TBC Netherwhelp Collar not able to be claimed

There’s no way I’m starting over now, I’ve had this character since day 1 on Classic release. I can only hope one day the devs decide to make this change to allow us to use our CE pet even if we don’t use the same account it was registered to 15 some odd years ago.

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Then you don’t get the pet.

Pretty simple, really.

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I don’t agree with this policy so that’s why I’ve created this thread so everyone can voice their opinion and maybe get it changed in time.

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I do.

Don’t like it? Spend $1,200 on a TBC CE.

“Go buy something on Ebay that you already own and paid money for”


Sunday was yesterday, friend.


Translation: “I should be able to go to that restaurant I ate at 15 years ago and get the same meal for free 'cuz reasons.”


It’s a game license, not a meal. Your troll is showing.

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And you only paid for one.


I would love it if they could just transfer the license to my current account.

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That’s a nice idea, but your current account didn’t buy a license and they’re non-transferable.


A policy I’d like to see changed for this reason.

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Wish in one hand, fish in the other, see which one gets full first.

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The GM specifically told me to post in the General Forums if I want to see this changed. What you’re doing is actively contributing nothing but hate.

If you would like to see some changes to make it Battle.net account wide, feel free to submit your suggestion on our community forums here: [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/]

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This is their boilerplate response when they have to tell someone “no” and they’re hoping to still get decent marks on their customer satisfaction survey.

Disagreeing with your suggested change is in no way hateful. Sometimes we just find the truth unpleasant.

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Then it doesnt mean that much to you does it?

I think it’s simple, play on the account flagged as CE if a pet means that much to you. You also had a second chance when tbc re released to move back to that account but chose not to.

Hopefully this happens for you but it sounds like blizzard and the devs for whatever reason couldn’t make that happen. ( the one quote someone linked from a dev above mentions “if” they could figure it out. Guess they didnt. ) I imagine if / when they do figure it out you’ll get your wish, but I wouldn’t hold my breath when devs are telling you to just play that account too. If that CE account was special to you youd have stuck with it over the years like many others have.

When Classic was announced there was no way of knowing if TBC would be reality or what it would entail. The Netherwhelp became BoA, so it wasn’t exactly on the list of things I was worried about at the time because it was available to all my accounts. Now I wish I had chosen my original account to play on Classic.

I’m not the only one with this story. I’m glad you guys stuck with your OG account so you don’t care, but it isn’t very nice to talk down to those of us who made one decision or another over the last 15 years to lead to this point.

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Disagreeing with you is not talking down to you.

Again, sometimes the truth is just unpleasant.


Wow…lots to catch up on. You have every right to disagree with people in this thread as we do with you. Discussion and feedback is important, I believe connecting this to food at a restaurant is apples and oranges. This is an item in my mind we own and should have some sort of control over considering how old it is at this point. We obviously aren’t going to see eye to eye on this and that’s fine.

As for moving game keys I have actually done a bit of research and have had people reach out to me on twitter saying it’s been done for them so this seems to be something that is done on a case by case basis.

The truth is unpleasant, the point of the thread is to maybe see a change to help players in our situation. Ideally we would like to see it made account wide or have a way to move it and I don’t think this is beyond reason in my opinion.

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So, then this isn’t talking down:

My idea of talking down and yours is clearly two different things.