Please stop fixating on the old Classic Server progressing over to BC. And read this part:
^ This is still a Classic Server option. Classic is not ceasing to exist. And those who want to progress their Characters into BC, can still to do so, when the old Classic Server progresses to BC. It’s not complicated.
Which is why it should’ve been available, when Classic launched. These phases give this false interpretation that Classic is some form of “progression” game. It’s not.
Yes. Again, Blood Elves, Draenei, Jewelcrafting, Guild Banks? Where can I access this, in Classic?
But the point of Classic is not to evolve.
No, TBC is World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade. Retail is World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth. They’re all named differently making them different versions of the game. They’re two different games.
That’s not a Character Copy. I want the characters I created in Classic (not Vanilla) over to Retail. Where can I do that?
I’m assuming because they’re different games, and those Private Servers are hosting certain versions/styles of the game. That’s just a guess, though.
No, you’re taking what I’m saying out of context. You’re so fixated on the sentence “the old Classic Server progresses over to BC”, that you completely disregard this point of my post:
I’ll paste it, again, just in case you want to keep cutting this part out:
EDIT: And why progress the old (keyword here) Classic Server host over to BC?