TBC server balance

it means that servers shoulnd’t be allowed to be more than 55/45

stop the creation of one factions characters being made until it is within the number above

quik maff

most of my chars will be alliance, though i plan to roll a belf warlock for nostalgia purposes, she likely wont level out of the belf zones.

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More than 55/45 of what? And precisely how are you measuring?

We have pretty much perfect balance according to the raiding log metric.

percent of a population per faction. Duh

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So, if I have 6 level 1 alts, does that skew the population?

Why/how is that meaningful?

It seems like you really haven’t given this much thought, for some reason are incredibly opinionated about it, and also don’t have much of an idea about how or what it means.

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another thought is 45/55 layering/queues


45/55 what? Precisely what are you measuring? Total characters created, or?

percent of people online per server

55% of the online server is one faction? they can wait until it balances out b4 more inc

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LoL!!! So, sorry, you can’t log into your main today, you’re in a queue for an amount of time that cannot be determined. Either wait or log on to a different realm. Unfortunately, even though you have 10 characters, each on different servers, none can currently log in, and there is no way to tell how long it will take for the threshold of when you can log in to be realized.

What do you hope to accomplish with that? And can you not see the potential for griefing that this would have? Esp. in Retail where you can create unlimited free trial accounts to play up to level 20.

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well alliance has a few things to their advantage in tbc, namely, 1) dwarves - these peeps are premiere at pvp, 2) a much more popular druidic race (nelfs are more popular than tauren) and tbc druids are amazing, with boomkin being the only weak link, 3) draenei are best healers, their racial, gift of the naaru, which is effected by spellpower, is a mana free heal, their shaman have heroism buff, and their priests have mana regen spell. draenei gonna rock the house.

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ah yes, because having 80 horde to 20 alliance in a pvp zone was so successful and all

this is what gave us warmode

enjoy playing retail in 2 years when tbc dies kek

Not to mention that, most of the time, in most areas, there are no players.

It’s true in Classic, and it’s even more true in TBC. People will be in major cities, and in instanced content much more than they will be in the world.

Anyone asking for balance is asking for something. But, I don’t know what it is.

No. People who should have rolled on PVE servers, but rolled on PVP servers, and then complained is what gave us Warmode. I won’t play Retail again unless Warmode is removed. I hate is so much. I lived with it but c’mon, let’s be real. Phase 2 taught me that there are a lot of people who have no business rolling on PVP servers only to cry about it, and not do anything for themselves.

Umm. :slight_smile: :+1:

(FWIW, you’ve completely ignored my question, and given no answer. Do you have any idea what it is you’re asking for? Do you have any idea what problem you are trying to solve?)

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an equiv to seal of blood for alliance pallies, most likely.

Meh. Do you think that suddenly Ret Paladins are going to be a major contributor in Raids or PVP?

I like that there’s still some diversity among races in TBC. I also suspect that overall it will be slightly (or more) Alliance heavy (population wise).

Ah yes,

you dislike warmode but think that 80 horde to 20 alliance is somehow quality gameplay. Should people not play FPS games if the servers were 80-20?

I understand that you might not want balanced population; however, to say that you dislike warmode (which is a direct consequence of such server imbalance) is just funny lol.

See you in Shadowlands!

Yes, absolutely. That’s what I rolled Alliance for during Phase 2, and levelled fully during. And personally enjoyed more than almost any other time I’ve ever experienced in WoW.

If I didn’t, I could have rolled on a different server. I also could have rolled PVE.

I never said I don’t want a balanced population. You just failed to provide any sort of explanation as to what that means.

I am not against balance. But, c’mon. We are balanced, at the moment. What exactly is it that you want? And what problem are you trying to solve? And how do you propose to solve that problem?

No you won’t. Because I won’t be there.


I provided you multiple answers. If your IQ is that low that you failed to comprehend what I wrote then that is on you :confused:

See you in SL! Classic population is pretty low RN, kek

well here’s a simplified version:

if most classic tbc players are min-maxxers, hard core raiders or highly competitive pvpers, they will accumulate horde side for the following reasons:

  1. blood elf racials are top notch, particularly seal of blood and arcane torrent,

  2. druids are fantastic in tbc and tauren war stomp is just the edge they need in tbc, so min-maxxer druid choice - tauren druid

  3. everyone tries to ignore it but troll haste is so op its broken

  4. and orcs are great hunters and hunters are amazing in tbc.

add it all up, hard core players gonna roll horde.
but, dwarves and draenei are really really good in tbc. if their pallies had something like seal of blood, they’d be perfect.

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My IQ? You do not even understand what balance means. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that you have no idea who is and isn’t smarter than you.

You (personally) currently have no way to provide data on how balanced servers currently are. You don’t even really have a reasonable idea. You also have no reasons for why it matters.

Bottom line: Who cares? If you are someone who does, you should probably be on a Normal server, not a PVP server.

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During BC, Arcane Torrent wasn’t a top not racial. It was pretty decent for mana for PVE. It wasn’t considered a great PVP racial.

It wasn’t nerfed in Retail until Legion, due to Mythic+ Belf stacking.

Warstomp is an excellent offensive ability for feral druids. Shadowmeld in TBC I believe is still not useable during combat, so maybe not “as” useful, especially for druids who already have a stealth ability, though having a stealth on a separate COD, and being able to start to drink in stealth and get a tick for free isn’t bad. Actually, better than Warstomp for a resto druid in PVP, imo.

Druids already have bash. What does Warstomp add in PVP, really, for a resto druid?

It’s a really good racial, situationally though - you could say the same thing about Dwarf Stoneform, Gnome Escape Artist, etc.

  1. and orcs are great hunters and hunters are amazing in tbc.

Sure. In what context are we talking here? PVP or PVE? Or overall? Is it leveling, soloing, group content, BGs, Arenas, Dungeons, Raids? I feel like there are a lot of factors and they could all make a difference.

In actual TBC, I don’t remember most paladins being deep Retribution, DPS focused Paladins. And, I don’t expect that to be the case in a TBC Classic either.

My Paladin in TBC Classic will be Alliance.