TBC: Sated/Exhaustion

#nochanges is a meme.

Sated and exhaustion need to be in TBC. Rotating shaman in raid groups to force feed your locks and then chain drums afterward is even dumber than the world buff meta.

It will trivialize a lot of content because dps will be inflated by “drum circles” and before TBC even hits alpha the player base should be unite and be adamant about this.

As somebody who had a lock that was on Mu’ru when 3.0 hit, and had to go leather working I think we need to demand this change in particular.


Are drums any different than 40 sappers?


Yes because drums don’t just apply to one encounter type. They are a pure and consistent boost in any fight.

And to be honest, you don’t need your entire raid to use sappers on Viscidus.


Drums is just 80 Haste Rating, and it stacks with Bloodlust/Heroism. You don’t use it afterwards, you use it simultaneously. With 4 LWs, you can have 100% uptime on Drums.

Also, it’s far more likely that every group will have a Shaman. The entire raid getting 30% haste for 40 seconds is better than one group getting 30% haste for 200 seconds.

If you aren’t even aware of how these things actually work, I wonder if your judgment of this is really worth considering.

I will say, however, that if Blizzard decides to do changes, they need to just not do TBC, at all. Just make a new expansion. Officially declare we’re in “Classic+”, and develop along a different line entirely. Then you can have your Sated debuff. Until then, why bother releasing TBC if you aren’t going to replicate it accurately?

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Sated for Drums would be a good change. Its far too easy to use overall with the various mods people have today to make sure it would be up the whole fight and even have a back up during prog for people to have it. The lack of overall communication that goes into the rotation beyond what order people hit make me more inclined to want this change than Lust.

Lust atleast takes some communication as people are swapped groups for it and use it at a certain point if that your plan. Then again im not going to die on the hill to save this type of game play either.

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Reducing the number of charges per Drum would be a better change, so you can’t bring as many and maintaining 100% uptime isn’t as feasible.

It’s only ~5% haste, and it takes 4 LWs to maintain 100% uptime. Giving it a 10 minute cooldown would be overkill.

Mmm people would stack drums like any other consumable though The only way this really works out would be to make it a single use and to that end you would probably need to drop the mat cost.

Maybe 5 min CD and it doesnt stack with Lust. I think this is probably the right track though longer CD would make it still an option overall but less valued.

There’s no reason it shouldn’t stack with Bloodlust/Heroism. It’s 80 Haste versus a flat 30% cast increase, and a 5 minute debuff on 80 Haste Rating for 15 seconds is absurd.

Just make it 2 minutes. Same cooldown as the item itself, so you can’t maintain 100% uptime with multiple LWs.

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Just make all consumes not useable in raid. They have the tech, like with arena. Just disable it all. Consumes only for world use. Game fixed.


Its a 30 second buff to your group. Hence the 4 people using it. Cutting the up time in half just means 1:15 up time 45 seconds down before your full group rotation begins again.

This could get even more degenerate with people rotating others in for the drum buffs to keep it going for 100% up time. If you are looking at keeping 2 groups maxed it would not take too much effort to move people around. Yes people are that crazy to do damage for groups.

If you want to make impact you need to make longer CDs.

Honestly all for this.


Gross i like consumes Lets keep all the consumes and add new mechanics to fights to make them harder. If anything i would rather see other professions buffed to have something relevant like drums than drums nerfed.


I agree with Exhaustion just because I don’t want to have to go Leatherworking on all my characters.

We didn’t stack drums and lust back in the day because we only had 3 shaman.

You are right, most guilds will want 5 shaman to trivialize archimonde.

Regardless, asking for sated/exhaustion is hardly asking for an entirely new expansion. The fact that the servers will be larger and layering will exist is far more of a change than a single debuff, so it’s a fallacy to act as if classic doesn’t have changes either.


Having your highest parsing dps get heroism 5 times in an encounter is going to be a lot more beneficial to clear times than just having all 5 groups including tanks and healers get heroism once. The dps boost will be much better by rotating shaman.


And while we are at it, let Feral druids use potions, items, and racials while in feral forms and let them get Chance on Hit procs to work like everyone else.

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Nope. But stop using sound logic. Let people crocodile roll it.

I believe in TBC they can pot and talk in feral forms. I dont think chance on hit works - iirc +15 agi still remains feral bis weapon enchant for both bear and cat.

when it’s used for every raid boss in the game… yea

We did - Brutallus was impossible to kill in early sunwell without lusting our locks and mages on CD with drums.