TBC server balance

What are we going to do about 90% of servers being BElfs?


Cry. Like I did back in the day


People can do whatever they want

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All Blood Elves are set to the new hardcore rules.


Found the Belf

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Actually gonna be alliance like i was in the original BC.


Alliance all the way. Horde is for scrubs!


Found the weirdly entitled, things-I-don’t-like-must-be-fixed, person.

Not play on or with them.

I doubt they will be though. Unless 90% of players currently are Ret paladins (that’s who I suspect are going to reroll belf).

In Classic, faction balance has more-or-less been almost perfect. I don’t see any reason for that to change.

There does seem to be a slight overall preference for blue over red.

Same thing I did the last time this happened. Chuckle and keep playing.


faction balance has been far from perfect lol

It’s been perfect lol

perfect would be 50/50…

which it has more-or-less been.


most servers during phase 2 (or whenver honor came out) were absolute chaos due to horde outnumbering alliance, and when BGs came out it was horde QQing due to alliance insta bgs…

far from 50/50

I suppose it depends on how you measure it. You seem to have a different idea of how to measure than I do.

Overall, population balance has roughly been 50:50, with a slight preference towards Alliance.

Based on raid logs according to IronForge.Pro, the current raiding population is something like 53% Alliance to 47% Horde.


It wasn’t most. It was actually fewer than most, but for some reason there was an overrepresentation of PVE players who rolled on PVP servers who happened to choose Alliance, so if you only looked at the people complaining, it appeared that the amount of complaints was almost only Alliance.

The overall population is pretty much balanced but the pvp queuing population was overwhelmingly horde early on.

My ally/horde queues for AB/WSG are almost similar during peak hours so Id say thats leveled off some. AV is a different story but thats just a case where more horde are queuing than alliance.

Im sure the min/max crowd will show their faces in TBC but as to how “bad” it is no one can really tell.

This is an interesting point to look at. If we filter ironforge.pro raid-log-based population based on PVP servers, we see a slight horde bias. However, queue times, and particularly AV queue times suggest that significantly more Horde players are queuing for BGs.

What does “balance” mean?

50/50 what, precisely?

player base/numbers per server.

What does that even mean, and how do you enforce it?

For what it’s worth, I played Alliance during phase 2 on Fairbanks (35:65) Alliance:Horde.

I’m curious as to what you think those numbers per server mean, and how you would enforce it, and really why.