TBC might not be worth it?

I’m keen to, boz. I never pushed past Kara as a casual teen. Medivh and Karazhan is also a soft spot for me in the lore.

Blood Elves :face_vomiting:


Tbc less grindy? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Tbc is vanilla on steroids in a box 1/10th the size with people moving around 3x as fast through the air

Tbc has a very solid group of people rose tinting like vanilla. It made some improvements multiple tier sets per class for example (class tokens literally starts with AQ tokens=vanilla). However I dont think the open world is as good. Overall balance is a wash as well

TBC and WRATH will be very successful too.

Are you kidding? Classic is doing really good, TBC is a win / win for blizzard.

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I think the opposite…TBC will be even bigger than Classic. The viability of a lot of specs is greatly enhanced. You get some cool new spells. Blood Elves and Draenei. Flying is FUN. Great raids, good dungeons. A fair amount of people like Arena. There’s a lot of polish that wasn’t in Classic…and yet it still retained the community aspect (no cross-realm dungeon finder, no crz). Homogenization hadn’t run rampant yet, so class identity is still great.

Personally, I’m in the camp waiting for TBC. I just ask Blizzard to provide at least a couple of brand new servers where everyone starts from scratch.

I’m excited for the release of flying mounts so I can /lol at all of the Horde elitist who think they’re leet gamers by jumping on a single alliance player with 5 of their Horde buddies.

The end of WPVP is a gift from Blizzard.

I want tbc yesterday but I want to clear naxx at least once. I would be cool with skipping aq40 progression to do naxx. Bugs don’t get me excited to raid.

If they do actual patch progression I’m in for TBC.

If they’re releasing nerfed Magtheridon with no cube groups, baron geddon Solarian and nerfed Kael’thas what’s the point?

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I agree with you.

People point to WotLK as a success because it was a high point for subscriptions. But that conclusion isn’t reading the statistics correctly.

In BC subs saw continuous growth. That means more people were joining than quitting.

In Wrath, subs hit a plateau and were maintained at that number. That means for the majority of Wrath, people were quitting at the same rate new players were picking it up.

And I could not agree more about the quality of Wrath content. Wrath was the most hit or miss expansion; either you got turds like ToGC and Naxx or you got ICC/Ulduar levels of success.

Naxx was the most bored I’ve ever been with the game, including when I quit in WoD/MoP. ToGC was an even worse raid timegated to oblivion but Ulduar was so good I didn’t care, just worked on Ulduar hardmodes.

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=( He was actually really hard even after bug fixes before all the big nerfs.

do you see any Warcraft Movie Part 2?

There’s no BC until there’s a Part 2 movie to act as publicity for a few months before the announcement.

The funny thing is wasn’t the high point. The actual sub peak came in early Cata. Q1 2011 I believe.

You’re 100% right about wrath being the plateau. Not only did the quality of the game begin to suffer, but for a huge chunk of players Warcraft 3 is Warcraft. Getting to experience the end of the Arthas was the peak of WoW from a lore prospective for a lot of players, which a big reason why I think people overlook how mediocre it was as an expac.

That and people tend to be nostalgic about when they started wow. I saw a stat in back in MoP I think, that less than 20% of the active playerbase at the time started their accounts pre-WotLK. So the between WotLK and cata miliions of OG’s were driven from the game, leaving mostly wrath babies.



choose one

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What? Do you need English lessons?

personally i wouldn’t want to see TBC till 6 months after naxx at least, but thats just my opinion gives people time to clear AQ 40 and Naxx and be able to get it on farm and enjoy the huge gear…before having to worry about leveling another 10 levels and basically start again with Raid gearing etc.

yes please teach me

Well start with “objectively” and “better” are not mutually exclusive. So I don’t have to choose, you need to go back to grade school


I would assume they’re gunna alternate years. So 2019 was classic, 2020 is SL, and in later summer or fall of 2021 we’ll get BC. But I’m more curious about how the classic-BC transition will be handled



  1. in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.“events should be reported objectively”



of a more excellent or effective type or quality.

you dont have to choose one. it was just a suggestion.