shieldblock reach hit immunity without a single piece of defensive gear.
And can wear Plate.
And has Shieldwall.
And Defensive Stance.

As said. I dont have a problem with meme Speccs. If someone takes one and does some crazy shlt with it, thats awesome.
Still a meme.

Nope. Video evidence or it didn’t happen.

Now your beeing a :clown_face:

I mean, I’ve posted videos from various folks actually performing the legwork.

Meanwhile you just have your theories you make up in your head.

You posted videos of people kiting for a dead Shaman.


Wait, are you actively engaging in conversation with someone you’ve deemed insane?

This whole shaman tank thing needs to stop lmfao.

Resto Shaman here, I’m not sure why my fellow shammy players “tank” 1 time and then feel the need to post about it literally everywhere.

Nobody cares you tanked normal slave pens
Nobody cares you “tank” kited heroic slave pens
And lastly…
Nobody calls it “warden tank”


The shaman community


Everyone knows that panzerkin are the true tanks.

Shamans when they realize Balance Druids are beefier than they’ll ever be: :sob:

Brooklyn’s Finest

You don’t stop
You won’t stop

Except you do because you posted here. All the people who don’t care have ignored this thread.

I think it’s just called “Warden”. Period.

Here’s the discord: https://discord.gg/B5gVBsHu

Make sure you let everyone there know what the “Shaman Community” thinks, mmmkay?

Shamans aren’t tanks. Why is this conversation still happening?