TBC: Sated/Exhaustion

For warriors full world buffs are at least a 70% dps gain.

Considering the zg buff scales and 5% spell crits is 3 pieces of gear right now and melee haste literally exists from rend and a dm enchant that sounds about right for melee. Particularly fury.

what, you think were just gonna go “haha #nochanges!” and just peace out? we dont want any changes because as soon as anyone changes the game for the first time, EVERYONE will want their change in. dont act stupid.


You don’t have to be a leatherworker. Have you ever considered doing something for fun instead of min/maxing at the cost of your own enjoyment?

You’re clearly a casual and cannot stand being forced into things by the meta, so just raid casually (if you raid at all) and do what you want rather than what everyone else has determined to be the best.

But please don’t try to ruin the game for those of us who actually enjoy min/maxing and just want the game we used to love.

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so, based on your own personal experience of needing to take leatherworking in order to provide the essential buff to your raid in a constant amount, you think they should alter the gameplay to prevent this from needing to be done?

I support this change. It’ll open up profession choice on your main and it’ll cut back on power creep. TBC is my favorite point in WoW’s history and I’m 100% open to making it an even better experience.


As somebody who did the content, you have no idea how tightly tuned Sunwell is and your ignorance shows when you post something like this.

I thought they had fixed potion taking in TBC - I stand corrected if they didn’t.

I knew for sure you could talk in form.

If you think your success in Sunwell is tied to 80 Haste rating, I think the problem might be your EXTREME lack of skill, not the difficulty of the content.

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Keep it, I want to see how sweaty the community can get

“LF resto shaman must be full flasked + DRUMS”

That’s not all that sweaty compared to what we have in Classic.

TBC: Flask, Drums of Battle, Mana or Protection Potions, Dark Runes, Golden Fish Sticks, Brilliant Mana Oil

Classic: Flask, Mageblood Potion, Major Troll’s Blood Potion, Elixir of Fortitude, Spirit of Zanza, Spirit of Zandalar, Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer, Songflower Serenade, Moldar’s Moxxie, Slip’kik’s Savvy, Warchief’s Blessing, Nightfin Soup, Dense Dynamite, Goblin Sapper Charge, Brilliant Mana Oil, Dark Runes, Mana/Protection Potions…

And this comment shows ignorance and naivety as to the “why” of #nochanges.

I’d like to see the drums exploit fixed, too. Professions are a significant part of the game, IMO, and there is something very broken about everyone being pressured into leveling the same profession.

But everyone has their list of changes they want, and I don’t know how we can trust these devs to pick the right ones without ruining the game.

There are plenty of people who also want cross-realm LFR/LFD, tokens/cash shop, purchasable character boosts, sharding, transmog, etc., and every one of those people is sure that their changes are perfectly good ones and will have no negative side effects. But for others, adding these features is what ruined retail, and it’s the reason they asked for Classic to begin with, because it doesn’t have those features.

If giving Blizzard the green light to make changes is going to result in other, game-ruining “improvements” being added, I’d rather just live with the original flaws.


We already used Drums back in 2007/2008.
We all used.
We all rolled LW to get that.

We all also rotate shamans for BL (and TBH we used for our physical group (2xrogue, warrior, BM hunter group, which outdpsed warlocks).

This is nothing new and nothing has to be changed. Move on, or move to retail.

No changes.

If you don’t want to do this, then don’t. Plenty of people cleared content in TBC without abusing game mechanics like this.

Nope, no potions in form, I was actually an Alchemist on it and that part was really annoying because if I tried to take a potion as a tank it was really risky as well as trying to use a Nightmare Seed or any of that. Was really annoying.

Along with the fact that Rage potions and Thistle Tea weren’t usable either because of the class restriction and even without the restriction I wouldn’t be able to use them.

Now our Speed disabling along with our PvP 4-set and our roots indoors now THAT was maddening. It felt like we were going so slow can could be heavily abused by others. Could run to a place that was considered indoors and the moment was lost melee range, there wasn’t much of anything we could do about it and couldn’t root them either and even if you managed to catch up, if they have any slow, root, or really any CC at all, it will be short lived.

You must live in an alternate reality where more than 400 guilds WORLDWIDE killed KJ before 3.0

Sunwell is, along with Naxx, one of the least fully cleared raids in wow’s history. The drums cheese is lame and should not be in the game.

There were 10 million people playing at that point as well. Less than 1% cleared Sunwell.

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Unlike world buffs, which basically no one stacked all of for Naxxramas, tons of guilds actually had their whole raid go leatherworking for M’uru.

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No it’s not.

Early content will fall over faster true as this wasn’t really a thing till late BT, but it was a thing for Sunwell so it shouldn’t be a huge suprise.

Wow you left profession changing till well after it was relevant, good for you??

You did it in 3.0 according to your own post which was the massively nerfed version AND you had to prof change to drums. Hard to take a comment about tuning seriously after those admissions.

We were wiping on Mu’ru for 6 weeks until 3.0 hit then we full cleared. I have no idea what you are talking about at all. I said that multiple times in the post. We all swapped to leather working after week 4 of wiping.