TBC server balance

yeah i remember this. it almost singlehandedly destroyed alliance raiding, as our m+ guilds all transferred to horde, followed by their groupies.

yeah in combat shadowmeld is wotlk. i remember it well. i immediately rolled a nelf priest cause that was 2 different ways to avoid healing aggro. saved my groups many times with it.

primarily pvp but they’re good all around, and hunters are op in tbc, so add it up, preferable hunter is orc or troll. trolls just shine in whatever class they play. folks just want shoes and being able to stand up straight. haha

It’s funny, because I actually faction transferred to Alliance in late WoD to raid in Legion as Alliance (for the first time ever. That’s just a total aside to this conversation, and has no meaning to our conversation.

Shadowmeld in combat is considerable better than Warstomp (when that happens). It’s so good, I didn’t ever want to faction transfer back (as a druid).

So, during late WoD, when I faction transferred, I did so so that I could main my druid (as feral) in Legion. Because Feral is my favorite PVP class/spec, and Legion was to introduce artifact weapons, etc. So I thought it wouldn’t be alt friendly (nor spec swap friendly).

I thought about Vanguard Cleave (I forget its other name), Ret/Hunter/Healer. It’s not a commonly good comp, but sometimes, can do pretty well.

I have mained Ret during some content, and have mained Paladin during a lot of content. I don’t consider Seal of Blood to be a game changer for TBC (or TBC Classic).

I have more academic qualifications than you (I imagine).

Considering you linked a video rather than making a point, which is (at least in my opinon), a bad faith argument, I watched it.

So, somebody made a point. Do you agree with that point? Why?

Whoever the person is in the video, they seem to be someone with some experience as a private server player with some biases for what private servers did.

He also says this, (quote) “Private server players will always be more inclined to min/max than your average player.”

I’m actually going to stop here and ask:

  1. Why are you referencing this video? What point are you making?
  2. How is this video credible? How can I support whatever claim(s) you make with what is represented in this video?

but i gave you several examples already. you’re mean. haha

It’s possible.

We could compare.

I don’t doubt it, but if we compared quality, we might want to ask a third party. For example, is Oxford considered better than Nebraska U?

unless you’re joking, you really didn’t. I had to actually watch that to try to determine what point you were making. That was painstaking.

he just hits on points i already made. you just disagree with him, apparently because he mentions examples from private servers, but alot of classic players are from private servers, why would they change trends by coming to classic tbc? he mentions that as well, describing people who argue against that actually being an inevitability, as decidedly naive. i personally dont care as i plan on rolling alliance, regardless, but i’m not a min maxxer, hard core raider or highly competitive pvper.

oh i missed one…unnerfed will of the forsaken. haha. tricky forsaken you are.

Post LinkedIn profile bro or GG

This frosto guy is amazing. Faction balance is not and should not be measured among all servers. Why? Because CRZ doesnt exist. Calling it balanced is a joke when places like skeram, pagle, mankirk, and more exist.

Why this matters? Queue times, finding guilds, and most importantly, economies. I have characters on 3 servers. On my main server a flask of the titans is 400 gold. On an alt server I was playing on yesterday someone in trade was selling them 4for 100 each
As for solutions, you act like we haven’t done this before. First with battle groups and then CRZ. Every complaint I’ve seen from classic players has been addressed in retail. CRZ to aid with imbalance and dead servers, wow tokens to stunt the botting epidemic (although that didnt really work all that well) heirlooms for faster leveling since boostings a thing.

The overall population is the most irrelevant strawman to this discussion. Nice try though. Each server is it’s own ecosystem and should be treated as such.

However, players made choices. The faction imbalance is not blizzard’s fault. Its player driven.

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Dude, there’s no winners here. We’re playing WoW bro.

But sure. Let’s post LinkedIn for the purpose of becoming friends, not of challenging each other as to who rolled on a PVP server when they should have rolled PVE and is whining about it.


My bad. I’m salty about warmode.

Let’s be friends.

But if you want to compare, let’s compare for fun. It’s an interesting point:

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Not really. A tiny fraction of Classic players are from private servers. TBC was much less popular on private servers than Classic. Yet, from what we currently anticipate (we may be very wrong) TBC Classic will be more popular than the massively popular classic.

WoW Classic had about 1 million subscriptions. The biggest private servers had what? 1 percent of that at best? 10,000 players? Yeah, that seems right…

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i encouraged vanilla classic so we’d get tbc classic. i loved tbc. was sad to see it end. wotlk was not my fav expac, though i was a huge fan of emfh and incombat shadowmeld.



we’ll see how things go. I’ve been happy enough with the current rollout that I’m looking forward to where we go from here.

did ya watch the vurtne frost mage video i linked? he was sublime.

No. I didn’t. I’m not going to watch any videos. unless I have a reason.

If you have something to say, say it.

Don’t link random stuff and expect someone to find the evidence in it if you can’t.

he’s forsaken vanilla frost mage. the guy was flippin amazing. at one point hes in silithus, and is attacked by two alliance. it looks bad for our bony hero and then he sheeps one, and a third alliance arrives. its a priest!!! so he mind controls the priest with engi trinket, and has her heal him while he nukes the unsheeped guy. lol dude was poetry in motion.

Oh. I get it.


We good? Sorry if I came across as a douche. Even more sorry if I was a douche.