i wish you the best of luck, shaman tank was one of the best (not statistically, but just meme-y) things i saw in classic. im rooting for you.
Sharman’s do not tank In the burning crusade they had an off tanking mechanic in classic.
And that mechanic basically got killed when they updated the talents so Sherman tanks do not exist.
Maybe to finish up a fight or something to that leisure of the tank dies bite yeah they they don’t think over all
I see a dreamer and i want u to succeed! Go u mad bastard! GO! Let us know how it goes for u in the end!
They’re far too squishy. I don’t think you’d get it to work. At least not while heroics are part of the progression. Gear the toon in T6? Maybe?
About the only thing I can add would be a paladin would help your aggro with Salv on the dps. Since you are already a suboptimal comp I wouldn’t gimp yourself further bringing a ret, just bring an hpal.
The software used to record this gameplay was released in 2018, this video was from a private server and may not reflect actual gameplay in Classic TBC.
Great positive post, I need to be as positive as you in all of my post. You’ve given me something to strive for.
Shaman do not tank current level content without major issues and great concessions from the other people present
Nice! A challenge!
challenge accepted.
Might have to search a bit harder for good CC again. Like when starting out. Actually be careful about it. I’d join.
It’s also a private server so you know tons of stuff is wrong already.
In all of those videos they also out gear the heroic by alot.
Won’t be a real thing, it will be something people do after having cleared raids.
yeah boss values are inflated and will not be the case in ClassicTBC.
and the video is also 5 years old, so much has been fleshed out since then for shaman tanking and all other classes in terms of dps/tank/heal.
More like they were undertuned in most areas. Shamans will not be able to tank.
yeah boss values are inflated and will not be the case in ClassicTBC.
You always deliberately leave out the other parts of p-server terribleness, like classes scaling better than they should, specs making use of interactions that aren’t authentic or intended, completely jacked up NPC scripting, etc.
Shaman did exactly as well as predicted in Vanilla, terribly
- Shaman barely handled MC when heavily geared
- Shaman failed in BWL despite overgearing it
- Shaman couldn’t even touch AQ40
- Shaman can’t even talk about Naxxramas because it is leagues beyond them
Shamans will not be able to tank.
This, a 1,000 times this.
Shaman Stats:
- 12.5k Health
- 13.0k Armor
- 33.52% Total Boss Avoidance
- 0% Damage Reduction
Warrior Stats:
- 15.8k Health
- 16.5k Armor
- 69.68% Total Boss Avoidance
- 10% Damage Reduction
The Warrior in this comparison is using Kara gear, T4, etc, which is the closest equivalent the Shaman can hope to match and it just… isn’t even close. If I were to run a pre-BiS setup for the Warrior the stats would still just dwarf the Shaman entirely and, this is very important, WARRIORS HAVE THE WEAKEST EFFECTIVE HEALTH SCALING OF THE THREE LEGITIMATE TANKS.
To add to this comparison:
The Shaman would be mitigating 52.08% of incoming physical hits.
The Warrior would be mitigating 62.18% of incoming physical hits.
But because there is a health disparity as well we have to look at Effective Health.
The Shaman would have 26,087 EH
The Warrior would have 41,775 EH
In other words, the Warrior has over 60% more raw survivability than the Shaman in the very first tier of content.
Oh and the Warrior is also straight up avoiding twice as many hits as the Shaman is.
Shaman will not be “tanking” anything until they massively outgear the content by several tiers at which the Shaman doing anything neither matters nor is relevant.
Your best bet with tanking is spamming frost shock and parry haste with WF.
You can’t take the talent allowing you to parry in the first place.
Tanking as a shaman in TBC is going to be a waste of time, and in the case of Classic Vanilla, using AQ40 / naxx gear to maintank MC is asinine. You’re not tanking, you’re just so over geared that the content is trivial.
You’re not tanking, you’re just so over geared that the content is trivial.
Let’s put this in further perspective since I can make sets galore now…
The T4 Warrior has 41,775 EH.
A Shaman in pure EH gear during Phase 3, that is Tier 6 and Arena S3 are available can hit a “massive” 31,900 EH, leaving the Warrior who is two tiers behind the Shaman with a mere 30% more EH than the Shaman.
In Phase 4 the Shaman has nothing to improve themselves with over Phase 3.
Then in Phase 5, the Sunwell patch, the Shaman can don mostly full Brutal Gladiator gear to hit the EH cap of 36,112 EH. In other words, a Warrior in T4 gear, that is the Tank with the worst EH scaling in TBC, still has >15% more EH than an end-of-expansion BiS geared Shaman. The best a Shaman can achieve is the EH level of a Tank trying to do their first set of Heroics, not even their first Raid.
Shaman. Are. Not. Tanks.
In Classic, I was fine with Shaman tanks. It went a little slower, and the heals had to pump extra hard to make it work, which is counter productive when trying to manage threat.
TBC? No. As a healer I will not offer to heal a shaman tank. I’d rather find another group to heal.
Not trying to put anyone’s dreams down. TBC was not designed with Shamans in mind as a tank, unlike the half baked spec that Enhance was in Classic.
Why in the world are you people still trying to make this work? in tbc earthshock doesn’t cause high amount of threat like in classic. Good news though, enhance does very nice dps and has great utility in tbc, you would need 1 in every raid. Just stop with this nonsense lol.