TBC Shaman Tank Talents

Then in that case you’re only about 4k under cap for lvl70s and you could easily shift to things like Zierhut’s, Mark of Tyranny, etc.

But that only disadvantages the Shaman since they can’t shift anything around to pull more EH out of their backside.

I think a more useful topic of discussion is how poorly geared a tank have you healed through a heroic? Warriors and Paladins I’ve ran with seem to be just under 11k hp and require a lot of healing. Druid tanks basically don’t need anything but 3stack lifebloom so it probably makes more sense to ignore them as an outlier.

This can be very true of poorly geared plate users, but even then the poorly geared plate user is still beefier than the BiS EH Shaman. Warriors and Paladins both just take less damage on top of their Armor, have Block mitigation that scales quite well, and have extra tools to protect themselves.

One thing I’ve noticed is that Druid healers have almost no issues keeping up provided they aren’t neglecting their HoTs. Triple LB and Rejuv and they’re never OOM and I’m never low. Other Healers have to time incoming healing so conditions can spike more. And speaking of spikes…

Watch how your Tanks gather up mobs next time you run something. As a Druid we lack any kind of ranged slow/snare unless we Cyclone something, so mobs run in staggered as they are initially positioned. I deliberately try to yoink the closest mob only so that way everything doesn’t swing at me at the same time when it all arrives at the same time. 2k melee swings are nothing, but if all four land at the same time, that’s 8k and now my Healer is absolutely panicked.

Threat is not going to be your first issue, it’s going to be survivability. Link me a build that gets you defense capped at as a tank shaman.

Paladin w/Salvation too.

If you’re talking about crit immunity, then yes.

You’ll still be vulnerable to crushing blows, however. It’s why Wardens work best in 5-man Heroics and not so much in raids.


Once Phase 2 hits and Shamans have access to Tier 5 gear, they’ll be able to take advantage of the generous Stam increases the Cataclysm Harness has to offer. Aside from achieving Def cap, you generally want to gem and enchant for Stamina. At that point, you’re about as tanky as a Bear wearing Pre-Raid BiS which means you could potentially tank Karazhan and Gruul’s Lair.

I’m eagerly awaiting a Largid video where he tanks Prince Melchezaar.

PvP gear does the trick and also has the highest available Armor and Stamina. Unfortunately… it isn’t much compared to other Tanks.

Do people who say stuff like this even think about it for more than a half a second? Great, it’s “fun” for you. Do you think it’s “fun” for the T6-geared healers who are bored out of their skulls for non-bosses because there’s 3 of them, and then stressed out during boss fights because they’re trying to keep the little-engine-that-could shaman tank alive through strings of parry-hasted crushing blows?

Do you think it’s “fun” for the caster dps who have to literally stand there doing nothing for 30 seconds while the shaman misses 1 out of every 5 frost shocks, because they don’t have hit gear, and then finally get to start casting, only to have to stop again for another 30 seconds when their back-to-back 5k crits pull aggro immediately?

Do you think it’s fun for the rest of the raid who funneled you drops so you could play your goofy meme-spec and drag them to 2-year-old content they’ve probably done enough by that point to never want to do again? How about the “fun” of the tanks whose T6 mitigation jewelry and cloaks you took so you could lose aggro on Nightbane?

A raid is about more than you personally having fun.

Also, since this is a late response - where’s the videos of the shamans tanking Magtheridon? Waiting anxiously.

Edit: oh gawd, that video of a shaman “tanking” normal Ramps… he only survives half the pulls because he’s so bad at holding threat the mobs are running around beating on his teammates instead of him. On the first pull where he actually gets initial threat on everything, he immediately gets dusted and the druid has to shift into bear to tank. Absolutely priceless.


No. This is a game. If you’re playing for any other reason other than to have fun, there’s something wrong with you.

When your personal “fun” wastes the time and ruins the “fun” of two-dozen other people, that’s called being selfish and rude.

And all you need is a full set of Gladiator gear! Easy!

Gladiator gear and associated BG gear, gotta do your Honor grind too!

Very easy!

This. The table for crushing blows, crits etc is where the mitigation/avoidance afforded by talents and stats on decidedly tanking gear really make the difference - not just in armor level and stamina.

That said, I think (and have always thought) Shammies should have had a tanking tree, and I commend you for asking about it! It’s not in principle any more crazy than say, tanking with a 2H and no shield at all, aka DK’s later on.

I might roll a Shaman and dabble with this too just for curiosity-sake, since my WoW time anymore is just tinkering and playing my own game within-a-game.

Shaman tank spec practically writes itself, but alas, Blizzard wanted only druids to be special and have 4 specs. lol

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And who exactly is forcing this on you?

Who hurt you?

Can you not read?



Good for you. The funny thing about the “fun” theorem of raiding is that if all anybody cares about is “fun”, then all it takes is 1 person in a raid of 10/25 being annoyed and having their own fun ruined for your playstyle to be actively detrimental. My ele shaman crits once or twice and pulls aggro off of real tanks who do a good job of holding threat. Guess who’s having no fun if they’re having to stand there and watch you miss 4 frost shocks in a row while you desperately try to hold aggro off the healers?

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Guess who can get out of the raid then and find another group?

No one is forcing you to play with shaman tanks, you do realize this yes?

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Are you incapable of not grouping with players you don’t want to?

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Hey, I’m asking you a simple question.

Its a 15 year old game. Its so obvious why he wants to try something different. It would be easily done with competent players. Stop being negative for the sake of it

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